What Happened to me!

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What Happened to me!

Postby planosteve » Sat May 04, 2024 3:25 am

It's kind of a long chain of events. First, I have been having increasing memory issues which have been a concern. But, it all came to a head when I walked into the kitchen of my apartment in Fort Collins. I had been feeling kind of strange for a couple weeks. Lighheaded. I blacked out and collapsed to the hard floor. All I could do was try to crawl to where my phone was so I could call my brother. I managed to do that and was able to get off the floor and stagger into my bedroom. He arrived and wanted to take me to the hospital. I didn't agree but after several hours he convinced me. This was late Sun afternoon. So, off we went. I had an appointment at the hospital in 2 more days for a colonoscopy.
There were no hospital rooms available and they put me in a room in the basement. The pain was really bad. The next day I started the cleanout for the colonoscopy. There was no bathroom and I had to do it in a store room with a porta potty with nurses coming in and out. Two days later after the colonoscopy, I was given a real hospital room! Wonderful! I was there for about 5 more days. Fortunately, my brother and family were here to help. I got a back brace to use while I was healing. But, I couldn't just move back to the apartment. There is a large old folks home just a few blocks from my brother's place. It's probably about 75% female. So, that's where I have been for the last week. It is expensive! I'm hoping that insurance and medicare will cover most of it. My insurance is pretty good. I am probably one of the youngest here. This is a very large place built in the 70's and outdated. But, the food here is really very good!

I have to wear a back brace day and night to prevent further damage and hoping that my back will begin to heal. It is still very painful. Getting out of bed in the morning is hell! My apt. lease is up the end of Oct. I hope I can move back in by then. Depends on my recovery.
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Re: What Happened to me!

Postby Sangersteve » Sat May 04, 2024 6:41 am

Well that sucks.

Did they fix anything? or just send you to the old folks home?

Hope you get better
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Re: What Happened to me!

Postby planosteve » Sat May 04, 2024 6:49 am

Sangersteve wrote:Well that sucks.

Did they fix anything? or just send you to the old folks home?

Hope you get better

Most of the males here have some sort of permanent mobility problem. A few are just very old. My back should heal and I should be improving as time goes by. I can walk pretty well with the brace, but it is painful in the morning for an hour or so. Hopefully, it will heal in time as long as I am careful and wear the brace all the time.
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Re: What Happened to me!

Postby LibraryLady2 » Sat May 04, 2024 9:02 pm

Glad to hear from you.
(A portapotty in the hospital? What the heck?)
Not a fun week, but you are still among the living.

After Bob from Burleson went MIA I suggest you (and everyone else) to share a way for some one here to contact your relatives in case we don't hear from you and we want to know what happened to our internet friend.

Of course all that can be handled in private messages.
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Re: What Happened to me!

Postby planosteve » Sun May 05, 2024 4:37 am

LibraryLady2 wrote:Glad to hear from you.
(A portapotty in the hospital? What the heck?)
Not a fun week, but you are still among the living.

After Bob from Burleson went MIA I suggest you (and everyone else) to share a way for some one here to contact your relatives in case we don't hear from you and we want to know what happened to our internet friend.

Of course all that can be handled in private messages.

I don't think I qualify as a "friend". :D
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Re: What Happened to me!

Postby GRANDPA » Sun May 05, 2024 8:11 pm

:lol: Glad you're back.
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Re: What Happened to me!

Postby planosteve » Mon May 06, 2024 8:12 am

I have to wear a back brace that keeps my back straight until it heals if it ever does. Major pain in the ass! But, bending over without it causes extreme pain.
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Re: What Happened to me!

Postby GRANDPA » Mon May 06, 2024 4:14 pm

Oh, man! I can only imagine how much that hurts. What a drag it is, getting old. I'm currently taking care of my wife, who slipped on wet grass back on April 9th, & broke her right ankle. She had to get surgery on it. They put in 3 pins & plates. Then, on the 21st, she slipped coming out of the shower & broke her left ankle, a simple break, no surgery. Now, she's wearing two boots.
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Re: What Happened to me!

Postby planosteve » Mon May 06, 2024 5:40 pm

I am in assisted living now. Hopefully, I'll get out before too long. I still have my apartment. I am about a block from my bother's place here in Fort Collins. About 2/3 of the residents here are old ladies. A lot of them have little dogs they walk around with.
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Re: What Happened to me!

Postby GRANDPA » Wed May 08, 2024 1:33 pm

They say a lot goes on in nursing homes, that men are very popular because there are so few of them. Too bad at our age & all the meds we're on we can't take better advantage of that. I just found out this morning my best friend since 1961 will have to go into long term care. He's been in the hospital for over a week, & can't do anything more for him there. I was chatting with him on Saturday just like we always do, but I haven't heard a thing from him since. His daughter keeps me informed, says he's confused & has hallucinations. I hope my next trip up there isn't for his funeral, but I fear it just might be. He's ready to join his late wife.

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Re: What Happened to me!

Postby planosteve » Wed May 08, 2024 1:55 pm

GRANDPA wrote:They say a lot goes on in nursing homes, that men are very popular because there are so few of them. Too bad at our age & all the meds we're on we can't take better advantage of that. I just found out this morning my best friend since 1961 will have to go into long term care. He's been in the hospital for over a week, & can't do anything more for him there. I was chatting with him on Saturday just like we always do, but I haven't heard a thing from him since. His daughter keeps me informed, says he's confused & has hallucinations. I hope my next trip up there isn't for his funeral, but I fear it just might be. He's ready to join his late wife.

I have self diagnoiced my problem. I don't know if it is accurate but here it is. Alcohol can be deadly if you are taking prescription drugs. This is not well publicized. Fort Collins is the craft beer capital. I take 10 prescription medicines. I don't think my doctor ever warned me about this. I was having memory loss and fuzzy thinking for about a year. I should have made the connection and quit. Even though my memory has not improved since my thinking is a lot clearer now. Will it improve. I can only hope.
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