Trump's latest tweets!

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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:32 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

A friend of mine and a man who has truly seen politics and life as few others ever will, Sean Spicer, has written a great new book, “The Briefing: Politics, the Press and the President.” It is a story told with both heart and knowledge. Really good, go get it!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:34 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

I never pushed the Republicans in the House to vote for the Immigration Bill, either GOODLATTE 1 or 2, because it could never have gotten enough Democrats as long as there is the 60 vote threshold. I released many prior to the vote knowing we need more Republicans to win in Nov.
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:35 pm

PDonald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Either we need to elect more Republicans in November or Republicans must end the ridiculous 60 vote, or Filibuster, rule - or better yet, do both. Cryin’ Chuck would do it on day one, but we’ll never give him the chance. Some great legislation awaits - be smart!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:36 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

I will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo on Sunday on @FoxNews at 10:00 A. M. Enjoy!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Sat Jun 30, 2018 3:39 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

When people come into our Country illegally, we must IMMEDIATELY escort them back out without going through years of legal maneuvering. Our laws are the dumbest anywhere in the world. Republicans want Strong Borders and no Crime. Dems want Open Borders and are weak on Crime!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Sun Jul 01, 2018 3:20 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The Liberal Left, also known as the Democrats, want to get rid of ICE, who do a fantastic job, and want Open Borders. Crime would be rampant and uncontrollable! Make America Great Again
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Sun Jul 01, 2018 3:21 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

A big week, especially with our numerous victories in the Supreme Court. Heading back to the White House now. Focus will be on the selection of a new Supreme Court Justice. Exciting times for our country. Economy may be stronger than it has ever been!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby ralph » Sun Jul 01, 2018 8:17 pm

[quote="GFB"]Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

When people come into our Country illegally, we must IMMEDIATELY escort them back out without going through years of legal maneuvering.
--------------------------------------------------------- yep , lets see it happen President Trump . And lets stop the 'anchor baby' deal . And 'family reunification' eh ??

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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:28 pm

Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Larry Elder @larryelder

BEWARE! #TrumpDerangementSyndrome can be career ending. ... 9416152066
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Sun Jul 01, 2018 10:24 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Congratulations to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on becoming the next President of Mexico. I look very much forward to working with him. There is much to be done that will benefit both the United States and Mexico!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:53 am

Donald J. Trump’s Tweets

Homeland Security @DHSgov

Today, DHS, @CBP, and @ICEgov will be sharing stories of the brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day with the sole objective of protecting our nation. Make sure to follow to see stories that have not been widely reported.
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Mon Jul 02, 2018 7:32 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Today, it was my great honor to welcome Prime Minister Mark Rutte of the Netherlands, to the @WhiteHouse! ... 97/video/1
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Mon Jul 02, 2018 9:52 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Many Democrats are deeply concerned about the fact that their “leadership” wants to denounce and abandon the great men and women of ICE, thereby declaring war on Law & Order. These people will be voting for Republicans in November and, in many cases, joining the Republican Party!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:51 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Crazy Maxine Waters, said by some to be one of the most corrupt people in politics, is rapidly becoming, together with Nancy Pelosi, the FACE of the Democrat Party. Her ranting and raving, even referring to herself as a wounded animal, will make people flee the Democrats!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:52 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

I interviewed 4 very impressive people yesterday. On Monday I will be announcing my decision for Justice of the United States Supreme Court!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:54 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The economy is doing perhaps better than ever before, and that’s prior to fixing some of the worst and most unfair Trade Deals ever made by any country. In any event, they are coming along very well. Most countries agree that they must be changed, but nobody ever asked!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:55 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

When we have an “infestation” of MS-13 GANGS in certain parts of our country, who do we send to get them out? ICE! They are tougher and smarter than these rough criminal elelments that bad immigration laws allow into our country. Dems do not appreciate the great job they do! Nov.
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:52 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

How can the Democrats, who are weak on the Border and weak on Crime, do well in November. The people of our Country want and demand Safety and Security, while the Democrats are more interested in ripping apart and demeaning (and not properly funding) our great Law Enforcement!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:53 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Many good conversations with North Korea-it is going well! In the meantime, no Rocket Launches or Nuclear Testing in 8 months. All of Asia is thrilled. Only the Opposition Party, which includes the Fake News, is complaining. If not for me, we would now be at War with North Korea!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Tue Jul 03, 2018 9:55 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Just out that the Obama Administration granted citizenship, during the terrible Iran Deal negotiation, to 2,500 Iranians - including to government officials. How big (and bad) is that?
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