Gen. Flynn's Posts on Twitter "Nearly Demented"

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Gen. Flynn's Posts on Twitter "Nearly Demented"

Postby planosteve » Fri Dec 09, 2016 4:51 am

Here's some move fake news for your. General Barry McCaffery changed his mind on Flynn after reading some of his tweets which he describes as "nearly demented".

Retired Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey has changed his opinion on the incoming national security adviser, retired Army Gen. Michael Flynn, after reading his tweets.
In an interview on NBC posted online Thursday, McCaffrey acknowledged that he had initially been supportive of Flynn after President-elect Trump announced that he would be his national security adviser, a position which does not require confirmation hearings.

“But I must admit,” McCaffrey said, “I’m now extremely uneasy about some of these tweets, which don’t sound so much as if they are political skullduggery, but instead border on being demented. So I think we need to look into this and sort our what’s going on here.”
“I think that we need to aggressively examine what was going on with Gen. Flynn and his son, dealing with these transparent, nearly demented tweets that were going out,” he continued. “I think it needs closer scrutiny.” ... ted-tweets
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Re: Gen. Flynn's Posts on Twitter "Nearly Demented"

Postby ralph » Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:12 am

OPINIONS , opinions , everyone has opinions . From what I have heard about Mike Flynn I like what I have heard him say PSteve !!

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Re: Gen. Flynn's Posts on Twitter "Nearly Demented"

Postby ralph » Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:33 am

some info on Mike Flynn opinion on muslims . --- ... al-2016-11 --- Flynn sounds like a common sense type of guy to me !!

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Re: Gen. Flynn's Posts on Twitter "Nearly Demented"

Postby John In Austin » Fri Dec 09, 2016 8:42 am

Fear of Muslims is rational. Too moderate. Removing all muslims from the face of the earth is sanity. When you worship a child molester you are a cult, not a religion.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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Re: Gen. Flynn's Posts on Twitter "Nearly Demented"

Postby planosteve » Fri Dec 09, 2016 9:36 am


Flynn might have skated into the West Wing (and he still might) were it not for a nutbag from North Carolina who believed fake news stories that said children were being held as sex slaves at Washington pizza restaurant Comet Ping Pong – part of a ring led by Hillary Clinton – and rushed in to investigate on Sunday, assault rifle in hand.
The white knight responding to the fabrication called Pizzagate and was arrested. The incident might simply have been added to the incalculably long list of bizarre election-related moments were it not for the explosion of outrage over the proliferation of fake news and the fact that among those dumping this garbage can of lies on America’s head was ex-General Flynn.
The New York Times said on Tuesday that less than a week before the election, Flynn posted a fake news story on Twitter claiming that New York cops and prosecutors were investigating Clinton and top members of her campaign for “pedophilia, money laundering, perjury and other major felonies.”  
That wasn’t a one-off. Flynn and his 33-year-old son Michael G. Flynn, who has served as chief of staff at the consulting firm his father founded when he left the military, Flynn Intel Group, have a history of disseminating fake news and what The Times calls “unsubstantiated claims.” ... ws-2016-12
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