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Win10 Hell strikes Me

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 9:33 pm
by tx3653
A Windows 10 update has finally taken a bite out of me. I have a 4 yr old Toshiba laptop that spends most of its life in my closet. Every few weeks I take it out and run several updates just to keep it fairly current in case my HP laptop comes up with an issue. It has had several Win10 updates and always came thru it OK. Until today!

It took a very long time for the update to process. Like several hours. When it finally ended I noticed I was missing several program icons. And when the reboot finished Verizon cloud activated wanting me to select files to add to the cloud. I killed that then uninstalled that program. Next I clicked on Edge and got an error saying that one or more network protocols are missing, I could not connect to the internet with any of the browsers. I spent most of the afternoon and a couple hrs this evening googling and trying fixes. No luck. I bet the Toshiba will have to be formatted and rebuilt from scratch. Not looking forward to that.

At least all the important stuff has been backed up to Carbonite so it will be fairly easy to reload the pictures, music, Etc. I wonder if the Win10 update is still free?

Re: Win10 Hell strikes Me

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 10:44 pm
by BigTex
Did you try a system restore?

Re: Win10 Hell strikes Me

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 8:14 am
by tx3653
No restore point was available.

Re: Win10 Hell strikes Me

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:04 pm
by tx3653
My problem was AVG internet security. Shut it down and internet access was available. Activate AVG and page could not be opened error showed up every time. I uninstalled AVG then reinstalled it and all works like it should. Sure glad a format and reload everything wasn't necessary!!

Just in case anyone is wondering, though, a friend who works for Microsoft says the update to Windows 10 is free until July 10th.

Re: Win10 Hell strikes Me

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:16 pm
by Ric
Did you publish this in any Microsoft forums in case someone else runs into that? I really like Windows 10

Re: Win10 Hell strikes Me

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 5:22 am
by planosteve
I can surf the net just as well on my 8 year old Dell desktop with XP as I can with windows 10. Only problem is they quit updating the browsers. So, why did we have to go through all the "new" versions of windows. It was about money I guess. But, they could have just charged for updates. :roll: