Baton Rouge

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Jay Weaver
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Baton Rouge

Postby Jay Weaver » Thu Aug 18, 2016 4:48 pm

Remember how President George W. Bush got himself in a spot because he flew over Katrina and didn't come to visit New Orleans during all of the torrential flooding? Remember?
Wonder if Mr. Obama has flown over Baton Rouge - or even thought about Baton Rouge while he is playing golf in Martha's Vineyard. Those people are suffering for almost a week already and the best they got was a visit from Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. Kind of weird HE would be the one to show up. Even Biden is apparently too busy. The media hasn't even mentioned it. Pitiful!

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Re: Baton Rouge

Postby ralph » Thu Aug 18, 2016 5:08 pm

personally I would prefer that mrobama keep golfing and staying away Jay .

ann jusko
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Re: Baton Rouge

Postby ann jusko » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:47 am

A friend is a Los Angeles fireman. They dispatched their rescue teams to NO. They were on a bridge for days because the local authorities would not approve their entry into the city. I believe the laws have been changed and feds now can overrule if the locals (county judge, mayor, etc.) do not act. The biggest boondoggle in NO was the local administrations failure to act. GWB did an arial inspection and that's when things started getting done. His reason for doing a flight inspection was because it would have disrupted the rescue operations. Resources sat waiting on a damn bridge! I do know as executive director of Hunt, Rains, Delta counties, I could NOT go into Paris, Tx without being asked. That request came only 2 hours after the tornado hit. We had a tornado warning and the sheriff of Hunt County tracked me down at the hospital and said "I need you in the command center." IF a small county knew the procedures, why didn't a metropolitan area like NO know? BUT Greenville has E-Systems and the Air Force has people stationed there. They have radar because of the Air Force planes coming and going. They saw it coming and immediately let the local authorities know. The tornado hit there, but the damage was minimal and jumped to Greenville downtown area. Buildings were damaged, but no injuries due to the Air Force warning. There were very few cell phones then and they didn't work well, but Hunt County was prepared.

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Re: Baton Rouge

Postby LibraryLady2 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:37 pm

Public always wants a politician to come to whatever disaster happens.

I have always thought the politician should stay out of the way and let the workers do the job.

For some reason, media turns it into the politician didn't care.
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Red Oak
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Re: Baton Rouge

Postby Red Oak » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:39 pm

LibraryLady2 wrote:Public always wants a politician to come to whatever disaster happens.

I have always thought the politician should stay out of the way and let the workers do the job.

For some reason, media turns it into the politician didn't care.

The DNC Media is very selective about turning it into a politician doesn't care.

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Re: Baton Rouge

Postby BigTex » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:40 pm

Unless you can blame George Bush.

ann jusko
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Re: Baton Rouge

Postby ann jusko » Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:57 am

That's true. GWB was excoriated because he wasn't "on the ground" and his decision was the best. He got the scope of the disaster. Now Hilliary is making the same claim. My how times have changed depending on who is doing it. And did you notice that Obama IS now going to Louisiana just as soon as his vacation is over, I think.

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Re: Baton Rouge

Postby GRANDPA » Sat Aug 20, 2016 7:42 am

Obammy's going to Louisiana only because he couldn't get a tee time that day.
I feel like I'm parked diagonally in a parallel universe.

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