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What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:15 am
by Castle Doctrine
In a recent thread, I claimed that a number of the posts were racist and said the posters should just be honest about it...I always am. In response I was told I was using racist and racism all wrong and 90% of people do likewise. So I suggested then we do this...and now I am initiating it.

So, what is racism and what is racist behavior? You tell me. I think we all know what we mean when we use those terms. So, tell me what that is. I'm not interested in textbook definitions (but I bet I see at least one) but your personal understanding of the terms. I'm not interested in political considerations except as they relate to your understanding. I certainly don't want a bunch of PC stuff. Just honest feedback. I won't even comment on the responses unless specifically addressed.

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:46 am
by millergrovesue
To me racism is treating or talking about a person or a group negatively/derogatorily based on skin color or nationality. Pretty simple.

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:10 am
by ralph
I'd like to see a LEGAL definition of racism first and then would like to see where that Specific type racism is illegal in the USA . Otherwise , looks like another OPINION thread to me .

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:25 am
by ralph
SO , where is that American legal definition of ebil 'Racism' 'ladies' / gents . Course , its gotta be USA laws legal definition !! I'd like to see it please :D !!

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:50 am
by millergrovesue
Uh, this is an opinion thread. Did you read the second paragraph?

Are you feeling especially argumentative today, Ralph? Think about the UP. Perhaps it will cool you off. :)

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:05 pm
by ralph
oh so just OPINION :D ehh Sue , well I thought so !! Just so everyone knows , racism in the USA has no legal definition as far as I am aware though the younger people in the USA will probably have RACISM laws placed on them sometime in the future .

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:54 pm
by planosteve
Race is not a scienfic concept. It is just a kind of fuzzy social concept that really doesn't have an exact definition.

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 1:51 pm
by ralph
growing up we had racial types or classifications taught in school through the 60s , early 70s . There was Negroid , Mongoloid , Caucasoid and maybe one or 2 more but I forget . I'm sure that these terms have fallen out of favor due to 'pc' Steve but that's not because its a fuzzy concept of research IMO .

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 1:59 pm
by ralph
and Austrauloid [sp] and maybe Pygmy . --- ... races.html --- just what we learned in school .

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 2:06 pm
by ralph
and the thing with this racism deal is that as kids we were taught that thoughts or words were not a problem concerning races . Course we were also taught to be polite and to not hurt people feelings by calling them names . We were also taught that name calling can not hurt you or me . We were also taught that beating or violence towards a different type person because they were a different type person was against the law !!

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:11 pm
by millergrovesue
ralph wrote:and the thing with this racism deal is that as kids we were taught that thoughts or words were not a problem concerning races . Course we were also taught to be polite and to not hurt people feelings by calling them names . We were also taught that name calling can not hurt you or me . We were also taught that beating or violence towards a different type person because they were a different type person was against the law !!

Fortunately we've learned a lot and have come a long way since you and I went to school. Thoughts and words are a problem and name calling is just plain mean............and it does hurt. There was a lot of denial and insensitivity in the "good ol days". I'm not saying some things haven't gone too far but erring (if that's what one wants to call it) on the side of respect, kindness, and civility is always a good thing.

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:18 pm
by ralph
millergrovesue wrote:
ralph wrote:and the thing with this racism deal is that as kids we were taught that thoughts or words were not a problem concerning races . Course we were also taught to be polite and to not hurt people feelings by calling them names . We were also taught that name calling can not hurt you or me . We were also taught that beating or violence towards a different type person because they were a different type person was against the law !!

Fortunately we've learned a lot and have come a long way since you and I went to school. Thoughts and words are a problem and name calling is just plain mean............and it does hurt. There was a lot of denial and insensitivity in the "good ol days". I'm not saying some things haven't gone too far but erring (if that's what one wants to call it) on the side of respect, kindness, and civility is always a good thing.

as I have stressed , whats illegal . I certainly don't want laws made on what hurts wittle 'feelings' and emotions , makes someone cry Sue !! Libs keep making little girls of themselves , their kids and most importantly their boys that will grow up to be 'wittle' sensitive , submissive girly men Sue . OK with me , boys from macho cultures where they have experienced reality in life will kick the he11 out of these feminized wittle American boys .

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:24 pm
by BillB
ralph wrote:
millergrovesue wrote:
ralph wrote:and the thing with this racism deal is that as kids we were taught that thoughts or words were not a problem concerning races . Course we were also taught to be polite and to not hurt people feelings by calling them names . We were also taught that name calling can not hurt you or me . We were also taught that beating or violence towards a different type person because they were a different type person was against the law !!

Fortunately we've learned a lot and have come a long way since you and I went to school. Thoughts and words are a problem and name calling is just plain mean............and it does hurt. There was a lot of denial and insensitivity in the "good ol days". I'm not saying some things haven't gone too far but erring (if that's what one wants to call it) on the side of respect, kindness, and civility is always a good thing.

as I have stressed , whats illegal . I certainly don't want laws made on what hurts wittle 'feelings' and emotions , makes someone cry Sue !! Libs keep making little girls of themselves , their kids and most importantly their boys that will grow up to be 'wittle' sensitive , submissive girly men Sue . OK with me , boys from macho cultures where they have experienced reality in life will kick the he11 out of these feminized wittle American boys .

Racism is not illegal any more than stupidity is illegal and there is no legal definition of either.
There are racial discrimination laws and hate crime laws, which could snare a person who happened to be a racist.

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:45 pm
by ralph
yeah , Billb , there are fairly new booby traps out there !!

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:17 pm
by Mark
Castle Doctrine wrote:In a recent thread, I claimed that a number of the posts were racist and said the posters should just be honest about it...

In 99% of cases, the accusation of "racism" is nothing more than a tactic used by Leftists that can't win arguments on facts and logic.

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:50 pm
by BigTex
Racism is whatever we tell you crackers that it is, and you got nothing to say about it so sit your white ass down and STFU.

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 4:54 pm
by ralph
aw haw , Yep , seems like that . I like the guilty liberal dummies that agree with that line of emotional reasoning B.T. .

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:25 pm
by GFB
BigTex wrote:Racism is whatever we tell you crackers that it is, and you got nothing to say about it so sit your white ass down and STFU.

Nailed it

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:08 am
by millergrovesue
Mark wrote:
Castle Doctrine wrote:In a recent thread, I claimed that a number of the posts were racist and said the posters should just be honest about it...

In 99% of cases, the accusation of "racism" is nothing more than a tactic used by Leftists that can't win arguments on facts and logic.

You still live in Sulphur Springs right, Mark? We have seen more racism in the time we've lived here, northeast Texas, than we ever saw between 1964 and 1986 (when we moved here).

Re: What Is Racism

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:43 am
by grouchy
Nigger, whitey, spic, wetback,guinea, wop, slanteye, slopehead, raghead are examples, imo.