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Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:15 am
by planosteve
I expect most people are as dismayed and confused about the allegations against Bill Cosby as I am. He is being tried and sentenced in the press and found guilty. He is loosing about everything he had earned in his life. How could someone be such a Jeckle and Hyde person and hide it for so long? And why would his wife continue to support and stand by him?
Let's face it, the world of showbiz is not like real life is for the rest of us. There is a whole lot of sex going on that has nothing to do with love or marriage. Cosby is no saint, but then does that mean he's the devil? Doesn't seem likely. If all you know is what you have heard in the MSM. you should watch this. It is a close look at his accusers. Most of this information I had not heard before. It's a 3 parter, the 1st part is only about 8 min and you can decide if you want to watch the rest of it.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:40 am
by John in Plano
Cosby also pulled the towers, guided the drones and knows Monica

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:44 am
by planosteve
John in Plano wrote:Cosby also pulled the towers, guided the drones and knows Monica

Only bldg. 7 was pulled, according to Larry Silverstein.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:11 am
by John in Plano
Larry's wrong

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:23 am
by planosteve
John in Plano wrote:Larry's wrong

He should know. He was there. He owned the building. He leased the towers. The towers were built with asphestos insulation which was going to cost millions to remove. First thing he did was insure them against being hit by airplanes. After 9/11 he collected the full amount for each tower. And walked away with 4.5 billion dollars.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:27 am
by GFB
I don't know anyone that's "dismayed or confused about the allegations against Bill Cosby."

Pretty obvious he's a scumbag of Biblical proportion.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:30 am
by planosteve
GFB wrote:I don't know anyone that's "dismayed or confused about the allegations against Bill Cosby."

Pretty obvious he's a scumbag of Biblical proportion.
Didn't watch it didn't ya.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:42 am
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:I don't know anyone that's "dismayed or confused about the allegations against Bill Cosby."

Pretty obvious he's a scumbag of Biblical proportion.
Didn't watch it didn't ya.

Let me shows that some of the women are loose, or drunks..or maybe had a history of running around with star types.

..and what does that change?

You can't drug and rape people..even the lowest homeless bum, ex con, or degenerate.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:11 pm
by planosteve
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:I don't know anyone that's "dismayed or confused about the allegations against Bill Cosby."

Pretty obvious he's a scumbag of Biblical proportion.
Didn't watch it didn't ya.

Let me shows that some of the women are loose, or drunks..or maybe had a history of running around with star types.

..and what does that change?

You can't drug and rape people..even the lowest homeless bum, ex con, or degenerate.

If these women were so badly abused, why did they all wait for around 30 years to complain to anyone?

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:24 pm
by GFB
Several of them brought it out back then.

American's bizarre fascination with "celebrity" made him pretty much untouchable. They were laughed at.

But after he became just your average old guy or two came they all started to come out.

There are probably many more that that don't want to relive it..or put their spouses and families through it.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:29 pm
by GFB
This jerk has been referred to as "America's Dad"..for playing one on TV.

How ill and silly is our nation?

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:38 pm
by planosteve
one or two came they all started to come out
BINGO! You got why they came out! They wanted to be noticed!

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:44 pm
by GFB
planosteve wrote:
one or two came they all started to come out
BINGO! You got why they came out! They wanted to be noticed!

They got noticed because the media and authorities were finally listening.

Enough of this silly discussion..good luck with it.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:54 pm
by planosteve
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:
one or two came they all started to come out
BINGO! You got why they came out! They wanted to be noticed!

They got noticed because the media and authorities were finally listening.

Enough of this silly discussion..good luck with it.
You don't get off that easy. Since you didn't watch the video, I'll give you the cliff notes version:
Most of these old skanks were the types that used to be half way attractive when they were young and would hang around famous people hoping they would get lucky. If they didn't score with one they would move on to another. Most of them never were able to manage more than a one night stand and just moved on. A lot of them were drug addicts. So, the idea that Cosby had to drug them to get them in bed is rediculous. They made that up to make them appear to be the victims. And there is no way for Cosby to prove that didn't happen. He's been dog piled by a bunch of dogs.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 4:26 pm
by GFB
Sounds like I nailed it with the video content.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:33 pm
by Ric
Dismayed? No. Confused? Hell no. I AM disappointed, though. Whether all of it is true, or some of it is true.. If any of it is true, I am disappointed.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:04 am
by LibraryLady
My comments won't change anyone's mind on Bill Cosby.
At first I was skeptical, but when 50 women, unknown to each other, come forward with the same story..........

And, in one legal deposition, he admitted he drugged a woman and then had sex--I am voting that he is guilty.
Whether he can be convicted in court is another matter.

I didn't view your video because I am not giving him any more attention.

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:07 am
by ralph
I never make a hero of any of these Hollywood scum !!

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:11 am
by grouchy
My only question would be, where were the fathers and grandfathers of the young girls?

Re: Another look at Bill Cosby

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:16 am
by ralph
don't think that any of the females had any protectors . Seems to me that this kinda stuff is normal for Hollywood big shots . The females were all probably looking for favors from big shot 'cosby' and put themselves in a position where they could / would be taken advantage of !!