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Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:16 pm
by planosteve
Bexar County District Attorney Nico LaHood is making a bold statement about vaccines.

In a video posted on Facebook by the Autism Media Channel, LaHood says:

"I'm Nico LaHood. I'm the criminal district attorney in San Antonio, Texas. I'm here to tell you that vaccines can and do cause autism," says LaHood in a promotional video for the movie 'VAXXED.' ... use-autism

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:47 pm
by mayhem
And perhaps this political animal with-a-cause will be able to persuade
us that the millions of lives saved and/or made better by vaccines are somehow
far less convincing than a few, relatively speaking, that can be made to appear to
be otherwise convincing.

Don't bother to respond. I'll never be able to understand, much less debate,
the unreality of the various cartoonish enemies of reality.

More than a few of y'all sound like dopes who actually believe JFK is still somewhere in
Parkland and the Lee Harvey had little or nothing to do with that.

Sheesh! Yikes! and Omigawd! The Shroud of Turin should forever animate all of youse. No
matter what scientific evidence to the contrary withstanding.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 4:56 pm
by mayhem
Don't know where that bad address earlier came from.

I guess I just try to inflame by tititlation.

And I'm not one to judge how successful I have been with that
unworthy enterprise.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 5:17 pm
by Red Oak
Go drown yourself.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 5:18 pm
by GFB
..but have a nice day.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 5:32 pm
by Sangersteve
mayhem wrote:Don't know where that bad address earlier came from.

I guess I just try to inflame by tititlation.

And I'm not one to judge how successful I have been with that
unworthy enterprise.

I'm sure it's another case of you being unfamiliar with the software that is this discussion board or the voices in your head.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:01 pm
by mayhem
I'm sure it's not a case of MY not being familiar with the software. The software
is Pre-Diluvian at its best and is only troubling by its underwhelming attempt to
make new the past.

I AM, however, really tired of your lame ass and unfunny insults. Come up
with something relatively creative or leave me the hell alone!

Best I can tell what most of you only have is cynicism,taunts, bull shit, denial
and avoidance.

I have a suggestion: why don't you guys and gals respond with some kind of
honesty and helpfulness rather than show your asses most of the time? :lol:

Sangersteve wrote:
mayhem wrote:Don't know where that bad address earlier came from.

I guess I just try to inflame by tititlation.

And I'm not one to judge how successful I have been with that
unworthy enterprise.

I'm sure it's another case of you being unfamiliar with the software that is this discussion board or the voices in your head.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:36 pm
Getting back to the real subject here, I wonder if the connection is between Autism & any particular vaccine, or the multiple mix of vaccines given in one shot? I never can get a clear answer on that.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 8:22 pm
by planosteve
GRANDPA wrote:Getting back to the real subject here, I wonder if the connection is between Autism & any particular vaccine, or the multiple mix of vaccines given in one shot? I never can get a clear answer on that.

It's not the active ingredient in vaccine that's the problem. It's the preservatives they use that causes autism in children.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:24 am
by planosteve
Here's an interview with the District Attorney of Bexar Co. TX and his wife. You can decide who is more creditable, them or Mayham.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:58 am
by mayhem
It's not my credibility that's in question. The DA of BC is questioning medicine and hard science that has
been investigated by experts in their fields for a couple dozen years.

Oh, and the DA of BC is a lunatic.

planosteve wrote:Here's an interview with the District Attorney of Bexar Co. TX and his wife. You can decide who is more creditable, them or Mayham.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:49 am
by LibraryLady2
mayhem wrote:It's not my credibility that's in question. The DA of BC is questioning medicine and hard science that has
been investigated by experts in their fields for a couple dozen years.

Oh, and the DA of BC is a lunatic.

planosteve wrote:Here's an interview with the District Attorney of Bexar Co. TX and his wife. You can decide who is more creditable, them or Mayham.

I have to side with Mayhem on this one.
ALL scientific evidence says the idea is a crock. The UK physician who began this misinformation eventually lost his license.
No lab ever replicated his "study."

IMO, if you don't vaccinate your children, then keep your children out of the mix of society. Keep them out of public schools and public places.

Most of us are old enough to remember the awful results of childhood diseases and complications of those. If you are too young, look up complications of measles, damage to pregnant mothers etc. Not to mention the deadly consequences of typhoid etc.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 12:03 pm
by grouchy
LibraryLady2 wrote:
mayhem wrote:It's not my credibility that's in question. The DA of BC is questioning medicine and hard science that has
been investigated by experts in their fields for a couple dozen years.

Oh, and the DA of BC is a lunatic.

planosteve wrote:Here's an interview with the District Attorney of Bexar Co. TX and his wife. You can decide who is more creditable, them or Mayham.

I have to side with Mayhem on this one.
ALL scientific evidence says the idea is a crock. The UK physician who began this misinformation eventually lost his license.
No lab ever replicated his "study."

IMO, if you don't vaccinate your children, then keep your children out of the mix of society. Keep them out of public schools and public places.

Most of us are old enough to remember the awful results of childhood diseases and complications of those. If you are too young, look up complications of measles, damage to pregnant mothers etc. Not to mention the deadly consequences of typhoid etc.

I agree.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:12 pm
by planosteve
IMO, if you don't vaccinate your children, then keep your children out of the mix of society. Keep them out of public schools and public places.
Why? If vaccination works you have nothing to worry about. If your worried then you have no confidence in the vaccination to begin with. :roll:

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:28 pm
by LibraryLady2
planosteve wrote:
IMO, if you don't vaccinate your children, then keep your children out of the mix of society. Keep them out of public schools and public places.
Why? If vaccination works you have nothing to worry about. If your worried then you have no confidence in the vaccination to begin with. :roll:

Apparently you have forgotten the measles outbreak in California a few years the folks in Tarrant County who also has a big outbreak .
Both caused by group of unvaccinated families.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:30 pm
by LibraryLady2
Anout 60 years ago my first cousin listened to her MIL who said there was no need to vaccinate because "no one got those diseases anymore."
Result was a dead 3 year old from diptheria (IIRC)

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 1:32 pm
by planosteve
LibraryLady2 wrote:
planosteve wrote:
IMO, if you don't vaccinate your children, then keep your children out of the mix of society. Keep them out of public schools and public places.
Why? If vaccination works you have nothing to worry about. If your worried then you have no confidence in the vaccination to begin with. :roll:

Apparently you have forgotten the measles outbreak in California a few years the folks in Tarrant County who also has a big outbreak .
Both caused by group of unvaccinated families.
Then either the vaccination didn't work, or a lot of people didn't get the vaccination.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 2:11 pm
by BigTex
Every time you get in a moving vehicle you take on risk. Usually it works out, except when it doesn't.

Every time you get on a ride at an amusement park you take on risk. Usually it works out, except when it doesn't.

No medical procedure or drug administration is without risk. Usually it works out, except when it doesn't.

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 6:03 pm
by planosteve
Point is not that medical procedures should be riskless, it's that it is rotten at the very top. Specificly, the CDC is crooked. ... 17096.html

Re: Vacinnations cause autism-More Information

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 6:35 pm
by LibraryLady2
planosteve wrote:
LibraryLady2 wrote:
planosteve wrote:Why? If vaccination works you have nothing to worry about. If your worried then you have no confidence in the vaccination to begin with. :roll:

Apparently you have forgotten the measles outbreak in California a few years the folks in Tarrant County who also has a big outbreak .
Both caused by group of unvaccinated families.
Then either the vaccination didn't work, or a lot of people didn't get the vaccination.

Lots of people did not have the vaccination
Point of the story was that unvaccinated people can cause lots of trouble in society. That is why I said they need to stay at home if they are not following vaccination guidelines.