He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

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He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby Sangersteve » Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:17 pm

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby millergrovesue » Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:42 pm

Scary to contemplate how many people may share her attitude. Why anyone would choose to join the police force mystifies me.
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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby ralph » Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:52 pm

its generally a good job for MOST police with lots of good benefits , course , it can be dangerous for some . This woman is crazy , part of the 'criminal' subculture in the USA Sue .

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby ralph » Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:03 pm

and when I say crazy , I don't mean sick / crazy in a clinical sense . Her craziness is just part of her criminal class .

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby Castle Doctrine » Tue Aug 25, 2015 8:45 pm

millergrovesue wrote:Scary to contemplate how many people may share her attitude. Why anyone would choose to join the police force mystifies me.

As disturbing as her statements are I believe focusing on them is misleading. Her hostility toward police is just a symptom of the problem. We need to ask ourselves WHY this woman (and so many others) would feel this way. Something has caused this attitude to develop in the minority communities of America...and it isn't just that they are a "criminal" culture.

Look at the stats, these communities have an entirely different relationship with the police than any you or I have ever been immersed in. Personally, I think the police are primarily responsible for this situation...they have all the power and almost always get a pass for even the most terrible of conduct. This all originates with the War on Drugs and the compromise of all our rights (for our own good, of course)...although for Blacks it may seem as if they just went from Jim Crow to Jim Crow being called the War on Drugs.

The question to be ask here, the issue that requires resolution, is why do people feel this way and what can be done to heal the breach between such communities and the people SWORN to protect and serve them. Just bringing the LEO establishment under control won't fix it but it is a start. Within the communities, police have a lot of work to do. They have been burning bridges at least since 1968.

As for why anyone would want to be a cop...I have no idea. It is a personal decision driven by different forces for each person. I could as easily ask why anyone would join the military...or chose it as a career. I think it comes down ultimately to the job needing to be done and certain people feeling that they are the best to do it (or, perhaps, no one else is doing it so they will).

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby John in Plano » Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:13 am

ralph wrote:and when I say crazy , I don't mean sick / crazy in a clinical sense . Her craziness is just part of her criminal class .


Don't matter where she lives, the local police will have a problem person in their area.
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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby ann jusko » Wed Aug 26, 2015 8:54 am

Actually, I think it boils down to moral decay. The liberals seem to have the inside track on that.

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby millergrovesue » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:06 am

Distrust of the police has been around a very long time in minority communities. I think the attitude of the police and society in general started it. The general belief that black lives are less important is historic reality. I think it's going to take a very long time to fix this issue. Yeah, the woman interviewed is an extreme example but that's why her video is being passed around, isn't it? Isn't news worthy if it doesn't titillate and inflame. :?
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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby Red Oak » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:39 am

What if we gave predominately black areas self rule, similar to Indian reservations.

Within that area or Nation to use a term from Indian reservations , let them them govern themselves as they see fit.

Black Cops, Judges, Teachers, etc.

Would that make them happy to be shed of Whitey ?

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby GFB » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:50 am

Pretty much what we have.
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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby ralph » Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:58 am

if going to do that , well , why not split the country into zones like many separatists want anyway . Many people would like separation of the USA into 2 - 3 or more states or zones . Conservative , liberal , black , white , yada , yada .

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby ralph » Wed Aug 26, 2015 10:03 am

and the problem is going to get bigger , heck , 30 - 40 years with no border control and Americans saying build the wall and deport them ALL . People of all races but those from south of the border especially are going to take that pretty personally imo !!

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby jellowrestling » Thu Aug 27, 2015 1:16 am

ralph wrote:if going to do that , well , why not split the country into zones like many separatists want anyway . Many people would like separation of the USA into 2 - 3 or more states or zones . Conservative , liberal , black , white , yada , yada .

I don't care about color, but I call "dibs" on "Conservative" for Texas.

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby ralph » Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:55 am

right on , color or race doesn't matter to me J.W. . All I look for are other Americans and that's mostly an AMERICAN attitude that I determine .

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Aug 27, 2015 8:59 pm

Self-rule? Divide up the US into politically determined zones? You people are over thinking this...and making the Founder's roll over in their graves.

I have a novel idea. We have never tried it before but everything is in place...legal, administrative and the like. So, here it is. How about we treat everybody equally rather than criminalizing them based on race and/or socio-economic status. We compel the police to observe EVERYONE'S rights. We apply the same laws to police and civilians. And we hold the police and the community accountable for their actions.

I mean, everything is in place. Why not use it. All we would have to do is dial the police back to Guardian from Warrior. Probably be some churn in that workforce. Everything should follow then. It will be a novel experiment at worst and fix things at best.

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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby GFB » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:10 pm

Right..treat everyone equally.

No more babying minorities.

No more affirmative action..no more hiring based on anything other than..most qualified..even if that means no women or black people will endup working at a given company...or government department.

Yes..I'm for that.

Minorities will have it a lot rougher.
Last edited by GFB on Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby GFB » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:21 pm

No more heavy handed government forcing TV and radio stations to hire more black people..which is how that turd that shot the news reporter and her cameraman got hired.

Everyone knew he was thoroughly unqualified..had been fired from several other jobs for the same reasons..angry..professional victim..perpetual complainer and crier of racism at every turn just because he has no business being there.

But coworkers baby people like that anyhow. They patronize them, and are afraid to say anything bad for fear of being called racist.

It's how we ended up with a thoroughly unqualified President..baby the black guy..and maybe people won't call me a racist.

F*** all that. I'll take my chances..life's too short, and the world has enough bull sh**ers.
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Re: He didn't do no wrong, he just shot a cop.

Postby Sangersteve » Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:42 am

Now wait just a cotton pickin' minute Greg.

The things you advocate would mean that the left, who has taught them for years, that they are victims and not smart enough to compete against whitey, would have to explain why the left has lied to them.

It would mean that they left would have to admit, after all these years, that they are the ones who are racist. That they are the ones who insisted that little Jamil and Shaniqua are not as smart as Mary and Bob. That the only way they can compete is to let the government control the outcome not let the marketplace chose who is most qualified.
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