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The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:15 pm
by Zelda
Yes, it's an English trait to be always going on about it......but we have at last got some sun, and it's set to last for a few days.
Whats your ideal temperature? and how hot is it where you are at present?

Re: The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:17 pm
by LibraryLady
Hot now--it is summertime in Texas.
90+ F from now until probably October.
At some point it will change to 100+ for awhile (hopefully a short while).

Today is partly cloudy and a FEW will see a random rain cloud.

Re: The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:28 pm
by Zelda
LibraryLady wrote:Hot now--it is summertime in Texas.
90+ F from now until probably October.
At some point it will change to 100+ for awhile (hopefully a short while).

Today is partly cloudy and a FEW will see a random rain cloud.

Lovely....I love the heat.
Summer here but we still get a lot of rain, not for the next few days though. Image

Re: The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:34 pm
by bodine
Zelda wrote:
LibraryLady wrote:Hot now--it is summertime in Texas.
90+ F from now until probably October.
At some point it will change to 100+ for awhile (hopefully a short while).

Today is partly cloudy and a FEW will see a random rain cloud.

Lovely....I love the heat.
Summer here but we still get a lot of rain, not for the next few days though. Image

We have heat and high humidity; not a recipe for comfort. The older I get, the less tolerance I have for that combination. I am amazed that I was able to survive childhood in Texas in a home without air conditioning...

Re: The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 1:38 pm
by Zelda
Humidity can be unpleasant when the weather is hot.
I never use air conditioning even the car I just take the lid down, in the house we rarely need it because I live in N England.
When abroad I dont use it makes the outdoors harder to acclimatise to imo.

Re: The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:22 pm
by scarlett~nc
93 degrees F here in North Carolina, USA ..and my air conditioning is running full force in the house and if I am in the car it better work !! we also have very high humidity

Re: The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:24 pm
by Zelda
scarlett~nc wrote:93 degrees F here in North Carolina, USA ..and my air conditioning is running full force in the house and if I am in the car it better work !! we also have very high humidity

Hi Scarlett...remember me?
It's a long time since we spoke, hope you are doing well. x

Re: The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:47 pm
by Red Oak
So far this year it hasn't been too hot, I don't believe it has broke a 100 yet.

Ideal for me is 44-50 F - I was born in the wrong spot for that ! :)

Re: The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:56 pm
by Zelda
Red Oak wrote:So far this year it hasn't been too hot, I don't believe it has broke a 100 yet.

Ideal for me is 44-50 F - I was born in the wrong spot for that ! :)

You should have been born here...cold wet and windy 6 or 7 months of the year. :(

Re: The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 4:54 pm
by knotlazy
I love it to be 80 degrees and sunny with little wind or humidity. I have been to South California a couple of times in summer and literally froze to death. I had no idea it was so cold there!

I really don't mind the heat. In fact...I dislike the cold more these days. I don't want to go skiing anymore...I can't imagine how I endured sitting on a chairlift with a stiff wind and sleet/snow hitting me. I like warm.

And, the heat really doesn't bother me much. I don't mind sweating. Years ago, I chaperoned my daughter's youth group on a Mission Trip to Mexico in July where we built houses from concrete blocks. When we were there, it was 110 degrees in El HAD to be 120 where we were...and we were required to wear jeans and long sleeves. I nearly died and came home with heat exhaustion and it took me 6 weeks to really recover.

Since then....dry heat is nothing to me.

All that being said...menopausal hot flashes are a totally different issue.

Re: The weather.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2014 5:08 pm
by Red Oak
Zelda wrote:
Red Oak wrote:So far this year it hasn't been too hot, I don't believe it has broke a 100 yet.

Ideal for me is 44-50 F - I was born in the wrong spot for that ! :)

You should have been born here...cold wet and windy 6 or 7 months of the year. :(

My andecedants were dispersed from the Scot Lowlands many years ago, first to Ulster, then to the Blue Ridge Mountains.

I keep the genetic predisposition for cool weather I guess ;)

Re: The weather.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:34 pm
by Zelda
Red Oak wrote:
Zelda wrote:
Red Oak wrote:So far this year it hasn't been too hot, I don't believe it has broke a 100 yet.

Ideal for me is 44-50 F - I was born in the wrong spot for that ! :)

You should have been born here...cold wet and windy 6 or 7 months of the year. :(

My andecedants were dispersed from the Scot Lowlands many years ago, first to Ulster, then to the Blue Ridge Mountains.

I keep the genetic predisposition for cool weather I guess ;) must be in your genes, and Scotland is even cooler than most places in England.

Re: The weather.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 1:36 pm
by Zelda
knotlazy wrote:I love it to be 80 degrees and sunny with little wind or humidity. I have been to South California a couple of times in summer and literally froze to death. I had no idea it was so cold there!

I really don't mind the heat. In fact...I dislike the cold more these days. I don't want to go skiing anymore...I can't imagine how I endured sitting on a chairlift with a stiff wind and sleet/snow hitting me. I like warm.

And, the heat really doesn't bother me much. I don't mind sweating. Years ago, I chaperoned my daughter's youth group on a Mission Trip to Mexico in July where we built houses from concrete blocks. When we were there, it was 110 degrees in El HAD to be 120 where we were...and we were required to wear jeans and long sleeves. I nearly died and came home with heat exhaustion and it took me 6 weeks to really recover.

Since then....dry heat is nothing to me.

All that being said...menopausal hot flashes are a totally different issue.

Being heated up from the inside out is not as pleasant as heating up from the outside in...thats for sure.

Re: The weather.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:11 pm
After spending most of January in Minnesota & Wisconsin the in a truck with no heat in the sleeper, I'm trying to refrain from complaining about the heat least mid-July.

Re: The weather.

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:41 pm
by Dancer
GRANDPA wrote:After spending most of January in Minnesota & Wisconsin the in a truck with no heat in the sleeper, I'm trying to refrain from complaining about the heat least mid-July.

Turn the heat on full blast dash only aimed to the sleeper. Don't close the curtain between cab and back and you can stay somewhat warm. But you got to idle while sleeping.