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Immigrant children to Dallas

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:50 am
by Bob Of Burleson

Dallas County Preparing for 2,000 Immigrant Children

by Ross Ramsey
The Texas Tribune

DALLAS — Dallas County could house up to 2,000 immigrant children now being held by the Department of Homeland Security on the Texas-Mexico border, County Judge Clay Jenkins said at the Texas Democratic Party’s convention on Saturday.

“I support increased security at the border, but that doesn’t take care of the women and children already here,” he said.

Dallas is talking about signing 120-day contracts to house up to 1,000 children at each of two locations — one in the city of Dallas and another, Jenkins said, in another city in Dallas County. He would not be more specific about the locations, saying that was still being worked out.

The federal government would pay for the services, Jenkins said, adding that he has talked to city officials and that Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings is on board. The county is negotiating with the federal departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services, and with the Office of Resettlement Services.

After the details are worked out, he said, the children could be in Dallas County by the end of July.


Re: Immigrant children to Dallas

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:25 am
by Bob Of Burleson
Obama to ask for $2 billion
in emergency funds
to stem immigration influx

By David Nakamura
The Washington Post

The Obama administration, in a dramatic escalation of its border control strategy, will seek $2 billion in emergency funds to help stem an influx of Central American women and children entering the country illegally and new measures to more quickly deport those already here, the White House confirmed Saturday.

President Obama intends to notify Congress of his request on Monday, and the administration also will ask lawmakers to modify existing statutes to make it easier to return unaccompanied children to their home countries, an administration official said. The administration’s plans were first reported Saturday by the New York Times.

More than 52,000 unaccompanied children and 39,000 women with children had been apprehended on the border this year, officials said, a large increase over previous years. The surge, mostly from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, has caught the administration off-guard and spurred Obama to order a multi-agency response to the crisis.

“We will inform Congress that we will be asking them to work with us to ensure that we have the legal authorities to maximize the impact of our efforts,” the administration official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because the request was not yet formally made.


Re: Immigrant children to Dallas

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:53 am
by scarlett~nc
no wonder my taxes are so high , we throw around billions like it was pennies

Re: Immigrant children to Dallas

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:01 am
by planosteve
Stem it. How? That will be just be another 2 billion dollars for Obama to flush down the toilet.

Re: Immigrant children to Dallas

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:43 am
by Kiamichi
President Obama intends to notify Congress of his request on Monday, and the administration also will ask lawmakers to modify existing statutes to make it easier to return unaccompanied children to their home countries, an administration official said. The administration’s plans were first reported Saturday by the New York Times.

Finally someone has mentioned the one thing that has any chance of success in stopping this flow.

Re: Immigrant children to Dallas

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 10:25 am
by BigTex
I'm told this has been happening for years.

No big deal.