lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby ralph » Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:54 pm

just a comment on ' pp ' , heard that Ted Cruz is going after them . He has lots of evidence due to the already released vids with a few more vids to be released .

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby mayhem » Sun Aug 02, 2015 9:51 pm

ralph wrote:they don't care who's blood it is , they just want the Blood . As some Dentist in Wisconsin with the last name of PALMER is targeted because of his name !! --- http://journaltimes.com/news/state-and- ... 61d0b.html --- mob rule comes to Wisconsin . Maybe we'll see a 'Necklacing' by the lefty mob in the streets of Janesville !!

Now wait just a goldarn minute! Who is looking for blood?

Take a glance at the self-righteous guns the righties have aimed at Planned Parent Hood.

Two thingies stand out. Planned Parenthood broke no laws and Planned Parenthood is
being mobbed by those who do not care for the truth. Don't think a compelling case
has been made that Planned Parenthood is lying but I could have missed that.)

Look for a moment at the 'bad' doctor. He has a record of hunting related dishonesty
And ... he may well be a law breaker, I don't know.

But the main thingie with the bad doctor is that he seems reluctant to speak for
himself to the astonishing degree that a PR firm (did you hear that? A PR Firm)
won't burnish his character or accept his money.

That is enough said.

That is known as internet shaming. It's bad when the wrong doctor is fingered
and it is wrong when the right doctor is fingered.

And it's wrong when Planned Parenthood is fingered bec it did not do what
the "they" in the quarrel have planned for Planned Parenthood (an organization
that does a whale of a lot of good.
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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby Castle Doctrine » Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:09 pm

ralph wrote:just a comment on ' pp ' , heard that Ted Cruz is going after them . He has lots of evidence due to the already released vids with a few more vids to be released .

Cruz is going after them for the publicity and to display his Politically Correct brand of paleoconservatism. The videos in no way constitute EVIDENCE of anything except the duplicity of the scam artists that put this slander together. Your insistence that they did something wrong (based on the con job videos) suggests you don't look very deeply into topics when you want to believe what is said.

A court here is Colorado just blocked the release of an additional fictional video on the grounds that their veracity was suspect.

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby ralph » Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:28 pm

gotta read the link , this thread was originally started because lefties targeted the wrong doctor that lives in Wisconsin for harassment rather than the lion hunting Doctor that lives in Minnesota . ------------------ As far as 'PP ', Cruz is on the case and shows interest . Cruz is a smart guy and due to his intelligence you lefties should be afraid 'cd' . Now , read the link , see what I mean about the Doctors . You lefty loons were annoyed with the original hunter that hunted a lion in 'zimbab' and he lives in Minnesota . Course you lefties go after a Doctor guy in Wisconsin because he has the same last name . Actually pretty funny , without you lefties there would be no reason for message boards and forums 'cd' !!
Last edited by ralph on Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby mayhem » Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:30 pm

This is the real mob that is out for blood --- the mob that wants to 'shove a fork' into the PP person on the video.

Nice. Real nice. Read this:

Renegade right-winger Ted Nugent recently went on a vicious onstage rant in which he threatened the lives of Democratic presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Decked out in full-on camouflage hunting gear, Nugent wielded two machine guns while raging, "Obama, he's a piece of shit. I told him to suck on my machine gun. Hey Hillary," he continued. "You might want to ride one of these into the sunset, you worthless bitch." Nugent summed up his eloquent speech by screaming "freedom!"

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Nugent has followers here, I think. I hope you are proud of your boy. He is a foul mouthed moron. Anyone who celebrates this jerkweed should be o-so-proud.
And ... the morons who are making the good dentist's life miserable are just that: morons.

The mob of morons out for Planned Parenthood's blood is just as wrong. They are operating from highly questionable opinions.

Let the 'bad' doctor and Planned Parenthood be held accountable then, right??? Let them have their say in public.

Planned Parenthood can take it. Can the 'bad dentist?' Well, why doesn't he?

By the way, I don't see how any of youse can hide behind the virulent Nugent. I can't figure out why he
hasn't been scooped up by Homeland Security for making terroristic threats.
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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby ralph » Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:32 pm

gotta get rid of the 'pp' organization and Ted Cruz might be the guy to do it !!

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby ralph » Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:34 pm

Ted Nugent is a good guy and on this issue of the lion hunting Doctor his opinion is a very good thing to see 'mh' !!

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby Castle Doctrine » Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:03 pm

ralph wrote:gotta read the link , this thread was originally started because lefties targeted the wrong doctor that lives in Wisconsin for harassment rather than the lion hunting Doctor that lives in Minnesota . ------------------ As far as 'PP ', Cruz is on the case and shows interest . Cruz is a smart guy and due to his intelligence you lefties should be afraid 'cd' . Now , read the link , see what I mean about the Doctors . You lefty loons were annoyed with the original hunter that hunted a lion in 'zimbab' and he lives in Minnesota . Course you lefties go after a Doctor guy in Wisconsin because he has the same last name . Actually pretty funny , without you lefties there would be no reason for message boards and forums 'cd' !!

I read the original link and I was aware of the unfortunate case of mistaken identity. Because we jump to conclusions, get half the story or listen to a third hand account as gospel these things happen. They are unfortunate but they have ALWAYS happened, Ralph. Even before social media became so good at distorting and confusing news stories. I feel badly for the doc is WI but what can you do? Outrage is a dangerous thing...it tended to be the driving force behind lynch mobs if what I have been told by older relatives is true. Certainly, it would be easy to raise a lynch mob in this case...and to go after the wrong person. For a compelling study of this phenomenon I would recommend watching The Oxbow Incident...no racism at all...just self-righteous "good" people doing a bit of lynching.

You are right, Ralph...the left (or, to be more accurate environmentalists, conservationists and the like) was outraged by this killing, this poaching. I was initially indifferent but the story interested me so I read a bit more. I haven't "gone after" anyone over this. However, I have reached the unusual conclusion (for me, anyway) that the real killer should be returned to ZImb for prosecution...provided we have an extradition treaty and this sort of offense is covered.

When I looked deeper into this I found that the lion population is declining in Africa more because of loss of habitat than hunting (including poaching). I also discovered that the killing of one lion such as Cecil has far greater effect than we might imagine. At a minimum, the immediate pride will be disrupted and territorial disputes may well lead to more deaths (adult and cubs). When these creatures were abundant, this wasn't a big deal. It was just nature. Now, when each animal represents a statistically significant portion of the surviving population we might want to think a bit harder about this sort of thing.

Ralph, if I haven't said it before, I have no issues with weapons or hunting. I like my toys just fine (up to about .50 cal) and I understand the conservation aspects of hunting...thin the herd, protect the range, make room for new blood...even to eat some venison. But, there is something about hunting anything to extinction that bothers me at a very basic level. But, this doesn't meet any of the conservationist objectives. This was poaching it would seem. It was killing for the thrill of killing. Once upon a time, when game was abundant (and the playing filed was more level) big game hunting was a challenging pursuit...and dangerous. How much challenge or risk was this guy taking? None, but he had the gall to pose like the real hunters of the past.

So, I am curious, why do you feel the need to defend the "hunting" so vigorously? Does it have to be a left v right issue? I don't see it that way at all. Hunting is a non-partisan pursuit. I support all sorts of legal hunting...except the sort of thing Cheney was doing when he shot his friend. That just is unfair. They should use clay pigeons for that sort of thing. But, I think it may well be time to stop killing creatures we are running out of...cause extinct is forever.

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby Castle Doctrine » Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:11 pm

Now, Gfb, I know the definition and usage of the term pathological. I am saying that the remarks you refer to simply do not meet that definition. In fact, you don't seem to have a very clear understanding of the core issue in the PP smear...the difference between donations and sales.

Now, I am sure there are sick people who support this sort of research...hope springs eternal. However, the dangerous people all seem to be on the right attempting to whip up a lynch mob right quick (before someone actually notices the truth of the matter). So, in my considered opinion...you are just flat wrong.

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby ralph » Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:18 pm

'aw haw' !! link was posted in opening post and Info was in that original link . Bonehead loons didn't read the link and started talking all kinds of silly talk . Thing is that 'you people' went after the wrong
person and caused him some dismay . None of your explaining excuses in 'hundreds' of words excuses that fact 'cd' .

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby Mark » Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:22 pm

It takes a special kind of hard core lefty with no soul whatsoever to defend Planned Parenthood.
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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby GFB » Sun Aug 02, 2015 11:47 pm

..and the holy sacrament of abortion is so important to these people, and the thought of abortion on demand being taken away is so unthinkable....recorded screams of pain from inside the womb would be called..a smear campaign.

The country will look back at this period as something more hideous than slavery.

Younger generations are disproportionately pro life..so it may already be started.
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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby Castle Doctrine » Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:18 am

GFB wrote:..and the holy sacrament of abortion is so important to these people, and the thought of abortion on demand being taken away is so unthinkable....recorded screams of pain from inside the womb would be called..a smear campaign.

The country will look back at this period as something more hideous than slavery.

Younger generations are disproportionately pro life..so it may already be started.

There are two flaws in this post. The first is the bovine feces about abortion. Anti-abortion rhetoric is a staple of Conservative PC drones...like dear little GfB.

The second flaw is the contention regarding the young in this country (and, actually, the whole World). My first impulse was to call that statement a damnable lie. But, that would be rude. So, instead I will ask you to support that opinion with some sort of facts, or at a minimum, reasoning based on facts, that support this claim about the young.

At the risk of using too many words for your taste (or grasp) I will remind you that YOUR opinions are not the same as facts. Check your dictionary for a definition of "fact". You might want to look at "opinion" as well given your apparent inability to understand that idea as well. The fact you have a limited span of attention (or inability to process what you don't agree with) is NOY my problem...but yours. Still, you are fairly representative of the folks here. So, maybe what is happening is that you are so accustom to reading until you get to something that validates your PC Conservative position and then stopping. What is clear is you aren't thinking about what you are posting...just reacting to anyone that disagrees with you.

I do agree with you that historians will look back on this as a terrible period in US History. But, not because of given women freedom of choice...rather, for the damage caused by the Right in their mindless cultural wars. GfB, I know change is scary...but, it is a constant sort of thing...just as Conservatives resistance to change is.

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby Castle Doctrine » Mon Aug 03, 2015 5:29 am

ralph wrote:'aw haw' !! link was posted in opening post and Info was in that original link . Bonehead loons didn't read the link and started talking all kinds of silly talk . Thing is that 'you people' went after the wrong
person and caused him some dismay . None of your explaining excuses in 'hundreds' of words excuses that fact 'cd' .

Let me see...no question SOME people went after the wrong Palmer. I would agree with you that they are boneheads. But, to say "you people" is wrong. I never went after anyone. I simply observed that mistaken identity has always been a problem.

I also acknowledged that this was very unfortunate...but, you know, stuff happens and people (with out reference to political beliefs) jump to conclusions, fail to read the whole story (see GfB) and get facts from garbled recountings. The good thing about this is that it was no worse than it turned out. Maybe we all just need some identifying mark or number that would make it possible to uniquely identify each of us...and the "illegals" (no UPC code...back to Mexico) and Islamics (special clothing and different style numbers). Names are so imprecise.

And, you are right...mistakes should never be excused or explained. That is another Conservative PC sentiment...they believe in their own infallibility.

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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby millergrovesue » Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:16 am

Castle Doctrine wrote:Let me see...no question SOME people went after the wrong Palmer. I would agree with you that they are boneheads. But, to say "you people" is wrong. I never went after anyone. I simply observed that mistaken identity has always been a problem.

"You people" one of the phrases that did in Ross Perot.

Castle Doctrine wrote:I also acknowledged that this was very unfortunate...but, you know, stuff happens and people (with out reference to political beliefs) jump to conclusions, fail to read the whole story (see GfB) and get facts from garbled recountings.

I don't read the whole story when it takes too damned long for the page to load and/or when the story is 12 times longer than necessary. As far as I know I'm not required to read the entire story prior to commenting. I don't think it was in the contract I signed when I joined the board.
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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby ann jusko » Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:34 am


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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby mayhem » Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:31 am

Mark wrote:It takes a special kind of hard core lefty with no soul whatsoever to defend Planned Parenthood.

It's not my place or desire to 'defend' Planned Parenthood. And I don't.

I have said and will say: let Planned Parenthood stand up for itself. And I say that with the same heat
that I say 'let the "'bad' doctor' stand up for himself." Planned Parenthood and Dr. Palmer both get the opportunity
to 'splain themselves.

I do not know what Planned Parenthood did or did not do. I don't know in detail what the 'bad' dentist did or did not do.

What I do know is: Planned Parenthood is willing to stand up and discuss its problems; so far the 'bad' dentist is not.

I do cop to having said and suggested certain things re: the 'bad' dentist. I would not dream of doing that in the open
(social media). I find internet shaming indefensible. This is a much smaller, self identified, group whose discussions
can hardly be expected to exist in the larger whole.

My impression is that the 'bad' doctor is hiding something; and Planned Parenthood is trying to be open. We shall see.
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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby millergrovesue » Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:34 am

ann jusko wrote:FROM MINNESOTA!

Yeah, the good news here is that the offenders could probably never find the dentist if they don't know the difference between Michigan and Minnesota. Couple that with stupidity of little bullies who call threats in and I'm thinking the guy is probably safe.
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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby Zephyr » Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:51 am

I suppose it wouldn't be appropriate to mention my "Save The Clam" campaign here.
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Re: lefty mob lookin for blood because of lions death

Postby millergrovesue » Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:53 am

Zephyr wrote:I suppose it wouldn't be appropriate to mention my "Save The Clam" campaign here.

I'll join your campaign. They are safe from me. I don't like clams..........except as friends. :P
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