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Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:46 am
by LibraryLady
We were eating Grapenuts this AM. Husband commented on how when he was a child he HAD to have Wheaties and Puffs (shot from a canon!)--until he tasted them. I also fell prey to the Wheaties advertising when I was a kid. One bite and I hated Wheaties.

Our son BEGGED for Wheaties, so finally we bought them. YAK! He didn't want them either!

Did you fall victim to cereal advertising when you were a kid--only to be disappointed?

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:18 am
by dublusk
I did like Sugar Bear back in the day! Loved the cereal as well! Now it is Honey Bear and Honey Smacks! Sugar is now bad!!

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 9:52 am
by Sangersteve
Not really, there was not a lot of cereal around our house, if a box got in ,it was corn flakes.

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 10:11 am
by Jami
When I was kid I wanted the cereal with the best prize in it. I don't think they have prizes anymore. The prize in Cracker Jacks is a joke these days.

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 10:19 am
by Orphie
My Memaw and Pepaw used to save cereal toys for us and when we would go to visit they would be in a bowl in the china hutch.. OK ..thinking back, my Memaw really didn't think that over when my brother and I would bypass the hugs and kisses and run straight for the china hutch to fight over cereal toys LOL

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 11:05 am
by LibraryLady
I don't think sugar cereals had been invented when I was a child (MAYBE sugar pops).

Not allowed at our house.

I never allowed our son to have sugar coated cereals when he grew up, much to his disappointment.

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 3:12 pm
by Allen
LibraryLady wrote:I don't think sugar cereals had been invented when I was a child (MAYBE sugar pops).

Not allowed at our house.

I never allowed our son to have sugar coated cereals when he grew up, much to his disappointment.

I never pictured you as a child abuser. :D

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 3:27 pm
by knotlazy
I was never a fan of my kids didn't eat much of it either...more toast or PB sammys for breakfast around here.

I did enjoy Grapenuts until I looked at how many carbs it is....never ate it again.

So...what DO you eat for breakfast? I tend to eat protein bar...Kashi or Nature Valley brand. But I look at the carbs, sugars, etc. I eat eggs on the weekend. Hubby eats eggs buscuits and sausage...but I just eat eggs and fruit.

breakfast is a constant struggle for my diabetic mother. She refuses to eat eggs or anything she has to cook. She wants to eat something in a package she just opens. That's hard to find for a diabetic.

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 3:34 pm
by crackertoes
We had Grape Nuts, all the Chex, and Post Toasties in the house. Occasionally there might be a box of Cap'n Crunch or Frosted Flakes... like if we had overnight guests staying and they had little kids. My mom wanted there to be something for everyone available. Breakfast was seldom the same day in/day out. Eggs one day, oatmeal the next, then toast and fruit and cheese the next, then cereal... a real mix-up. It got us to the table every morning! Sundays were special with pancakes or crepes.

Gosh, I miss my mom.

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 3:51 pm
by BigTex
No problem with Wheaties, but I like all the bran flake cereals. I have a particular fondness for Grape Nuts Flakes, but those are starting to become hard to find. I don't think Kroger carries them at all.

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 4:05 pm
by Jami
When I was a kid, Grape Nuts and Corn Flakes (with bananas) plus the sugary cereals sometimes. I don't eat too much cold cereal now. I usually eat oatmeal for breakfast during the week and eggs and such on the weekend, if I eat breakfast then. We occasionally go to a Mexican restaurant for breakfast on the weekends.

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:46 pm
by Red Oak
As a kid Post Toasties was it, and then rarely. I never ate it as an adult.

Breakfast was a fried pork product, biscuits, eggs, and maybe Grits or Cream of Wheat.

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 2:46 pm
by FlashM
My Mom loves to tell the story of how I begged incessantly for Chocolat-y Malt-O-Meal. She thought I wanted some toy they'd advertised, but I thought it sounded really good. It was CHOCOLATE, for heaven's sake!

She wasn't planning to buy me another requested kid's cereal until I finished it. The opened box sat in the pantry for many years, the last of those I think it was mainly weevils. :?

I thought of trying that with our kids, but I relented because I liked our kids to try new foods. How are you going to know if something's good if you don't try it?

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 7:12 pm
by BillB
I like shredded wheat- the big biscuits and Fruit Loops (believe it or not).
Cheerios was my favorite as a kid because they sponsored the Lone Ranger.

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 9:59 pm
by Jim Jack
We begged for some sort of Chex. My mom predicted we wouldn't eat them. She was right.

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 10:59 pm
by marti
I loved Captain Crunch!
Now we have Uncle Sam cereal. LOL

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 1:07 am
by geeiabil
I have no clue what the cereal was, but Kellogg's always had the best stuff that you could send away money and box tops for. I remember having a set of three frogmen powered by baking soda as well as the model of the Nautilus that also worked on baking soda.
I think the best toy I ever got from them though was the rocket that was powered by water and compressed air. It had a plastic rocket that you partially filled with water and then attached it to a hand powered air pump. After it was pumped up you released it, got sprayed with water and watched the rocket rise vertically, or horizontally, if you and your neighbor across the street were entertaining yourselves on a summer afternoon. :)

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 6:44 am
by BigTex
The most magical place on earth - the North Pole.

The second most magical place on earth - Battle Creek, Michigan

Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:20 am
by Bob Of Burleson
Quaker Puffed Wheat and Rice was the worst, but you HAD to eat the stuff because it sponsored "Sgt. Preston of the Yukon.


Re: Breakfast cereals and advertising

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 8:14 am
by BillB
Bob Of Burleson wrote:Quaker Puffed Wheat and Rice was the worst, but you HAD to eat the stuff because it sponsored "Sgt. Preston of the Yukon.


Do you remember sending in a Puffed box top along with 25 cents for a deed to a square inch of Yukon Territory?
I kept mine for a long time before I lost it.