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Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:05 pm
by mayhem
To understand the pressures that brought about Boehner’s demise as an ideological split badly misconstrues the situation. The small band of right-wing noisemakers in the House who made Boehner’s existence a living hell could not identify any important substantive disagreements with the object of their wrath. . . . The source of the disagreement was tactical, not philosophical. Boehner’s tormentors refused to accept the limits of his political power. . . .

This discontent runs much deeper and wider than Boehner. . . . Boehner had the misfortune of leading, or attempting to lead, his party in an era when it had run up to the limits of crazy, where the only unexplored frontiers of extremism lay beyond the reach of its Constitutional powers. -- Jonathan Chaidt

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:10 pm
by mayhem
What could Boehner have done ... every imaginable tactic was thrown
at Obama. Look at the list:

Think about that: after total legislative obstruction, 1. a government shut-down, 2-51. more than 50 votes to repeal Obamacare, 52. an ensuing presidential election, 53. two Supreme Court lawsuits, 54. and other pending litigation - - Republicans are livid with the belief that John Boehner has worked with the President to strengthen Obamacare.

No sane political observer could think that. So, what gives? As Jonathan Chait explains, we are witnessing a sort of collective Republican denial where they cannot accept that they are not the ruling party, not the "deciders."

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:40 pm
by millergrovesue
The extreme right is working hard to tear this country apart while pointing fingers at the extreme left and vice versa. Both are equally destructive.

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:42 pm
by Cowman52
What was never going to happen is the shutdown was never going to be supported, everyone in the country knew Boehner and McConnel were going to cave at the first turn in the road. Shut the government down and go home, I don't care if granny doesn't get her social security check, the military doesn't get paid, nothing gets a *** *** penny till obama etal decide to negotiate, no talks, no $$$. If you are gonna fight, go to the mat, period. Sit at a bench in front of the white house and dare Obama NOT to come out and figure out a way to get things moving. When pre assure gets high enough someone will cave, just make sure it ain't congress.

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:36 pm
by planosteve
I think Peter King got it right. "Now the crazies are in charge".

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:51 pm
by planosteve
Sit at a bench in front of the white house and dare Obama NOT to come out and figure out a way to get things moving. When pre assure gets high enough someone will cave, just make sure it ain't congress.
Yeah, try that in Washington in Feburary. It would be fun to watch. And if he doesn't come out, what is your "Plan B"?

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:19 pm
by Mark
There is no "extreme right" in this country. There are a handful of constitutional conservatives in congress (maybe 30 or 40 of them in all), and everybody else in congress is part of the Left. The Demcrat party is the hard core whack job extreme Left, and that is who is working feverishly to destroy America.

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:04 pm
by planosteve
Mark wrote:There is no "extreme right" in this country. There are a handful of constitutional conservatives in congress (maybe 30 or 40 of them in all), and everybody else in congress is part of the Left. The Demcrat party is the hard core whack job extreme Left, and that is who is working feverishly to destroy America.
Why would Democrats want to "destroy America"? How would that benefit them?

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:17 pm
by Cowman52
You can harp about the crazy right, the left will do everything to abolish the bill of rights, you don't need a stinking gun, that would make our ability to control the masses a heckuva lot easier, you can pray but don't let anyone see or hear you, I can read you mail, listen to your phone calls, make sure any opposition the left agenda is criminalized a best and at worst you have to pay taxes to be able to voice it, you will drive the car we decides best for you, will make livestock production so expensive, beans and cornbread is all you can afford, your electric bill be danged, no coal or natural gas to keep warm.
The left is just sooooo much smarter than anyone breathing, you reach 80 or so and you can't get treatment for excessive flatulence much less a surgery to make It to 81, you have lived all you are entitled to. Why do you think they are so happy with planned parenthood? It aint womens health by any means, fewer people, less consumption, more for ME!
Take the fruits of my labor, give me a can of vienna sausage, package of crackers, and I'm supposed to be happy just because this is all the left thinks I deserve, HORSE $$$$!

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 7:47 pm
by Mark
planosteve wrote:
Mark wrote:There is no "extreme right" in this country. There are a handful of constitutional conservatives in congress (maybe 30 or 40 of them in all), and everybody else in congress is part of the Left. The Demcrat party is the hard core whack job extreme Left, and that is who is working feverishly to destroy America.
Why would Democrats want to "destroy America"? How would that benefit them?

It's called counter-tribalism. The Left believes America is illegitimate. They believe that America needs to be knocked down to the point that it is no better than any other third world hell hole. The Left doesn't care that this ultimately cuts their own throats. The Left believes these things make them morally superior to anybody else in America.

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:12 pm
by planosteve
Counter-Tribalism? Well, that's a new one on me. I'll have to do some research. I assume it has nothing to do with war paint or gambling.

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:23 pm
by Mark
Obama is a huge counter-tribalist.

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 8:47 pm
by planosteve
Mark wrote:Obama is a huge counter-tribalist.
Is that because his father's family is recently from the jungle? I can find tribalist in the dictionaries. But, I don't find Counter-Tribalist.

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:27 pm
by Mark
planosteve wrote:
Mark wrote:Obama is a huge counter-tribalist.
Is that because his father's family is recently from the jungle?

No, it's because he hates America. He got his education from Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Jeremiah Wright.

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:30 pm
by mayhem
O my gawd! Are you really that far gone? Are you really one of those at the limits. You realize, that. Right? Nothing you've said in the post is true, fair or accurate ... and in that order.

Mark wrote:
planosteve wrote:
Mark wrote:There is no "extreme right" in this country. There are a handful of constitutional conservatives in congress (maybe 30 or 40 of them in all), and everybody else in congress is part of the Left. The Demcrat party is the hard core whack job extreme Left, and that is who is working feverishly to destroy America.
Why would Democrats want to "destroy America"? How would that benefit them?

It's called counter-tribalism. The Left believes America is illegitimate. They believe that America needs to be knocked down to the point that it is no better than any other third world hell hole. The Left doesn't care that this ultimately cuts their own throats. The Left believes these things make them morally superior to anybody else in America.

This is such a pile of tortured, total krap I am absolutely amazed that you could even say it under your breath -- much less write it down where reasonable folks can see it. We, most of those who read this, will wonder where you suffered such painful brain damage!

Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:35 pm
by Mark
mayhem wrote:Blah, blah, blah


Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:41 pm
by mayhem
Instead of showing your dumbass, show me where I am wrong.

Mark wrote:
mayhem wrote:Blah, blah, blah


Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:47 pm
by Mark
mayhem wrote: show me where I am wrong.

You're an idiot Lefty, therefore you are always wrong.


Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:59 pm
by mayhem
Oh, really? I was just telling my wife that you were a
bright fellow and a good, patriotic young man.

Mark wrote:
mayhem wrote: show me where I am wrong.

You're an idiot Lefty, therefore you are always wrong.


Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:44 am
by planosteve
OK, here's the scoop on Counter-Tribalism. It seems to have been a theory by a blogger named Danial Greenfield, an Israeli, Jewish blogger who lives in New York City. He is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center

Here's his explanation of it: