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Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:51 am
by grouchy
It is often troubling to figure out what to say to friends that are going through difficult times.
I want you to know that you, Donna and your family will continue to be in our prayers. We probably will not continually mention it, but it will be an ongoing thing.

Re: Steve

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:07 am
by Sangersteve
Bill, you have no idea how much the support from here has helped, Thank you all.

Now I have to tell you some of the background and where we are now.

When Stephanie first brought the "baby daddy" home to introduce him to us we both had an adverse reaction to him. You don't need those details, just understand I had the sense he had little ambition.

I passed it off to his being shy about meeting the family. The situation did not improve over the following months.

Then came the "Dad I'm pregnant and we're getting married".

We had the serious talk about the future and the responsibilities they would have to face.

In the time leading up to Madelyn's birth his involvement level decreased, as did his ability to provide for their daily needs.

After her birth he was a bit better for about a month, then he was done with the whole family man concept .

His mother was no help either, the mother-in-law was as bad as anything you have seen in a movie.

As soon as Steph started making excuses as to why the dad wasn't with them for visits, we knew want was next.

Yep Tammy Wynette sings a song about it.

I'll skip the events leading up to the funeral, he was not helpful.

The eulogy was delivered by a friend of mine of 35 years, he, of course has known Steph from conception.

His emotion got the better of him a few times and he did a great job, especially when the baby daddy, who was either stoned or drunk,dressed like a thug , carrying an energy drink, while smoking a cigarette approached the lectern.

Mr. respectful continued to walk around the front of the area for the entire time.

While we were graveside the staff and a few mourners witnessed him stealing from the memorial table, we chose to ignore this.He continued his wobbly walk around and left with friends.

Now the temporary grave marker has gone missing.

I know people grieve in different ways and hope that maybe this loss will wake him up.

Thank goodness Steph has realized the guys character and is not trying to retaliate.

Re: Steve

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:18 am
by LibraryLady
Like Grouchy, I have thought of all of you and offered a prayer for you each day.

Mr wonderful sure makes it hard to live with. I do hope that a divorce will be in the future.

Re: Steve

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:36 am
by crocmommy
My prayers are with you all.

If Baby Daddy lives long enough to emerge from his fog, he will have to live with this and what he failed to do. The rest of you did everything you could.

Re: Steve

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 1:55 pm
by Ric
Our thoughts and prayers are also constant for you, Donna and Steph...