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More on the IRS... oopsie

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:44 pm
by Sangersteve
Is that a smoking gun I smell? It turns out the IRS contracted with a company that provides email backup services starting in 2005. This first came to light in the Twitter feed of moregenr[ed. - researcher for the dearly departed Verum Serum blog], who noticed that the IRS appears on the client list of email archiving service provider Sonasoft.

This was was picked up by Peter Suderman of Reason, who writes:

The IRS had a contract with email backup service vendor Sonasoft starting in 2005,according to, which lists the contract as being for “automatic data processing services.” Sonasoft’s motto is “email archiving done right,” and the companylists the IRS as a customer.

In 2009, Sonasoft even sent out a Tweet advertising its work for the IRS.

Sonasoft still lists the IRS as a customer on its website.

Re: More on the IRS... oopsie

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 8:09 am
by ann jusko
The head of IRS said they only kept them for 6 months. I really hope that's not true. I'm with Paul Ryan - I didn't believe him either!

Re: More on the IRS... oopsie

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:11 am
by kent
Wasn't the Clinton's mantra "Deny. Deny. Deny."? Just keep lying and it will go away. Break the law....who cares? What does it matter now?

Re: More on the IRS... oopsie

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:44 am
by BigTex
It's a political maneuver that the Democrats have turned into an art form (particularly the Clintons). Deny, deny, deny. The more Republicans hammer away, the more they are criticized for political witch hunting.

Re: More on the IRS... oopsie

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:20 pm
by PlanoSooner