Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

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Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Sangersteve » Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:55 pm

Read an op/ed this morning about how all lives matter equals a racist statement. The author explained in detail how BLM is a movement that is necessary to stop cops from killing black people, and all lives matter is trying to take away the focus from BLM. So therefore it's racist.

Not once in the op/ed was it mentioned that 99.999% of all blacks killed by police was because of the "victim" was aggressive toward police or in the commission of a crime.

Never mentioned that the highest rate of homicide by percentage is black on black.

Didn't say anything about BLM not protesting about black on black murder.

Nope nothing about a 9 year old black girl being killed by a drive by shooter.

Forgot to mention that planned parenthood is the largest murderer of black people.

So do black lives matter to the BLM movement? It doesn't appear to.

What matters to BLM is that they continue to riot, loot, and burn, all based on a lie of hands up don't shoot and a I can't breathe fallacy.

So another George Soros funded moral outrage is nothing more than a movement by race baiters to divide us based on race.
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby ralph » Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:59 pm

'blm' is crazy and it has young followers of all races and that annoys me . I agree that 'ALL Lives' matter but most victims that 'blm' highlights seem to be criminal and they are generally black , quite often gang or regular criminals . Just today 3 black criminals were indicted for rape and murder of a young 16 year old black girl in Baltimore Maryland . --- ... -teen.html --- just a general comment !!

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby jellowrestling » Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:29 pm

ralph wrote:'blm' is crazy and it has young followers of all races and that annoys me . I agree that 'ALL Lives' matter but most victims that 'blm' highlights seem to be criminal and they are generally black , quite often gang or regular criminals . Just today 3 black criminals were indicted for rape and murder of a young 16 year old black girl in Baltimore Maryland . --- ... -teen.html --- just a general comment !!

The innocent Black lives don't matter. Only the lives of Black criminals who attack police matter. That's the message I get from "Black Lives Matter".

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Jami » Tue Aug 25, 2015 9:29 pm

jellowrestling wrote:
ralph wrote:'blm' is crazy and it has young followers of all races and that annoys me . I agree that 'ALL Lives' matter but most victims that 'blm' highlights seem to be criminal and they are generally black , quite often gang or regular criminals . Just today 3 black criminals were indicted for rape and murder of a young 16 year old black girl in Baltimore Maryland . --- ... -teen.html --- just a general comment !!

The innocent Black lives don't matter. Only the lives of Black criminals who attack police matter. That's the message I get from "Black Lives Matter".


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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:03 pm

Sangersteve wrote:Read an op/ed this morning about how all lives matter equals a racist statement. The author explained in detail how BLM is a movement that is necessary to stop cops from killing black people, and all lives matter is trying to take away the focus from BLM. So therefore it's racist.

Not once in the op/ed was it mentioned that 99.999% of all blacks killed by police was because of the "victim" was aggressive toward police or in the commission of a crime.

Never mentioned that the highest rate of homicide by percentage is black on black.

Didn't say anything about BLM not protesting about black on black murder.

Nope nothing about a 9 year old black girl being killed by a drive by shooter.

Forgot to mention that planned parenthood is the largest murderer of black people.

So do black lives matter to the BLM movement? It doesn't appear to.

What matters to BLM is that they continue to riot, loot, and burn, all based on a lie of hands up don't shoot and a I can't breathe fallacy.

So another George Soros funded moral outrage is nothing more than a movement by race baiters to divide us based on race.

I've read this post over and over. It is so wrong it defies belief. Had the same statements not began to come from police I might have left it alone totally. But, I thought about the old saw about all evil needs to triumph is for good people to remain silent (or inactive or whatever). So, I have to comment.

First, I don't agree with the op-ed totally but, I do pretty much totally disagree with you...mostly because you demonstrate NO understanding of your topic. Your first problem seems to be you have no idea of WHAT BLM is. Let me run over that for you. BLM is an essentially social media based "movement" focused on stopping institutional violence and discrimination against Black people and communities...that is it. They want cops to stop killing them first and justifying it later and for the State to hold officers who do kill blacks or do violence to black communities accountable. I'm not even sure they have a formal mission statement but anyone caring to understand the movement can reach this conclusion by researching the founders and reading their statements.

BLM only has a very minor brick and mortar presence. It does not consist of "organized" chapters or units as we know them. Most action on the local level has been entirely local in origin and objective. Essentially, anyone can claim to represent BLM. The high profile cases like Sanders were totally local. So, to say that "they" have some agenda beyond that stated is just nonsense...there is no "they". They are non-violent and peaceful from all I can see.

But what is important is their objective. They are specifically focused on institutional violence and discrimination against the black population and black communities. This seems to be what bothers folks like you the most. Their name doesn't effectively reflect their objective so you can intentionally misunderstand and dismiss it. You can claim their NAME means something it doesn't. So, given the ACTUALLY purpose of the movement, most of your complaints amount to nonsense regarding black on black violence and such. It is like complaining because the Komen Foundation doesn't care about prostate cancer...silly and indefensible.

Now, some other your first.
Not once in the op/ed was it mentioned that 99.999% of all blacks killed by police was because of the "victim" was aggressive toward police or in the commission of a crime.

That is probably because there is no proof of that. There isn't even a way to determine that figure. We do not know with any certainty how many civilians are killed annually by police because there is no requirement to report these killings and no clearing house for the data if it was submitted. All we have is partial reports and studies and statistically projections. As far as the circumstances of these killings I'm sure the vast majority were written up under the rules that best protected the officer. But, we cannot really know. What we do know is that the last year of abuses now casts the testimony of all involved officers in doubt. You are taking what you want to be true and pretending it is a fact. It isn't even a defensible opinion.

Next we have this distraction.
Forgot to mention that planned parenthood is the largest murderer of black people.

Even if it is true (and I do not accept your noise about Sanger as having any meaning or relevance today), SO WHAT. No one at PPA shot anyone then got off scot free while the victim was vilified. Can you just not stay on topic.

Then we have this bit of slander (and I mean that literally).
What matters to BLM is that they continue to riot, loot, and burn, all based on a lie of hands up don't shoot and a I can't breathe fallacy.

There is no evidence that BLM has been in any way responsible for violence at any event. You are failing to distinguish between protests and riots by lumping all blacks together as rioters and looters. That just isn't true. Brown didn't have his hands up...but he doesn't appear to have been doing anything meriting killing either. Can't breathe isn't a is a fact and the victim DIED. It is all based on years of systemic abuse by authorities ranging from simple harassment that we never face to death (which is 7 times more likely for them than us).

It is strange that Brown's death really brought this whole thing into focus. Brown had no record but he appears to have stolen some cigars and had an altercation with Wilson later. He is not the perfect case for the movement. Or, maybe he was. He should have been arrested and charged not killed. I don't know. But, it galvanized the BLM movement like nothing before galvanized the black community. Personally, I feel the response to the protests had more to do with energizing the movement than Brown's death. The "Army of Occupation" approach was just pouring fuel on a burning fire. It not only outraged the people on the receiving end but many of those watching. I recalled scenes from Soviet occupied Eastern Europe as I watched that nightmare of totalitarianism. I can certainly see how it could have been the last straw for many people.

And finally, the reference to Soros is completely meaningless. It is people like you, SIR, who are excavating the racial divide in this country by your oh so clever misunderstandings and refusal to admit the truth about Blue on Black crime in this country.

Have a nice day, Sir.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:09 pm

BLM is a Commie organization using ignorant Black street thugs as stooges.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby GFB » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:11 pm

Red Oak wrote:BLM is a Commie organization using ignorant Black street thugs as stooges.

Ramblers please take can say it in one sentence.

Self indulgent posting will just make people move on to the next post.
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Red Oak » Thu Sep 10, 2015 6:30 pm

Nine Bikers were shot dead in Waco, and to my knowledge not one store was looted or one LEO killed in retaliation.
177 were arrested.

And the Bikers involved were some mean MoFos.

Contrast this with the BLM riots and murders.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby John in Plano » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:48 am

CD...I didn't quoted to save space and frankly I like to boil down to brass tacks so this particular phrase bothers me, so I ask.

institutional violence

Please give the resources/links that I can peruse that shows this exists with in the law enforcement agencies of this country in 2000 - 2014 ?

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Sangersteve » Fri Sep 11, 2015 8:56 am

BLM is an essentially social media based "movement" focused on stopping institutional violence and discrimination against Black people and communities...that is it.

Wrong, because there is no institutional violence or discrimination.

BLM chants "What do we want? Dead police" "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon"

How does that do anything except inflame, does it reduce crime?

Why do they loot and burn down buildings? Does that promote better neighborhoods?
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Castle Doctrine » Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:03 am

John in Plano wrote:CD...I didn't quoted to save space and frankly I like to boil down to brass tacks so this particular phrase bothers me, so I ask.

institutional violence

Please give the resources/links that I can peruse that shows this exists with in the law enforcement agencies of this country in 2000 - 2014 ?


Sure, I will be glad to do that. I am about to run up to Denver so it will be later. I'll stay with main stream sources and government reports (DOJ finding from places like Ferguson and Baltimore). There is a lot of anecdotal evidence but I suspect we both know that proves very little.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Castle Doctrine » Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:21 am

Sangersteve wrote:
BLM is an essentially social media based "movement" focused on stopping institutional violence and discrimination against Black people and communities...that is it.

Wrong, because there is no institutional violence or discrimination.

BLM chants "What do we want? Dead police" "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon"

How does that do anything except inflame, does it reduce crime?

Why do they loot and burn down buildings? Does that promote better neighborhoods?

Not wrong because there is...we are about 1/7th as likely to encounter it but it is there. You can watch videos of it all day on YouTube. DOJ finds it regularly when investigating police shootings. And I DO NOT care that you don't like "Obama's" DOJ. It actually belongs to all of us and serves us all...probably the least political of all the Fed.

You have one example and you paint the whole movement with it. What arrogant idiocy. As I explained to you, SIR, it is a social movement that exists largely in the social media. There is no "they" from an organizational level. Everything it does is locally focused and generally spontaneous. Your cite of that chant neither proves nor demonstrates ANYTHING about the movement except that the members are fed up with being abused (unto death) by police while the local government looks the other way as a matter of institutional practice.

And, as I also explained, SIR, "they" don't loot and destroy. You continue to be unable to distinguish between legitimate, well-founded protests and riots. You are totally eaten up with the extreme Right view that if it "hasn't happened to I don't believe it and I don't care even if it is true because it WON"T happen to me".

You know, they really aren't focused on crime generally. They are only concerned about POLICE crimes committed against the Black populace and community that are allowed to go unpunished regardless of the circumstances. I for one am glad they are fighting that fight. Our community has yet to realize that it is a fight we should all be supporting. The next life taken needless by a cop could be your. Now wouldn't THAT be a shame for you. I'll bet it would shake your faith in the police. But, you know, your friends will immediately start to see how it was really your fault...just like Brown or Rice, Sir.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby GFB » Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:26 am

The only thing close to racism that "institutionalized" the rampant, universally prevalent racism that exists amongst black people towards whites.
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Castle Doctrine » Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:51 am

GFB wrote:The only thing close to racism that "institutionalized" the rampant, universally prevalent racism that exists amongst black people towards whites.

I think it is sad that you lie to yourself but it is a symptom of one of the Right's major problems...denial.

I understand that you BELIEVE all the things you have been told and that reflects in your is just that what you believe is not TRUE. But, you cite it as a matter of faith, I suspect.

Tell you what, how about some LEGIT references or links that establish a basis for your belief? Think you could do that? Or would that be too much trouble for dealing with a "lefty loon" ?

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby GFB » Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:53 am

Castle Doctrine wrote:
GFB wrote:The only thing close to racism that "institutionalized" the rampant, universally prevalent racism that exists amongst black people towards whites.

I think it is sad that you lie to yourself but it is a symptom of one of the Right's major problems...denial.

I understand that you BELIEVE all the things you have been told and that reflects in your is just that what you believe is not TRUE. But, you cite it as a matter of faith, I suspect.

Tell you what, how about some LEGIT references or links that establish a basis for your belief? Think you could do that? Or would that be too much trouble for dealing with a "lefty loon" ?

I've never been told what I just're the one lying.

I posted what I have witnessed all of my adult life..and it has gotten worse and worse.
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby GFB » Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:57 am

Here is a person that agrees with me.

He feels he can say it..because he's black.

I'm not hampered by the fears white liberals have.

And I don't live in an Ivory Tower that is white white white. ... es&f=false
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby GFB » Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:01 am

Anyone that is around a wide variety of ethnicities and races..knows that, when you look at society as a whole, blacks are far more racist than whites.
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby John in Plano » Fri Sep 11, 2015 11:42 am

Castle Doctrine wrote:
John in Plano wrote:CD...I didn't quoted to save space and frankly I like to boil down to brass tacks so this particular phrase bothers me, so I ask.

institutional violence

Please give the resources/links that I can peruse that shows this exists with in the law enforcement agencies of this country in 2000 - 2014 ?


Sure, I will be glad to do that. I am about to run up to Denver so it will be later. I'll stay with main stream sources and government reports (DOJ finding from places like Ferguson and Baltimore). There is a lot of anecdotal evidence but I suspect we both know that proves very little.


Ferguson and Baltimore represent a very small cross section of this country, it'll be interesting how the DOJ/gov correlates them with other cities/area.
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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby crocmommy » Fri Sep 11, 2015 2:09 pm

Ok....NO WAY do I have the time to read all this thread. But I ran across this story yesterday. Normally I feel that the black victims are doing something to deserve the treatment they're getting. But this story has made me think twice (partial from New York Times)

A New York Police Department officer was stripped of his gun and badge as Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner William J. Bratton issued swift apologies on Thursday for the rough arrest of James Blake, the retired tennis star, after he was misidentified as a suspect in a fraudulent credit card ring.

Criticism swirled over whether Mr. Blake had been mistreated because he was biracial. But it was Mr. Bratton’s acknowledgment that excessive force may have been used when an officer threw him to the ground that put a renewed national focus on the everyday arrest tactics long criticized by members of minority groups. The officers failed to report the mistaken arrest, as they were required to do, raising the possibility that it would not have come to light had Mr. Blake not spoken out.

James Blake at the United States Open in 2013.James Blake, Retired Tennis Pro, Says Police Pushed Him Down; Inquiry Is OpenedSEPT. 9, 2015
video James Blake Calls for Police ApologySEPT. 10, 2015
Mayor Bill de Blasio said he called the tennis star James Blake on Thursday to apologize for his brief arrest in Manhattan.Arrest of James Blake Highlights Policing Challenges for de BlasioSEPT. 10, 2015
Police Commissioner William J. Bratton said he wanted “to extend a personal apology’’ to James Blake after his mistaken arrest on Wednesday. video Bratton on Arrest of James BlakeSEPT. 10, 2015
The incongruity of a Harvard-educated professional athlete being manhandled by six white plainclothes officers on a sidewalk in Midtown Manhattan quickly became an embarrassment for the Police Department and a headache for Mr. de Blasio, exposing the kind of unprovoked aggression that he and elected leaders across the country have sought to stamp out.

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Re: Do black lives matter to black lives matter?

Postby Red Oak » Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:50 pm

Mistakes happen even to WP, and they should be addressed accordingly.

Just like the SC Poleeceman that shot a suspect in the back a few months ago; he is locked up on a murder charge.

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