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anyone watching brian williams interview Snowdon?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:32 pm
by knotlazy
I have not been up to speed on this topic. Pretty interesting!

Re: anyone watching brian williams interview Snowdon?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:46 pm
by LibraryLady
I Have Watched Snippets.
I find it interesting how Snowden justified compromising our ways of following the bad guys.
I consider him to be a traitor.

Re: anyone watching brian williams interview Snowdon?

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 11:04 pm
by knotlazy
Hmmm. I don't know yet. I need to watch the entire interview again. He is very well spoken for someone with no high school diploma. Could be very convincing. But my "he's a manipulator" alarm was going off. As I said...I'm not up to speed. I'm looking for more info.

Re: anyone watching brian williams interview Snowdon?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 5:25 am
by planosteve
Predictably, Brian Williams asked some dumb questions. I was waiting for "If you were a twee, what kind of twee would you be? I think there were some things that Snowdon thought were not understood by the public and wanted to get out there.
One was that sometimes to you have to choose between your govt. and your country.
He complained officially and through channels that the NSA was abusing it's authority and was basicly told to shut up. Did you know the NSA can moniter what your typing on your keyboard as your typing it? He's asking for Congress to investigate this with the NSA. NBC has filed a FOI request for these.
Realizing that the Bush Administration lied through it's teeth to get the Iraq war started. That was a major motivator for his actions. So, in a way I guess you could say it's Bush's fault. :D

Re: anyone watching brian williams interview Snowdon?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 10:29 am
by dublusk
I don't think Bush had anything to do with the current practices of the NSA! But if it makes you sleep better at night, go ahead!!

Re: anyone watching brian williams interview Snowdon?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 12:05 pm
by planosteve
dublusk wrote:I don't think Bush had anything to do with the current practices of the NSA! But if it makes you sleep better at night, go ahead!!
I was referring to Powell's dog and pony show at the UN. As I recall he worked for Bush. Snowdon still thinks 9/11 was a terrorist attack. :roll:

Re: anyone watching brian williams interview Snowdon?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:19 am
by Just Me
Knot, another program you should watch is the United States of Secrets.

You can watch it online here, or catch the next broadcast.

Tuesday, June 10 — 09:00pm
13.1 - KERA
United States of Secrets (Part One)
Part 1 of 2. The history of the massive National Security Agency surveillance program that started after September 11th, featuring remarks from intelligence insiders, cabinet officials and government whistle-blowers.
duration: 120 min
details: [HD] | [cc] [stereo] [ed taping rights: 1 year]
genre: Parents Picks

Youtube version here:

Tuesday, June 10 — 11:00pm
13.1 - KERA
United States of Secrets (Part Two)
Conclusion. The role that technology companies played in the National Security Agency's surveillance program is detailed.
duration: 60 min
details: [HD] | [cc] [stereo] [ed taping rights: 1 year]
genre: Parents Picks

Youtube here:

Re: anyone watching brian williams interview Snowdon?

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 12:26 pm
by knotlazy
Thank you, Just Me. I'll check those out when I get a chance.