Gun stats

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Gun stats

Postby Sangersteve » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:25 am

In areas with the most restrictive gun laws, gun violence has increased. In areas where people are allowed to practice more free, though still regulated gun ownership, gun violence has declined – dramatically.

Why then are Democrats using an act of Islamic terror in San Bernardino, California to demand yet more gun laws?

Do they really desire more gun violence? It would certainly appear so.

“For example,Congressional Research Service showed that the number of privately owned firearms increased from 192 million in 1994 to 310 million in 2009…So gun ownership increased for 20 years, but “gun homicides” decreased–except in gun free zones.”

As the Mainstream Media reluctantly finds itself forced to admit the terrible tragedy in San Bernardino was without a doubt, an act of Islamic terrorism, it brushes past that fact and focuses almost entirely on some of the weapons used by the terrorists. (ignoring the pipe bombs altogether)

Democrats are now rushing out and repeating the mantra of “more gun laws, more gun laws, more gun laws” while purposely NOT asking questions related to why these Muslim terrorists were not being closely monitored, or if they were, why the Feds failed to stop them before they set out to kill innocents in the name of Allah.

And even as the factual statistics show that the only areas where gun violence is increasing are in “gun free zones”, these same Democrats and Mainstream Media now demand to make all of America a gun-free zone.
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Re: Gun stats

Postby GFB » Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:32 am

Too bad there are no statistics that could demonstrate what happens in a predominantly black area, without restrictive gun laws..and also in a predominantly white big city with restrictive gun laws.

I guess we'll never know.
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Re: Gun stats

Postby rgb7 » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:04 am

By Dean Weingarten

Texas is one of the few states that actually tracks crimes committed by concealed carry weapon permit holders. In Texas, the permit is called a concealed handgun license, or CHL. The Texas Department of Public Safety has filed annual reports of the convictions of CHL holders from 1996 through 2011. They wait two years to obtain final conviction information and compile all the data before publishing their totals. As you might expect, the number of CHL holders who commit murder or manslaughter is remarkably low. According to the DPS reports, the number of murder and manslaughter convictions for CHL holders has totaled 30 over the 16 years they’ve compiled the numbers . . .

DPS also reports on the number of active CHL holders for each year. Those numbers were totalled to obtain the number of CHL holder-years. The total number of CHL holder-years for 1996-2011 is 4,295,429. The two numbers give us the ratio of CHL holder convictions for murder and manslaughter per 100,000 CHL holders per year. That number is .70/100,000.

Yes, the decimal point is in the correct place. The rate of murder and manslaughter for the general population of Texas averaged for the years 1996-2011 is 6.0/100,000. You can compare that to national numbers here. What was that about the wild west?

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