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No proof of left wing media bias

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 9:06 am
by Sangersteve
On one hand NBCUniversal is telling us it is serious about news objectivity, while on the other hand, and mostly under the radar, NBC is funneling an astonishing $400 million in capital into two of the most extreme left-wing news outlets in America: BuzzFeed and Vox.

One need only watch 10 minutes of MSNBC to understand that NBC News is an extremist organization in favor of open borders, partial birth abortion, the government setting CEO pay, and destroying people’s lives through the pushing of the Climate Change hoax. Unfortunately for NBC, though, the MSNBC experiment only resulted in a ratings catastrophe. To right the ship, NBC is promising that MSNBC will be moving from opinion news to straight news.

We’ll see.

Regardless, even if MSNBC has to attempt to pose as objective, that makes the network a less powerful weapon when it comes to advancing the company’s number one goal, which is to keep a Republican out of the White House.

What to do?

What to do?

Well, when you are a big, fat, left-wing multinational making billions of free dollars though the bilking of working and middle class-Americans, you can do anything you want.

It makes perfect sense, then, for NBC to pour hundreds of millions of dollars into further-weaponizing BuzzFeed and Vox — two hard-left news outlets built to protect and grow the federal government and the Democrats who share that goal.

Re: No proof of left wing media bias

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:33 am
by Castle Doctrine
This would appear to be a quote from somewhere. It sounds a lot like or, neither of which are exactly bastions of journalistic objectivity or integrity. The truth is that the media has chosen up sides. It doesn't bother you a bit when they are on your doubt it leaves you feeling all warm and fuzzy and validated that a big important entity shares your particular bent. But, the other side of the coin you have the unmitigated gall to complain about as if it was the only biased reporting in the media.

The media really has no political bias beyond what is needed to maximize their profits. All sides manipulate the actual stories for just this purpose. From this perspective, FOX is very admirable for their long as you remember, they are making money not informing you. As for your claim that the leftie media is doing all these terrible things, equine feces! they are simply presenting a spin you disagree with. But, one of the tenets of Conservative PC is that you must hate and vilify ANYONE who doesn't except the Party Line 100%...and there you go.

So, where did you get this drivel...SS (sorry I don't know how to do lightning bolts).

Re: No proof of left wing media bias

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 11:42 am
by Red Oak
Troll Farts again ?

Re: No proof of left wing media bias

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 1:03 pm
by Castle Doctrine
Red Oak wrote:Troll Farts again ?

First, let me thank you for taking the time to respond. However, it seems tasteless to complain about your gas problem on a public forum. Just take some gas-x and stop trolling. That ought to fix you right up...and we will never have to hear from you again. Yeah, I like that.

Re: No proof of left wing media bias

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 2:40 pm
by millergrovesue
But..... but......... Fox News says they are fair and balanced so it must be true. ;)