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In six short months.....

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:44 pm
by Red Oak
We went from wondering why no "Dust Ups", to almost nothing but.

Three members; well most likely only two, with one using two name; IMO.


Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:47 pm
by crackertoes
Yep. It's starting to look like the old DD board when that nasty British invasion hit.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:57 pm
by Red Oak
Some of my best friends are Brit Expats; I guess the good ones want out ??

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:25 pm
by ralph
England is full of lefties , anyway the ones I knew from 2 or 3 message boards were lefties . Don't go there anymore as the boards closed down or moved . Anyone know 'harrys afro hut' , anyone know 'deadasdisco' . Then there was 'Londoner in munich' or 'lim' and quite a few others . Extreme lefties , all of them and I hope they like their diversity .

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 6:29 am
by millergrovesue
Most of the "dust ups" are because of intolerance and downright meanness and name calling when some disagree. If the name callers (Red Oak) would keep a civil tongue there would be only disagreements and not arguments. Some seem to be here for no reason but to incite and denigrate. Discussion is the point of a board like this............that's why it's called a discussion board.

Hope everyone has a lovely and peaceful weekend.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 6:39 am
by millergrovesue
In fact, if you go through the history here, the ugliness was started by Red Oak who apparently decided he hated me (only he knows why) and started calling me names about every time I posted. Check it out.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:47 am
by ann jusko
The first thing you learn in nursing school is "All LIFE IS SACRED". I learned it well. I will defend it until it's someone who has taken an innocent human's life with malice. The second thing we learned is that all people have dignity, conscious or unconscious. That one is a lot harder for me. Certainly not difficult when it's a patient, but when it's not........

This is like a family, we can fuss among ourselves, but someone new (like an in-law) comes in and decides "I'm smarter, wiser, more analytical than you" and tries to change the dynamics of the family, (as in the British invasion) it does rile me. BT, Sangersteve, Grandpa, Grouchy, Cee toes, Lisa, Greg, Red Oak, Ralph, etc. are family. Sueinmillergrove is the family member who moves back home, still a family member. We can fuss among ourselves, as families often do. But those in-laws....well it's a lot harder because of the attitudes.

Just my two cents

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:17 am
by Red Oak
My person problem is I have a low tolerance for overbearing,pushy.hypocritical, holier than thou divas, and argumentative nut bars; and I tend to not take their BS without comment.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:19 am
by millergrovesue
My point has been made. Thank you, Red Oak. ;)

I like your family analogy, Ann. Successful families respect each other, listen to each other, and don't have to always be right. My family doesn't argue, we discuss. We were taught, when we were just little kids, not to call each other names. We were taught it's okay for someone else to have a different point of view and that the world would be a boring place if we all agreed. We were also taught to defend ourselves when attacked by school yard bullies.

Successful families also welcome new members including in laws and treat them kindly because they are loved by someone and are there for a reason. Attacking in laws as soon as they walk in the front door, calling them liars, and picking fights with them, refusing to even call them by their own names, does not make for a pleasant situation and immediately puts the new comers on the defensive. Abuse is a great way to dismember a family. Ultimately the whole family pays for each hostile member.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:47 am
by Castle Doctrine
Red Oak wrote:We went from wondering why no "Dust Ups", to almost nothing but.

Three members; well most likely only two, with one using two name; IMO.


Your accusation is totally unfounded and as such is most definitely NOT "most likely"...regardless of your opinion. If you want to attempt to build a case for your opinion (not required but somewhat traditional) please do so...I WANT to hear it.

You know what is really funny? I had decided to stop posting here a couple of days ago...the night all this crap about me and Mayhem being the same person started...The little troll GfB started it I believe. He certainly went nuts about it that night. He has a low tolerance for disagreement. Anyway, that was what changed my mind about leaving. One should never even create the appearance that they have been bullied into leaving a place...even one they had decided to leave.

So, anyone seriously bothered by my continued presence here should make it a point to send GfB a little thank you note.

One other thing, I fail to understand why you put such a high value on everyone agreeing. Is this not an open discussion forum? Don't such places exist to facilitate the examination and exchange of diverse ideas?

If that isn't what the membership wants this site to be perhaps they should take it private. It sounds like some of you think it is already. At a minimum, some sort of disclaimer is probably in, "Conservative Discussion Group - Other view points not welcome." Just a little heads up so the random surfer won't think they can stroll in and speak their mind. Honestly, I would never have started posting here if there had been that kind of disclaimer. But, there wasn't so now I am here.

But, I swear to you (on whatever makes you feel confident) that I am not Mayhem and Mayhem is not me. Just compare our posts. We do not write the same way. We do not use language the same way. We just share similar philosophies. Lot's of people do, you know. Frankly, I just can't believe anyone familiar with the English language would attribute these posts to the same person. No offense, Mayhem, but I feel I am a bit more polished than you are...or, at least, I am much more formal in my composition.

Anyway, just wanted to share that with you guys. Have a GREAT weekend.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:48 pm
by millergrovesue
I'm glad you're here, Castle. And I'm glad mayhem is here. All the "yes I hate them/that too and America's going to hell", when the subject was anything political, was getting way past old. Like a guy talking to himself in the mirror. Fresh opinions and outlooks are a good thing always.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:00 pm
by Kiamichi
Castle Doctrine wrote:
Red Oak wrote:We went from wondering why no "Dust Ups", to almost nothing but.

Three members; well most likely only two, with one using two name; IMO.


Your accusation is totally unfounded and as such is most definitely NOT "most likely"...regardless of your opinion. If you want to attempt to build a case for your opinion (not required but somewhat traditional) please do so...I WANT to hear it.

You know what is really funny? I had decided to stop posting here a couple of days ago...the night all this crap about me and Mayhem being the same person started...The little troll GfB started it I believe. He certainly went nuts about it that night. He has a low tolerance for disagreement. Anyway, that was what changed my mind about leaving. One should never even create the appearance that they have been bullied into leaving a place...even one they had decided to leave.

So, anyone seriously bothered by my continued presence here should make it a point to send GfB a little thank you note.

One other thing, I fail to understand why you put such a high value on everyone agreeing. Is this not an open discussion forum? Don't such places exist to facilitate the examination and exchange of diverse ideas?

If that isn't what the membership wants this site to be perhaps they should take it private. It sounds like some of you think it is already. At a minimum, some sort of disclaimer is probably in, "Conservative Discussion Group - Other view points not welcome." Just a little heads up so the random surfer won't think they can stroll in and speak their mind. Honestly, I would never have started posting here if there had been that kind of disclaimer. But, there wasn't so now I am here.

But, I swear to you (on whatever makes you feel confident) that I am not Mayhem and Mayhem is not me. Just compare our posts. We do not write the same way. We do not use language the same way. We just share similar philosophies. Lot's of people do, you know. Frankly, I just can't believe anyone familiar with the English language would attribute these posts to the same person. No offense, Mayhem, but I feel I am a bit more polished than you are...or, at least, I am much more formal in my composition.

Anyway, just wanted to share that with you guys. Have a GREAT weekend.
I don't have a clue as to who you are, your posts don't set off any bells with me. Everything about Mayhem's style and subject matter, however, indicates he is the poster from the old board known there as Hydrogen Hydroxide.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:00 pm
by Zelda
crackertoes wrote:Yep. It's starting to look like the old DD board when that nasty British invasion hit.


Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:07 pm
by Red Oak
Zelda, as a resident mean old redneck, I will say that you as nice a person as has visited this board :)

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:58 pm
by mayhem
crackertoes wrote:Yep. It's starting to look like the old DD board when that nasty British invasion hit.

Please, please ... some of us are being compared with a 'nasty' invasion of Brits. Inconceivable!!

Can anything come close to being nastier than comparing law-abiding citizens who are taking care of themselves
(or for that matter criminals who steal and rob but don't harm persons) with ISIS???

Can anyone imagine anything nastier than that?

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:27 pm
by glenn/dallas
There is always "IGNORE" Click on the persons name you dont want to read, on the member list, then click on add a foe, thats it, so I am told. Have not done it myself, just read about it on here today.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:30 pm
by Red Oak
And it works great Glen.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:00 pm
by mayhem
Red Oak wrote:My person problem is I have a low tolerance for overbearing,pushy.hypocritical, holier than thou divas, and argumentative nut bars; and I tend to not take their BS without comment.

Cannot be certain, but Road Ope may be trying to finger me.

I have a low tolerance for the same and have found Road Ope overbearing, pushy, hypocritical, holier than everybody, and argumentative.

The difference between us is: mostly hilarious with a few repellant notes -- I'm kinda getting used to his mouth (not that I love it), but he has lot of promise.
He might become the adventitious root.

Don't mean that to sound mean. I simply have reacted with some heat ... esp toward Road Ope. (And I think that's the last time I'll refer to him as such) and
that is kinda, sorta fun.

I really would like to know, if he does, how he fingers me as hypocritical and holier than everybody and maybe even pushy.

Is that sorta kinda like bein' uppity??? I am uppity. But I am not one person who contributes his wisdom under two handles.
Yeah, I know. Denial tends to bring down all sorts of ridicule, but ... water off a duck's back.

This is a tall drink of water, signing off.

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:02 pm
by Red Oak
Even waterhead proof !

Re: In six short months.....

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 6:10 pm
by mayhem
Nothing is.