headline reads , live baby killed for parts

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headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby ralph » Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:31 pm

actually reads similar to link --- http://www.lifenews.com/2015/08/19/live ... d-eyelids/ ---

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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby Red Oak » Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:35 pm

But there was heavy editing, so that makes it OK. :roll:

In today’s video installment from the Center for Medical Progress, Holly O’Donnell struggles to tamp down her emotions as she recalls her worst experience at Planned Parenthood while working as a procurement technician for StemExpress.

O’Donnell recounts a day at the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic on The Alameda in San Jose, California, that will forever haunt her memories.

O’Donnell was training with another StemExpress employee identified only as “Jessica” when the Planned Parenthood abortionist emerged from the delivery room, “really frustrated” that one distraught woman could not be calmed down enough to do the abortion procedure. The patient could not be “medicated” because her fetus had been selected for organ harvesting. Certain drugs render fetal “specimens” useless to researchers.

“Finally the woman – she calmed down and the doctor went in to perform the abortion. It takes a little while and I’m in the hallway. I see the jar come out. Goes into the path lab. And Jessica, I can hear, is preparing it,” explained O’Donnell, reliving the memory step by step.

She continued:

So then I hear her call my name. “Hey, Holly! Come over here. I want you to see something kinda cool. It’s kinda neat!” So I’m over here and – the moment I see it I’m just flabbergasted. This is the most gestated fetus and closest thing to a “baby” that I’ve seen.

And she’s like, “Okay, I want to show you something.” So she has one of her instruments and she just taps the heart and it starts beating. And I’m sitting here, and I’m looking at this fetus, and its heart is beating and I don’t know what to think…

I knew why it was happening. It’s because of the electrical current was — the nodes were still firing, and I don’t know if that constitutes — it’s technically dead? Or it’s alive?

It had a face. It wasn’t completely torn up. And its nose was very pronounced. It had eyelids and its mouth was pronounced. And then, since the fetus was so intact, [Jessica] said, “Okay, this is a really good fetus and it looks like we can procure a lot from it. We’re going to procure a brain.”

O’Donnell then describes how Jessica began the harvesting process by cutting through the lower jaw and into the face with scissors, then instructed O’Donnell to finish cutting through the face so she could extract the brain.

“I’m thinking, ‘No, I don’t want to do this,’” O’Donnell recalls.

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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby Castle Doctrine » Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:28 pm

Again a totally false headline! Random chemo-electrical reaction will continue in the body after death. No one killed a live baby for parts.

Distasteful as this is by mislabeling it and playing for the shock effect you lose the impact of what it actually is and what it really says about abortion. The truth is just so much more compelling and the graphics here fit that much better than this bit of sensationalism. The woman obviously is not mentally tough enough for this sort of work. I know a number of people in health care with similar issues with other processes.

But, this was just another abortion and people who practice callous conduct in the workplace.

I think the story itself is a micro aggression and should have had a trigger warning. You can't just post offensive stuff like this anymore...ask your college age children about it. (Apologies for mixing threads).

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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby glenn/dallas » Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:34 pm

I cannot bring myself to even read the articles about this horrible mess.

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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby Castle Doctrine » Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:41 pm

glenn/dallas wrote:I cannot bring myself to even read the articles about this horrible mess.

I would say that these are the most important stories to read...however repulsive...and understand completely. That is the only effective way to prevent others from using them to manipulate you and play on your emotions to the detriment of your intellect. There are one or two very important points that I see but no one seems to see through the distaste. And THAT is part of the new PC!

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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby ralph » Wed Aug 19, 2015 1:51 pm

yep , Its pretty bad Glenn . And obamacare proponents say that euthenasia for sick humans or Death Panels will never come to the USA . Course , my speculation says that both are coming .

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John in Plano
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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby John in Plano » Wed Aug 19, 2015 2:03 pm

Castle Doctrine wrote:Again a totally false headline! Random chemo-electrical reaction will continue in the body after death. No one killed a live baby for parts.

Distasteful as this is by mislabeling it and playing for the shock effect you lose the impact of what it actually is and what it really says about abortion. The truth is just so much more compelling and the graphics here fit that much better than this bit of sensationalism. The woman obviously is not mentally tough enough for this sort of work. I know a number of people in health care with similar issues with other processes.

But, this was just another abortion and people who practice callous conduct in the workplace.

I think the story itself is a micro aggression and should have had a trigger warning. You can't just post offensive stuff like this anymore...ask your college age children about it. (Apologies for mixing threads).

Someone killed a baby, parts were then harvested and sold.

Is that an acceptable headline?

or does it need to be

Fetus aborted , material sold
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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby crackertoes » Wed Aug 19, 2015 4:44 pm

Castle Doctrine wrote:Again a totally false headline! Random chemo-electrical reaction will continue in the body after death. No one killed a live baby for parts.

If they do not use digoxin prior to the procedure to kill the baby, then it is likely still alive when removed from the mother. We don't know the age of the baby when it was removed so it's very much possible the heartbeat was real and not a reaction.

And yes, this is what PP does... they kill babies for parts, for convenience, for whatever reason.
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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby Castle Doctrine » Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:13 pm

John in Plano wrote:
Castle Doctrine wrote:Again a totally false headline! Random chemo-electrical reaction will continue in the body after death. No one killed a live baby for parts.

Distasteful as this is by mislabeling it and playing for the shock effect you lose the impact of what it actually is and what it really says about abortion. The truth is just so much more compelling and the graphics here fit that much better than this bit of sensationalism. The woman obviously is not mentally tough enough for this sort of work. I know a number of people in health care with similar issues with other processes.

But, this was just another abortion and people who practice callous conduct in the workplace.

I think the story itself is a micro aggression and should have had a trigger warning. You can't just post offensive stuff like this anymore...ask your college age children about it. (Apologies for mixing threads).

Someone killed a baby, parts were then harvested and sold.

Is that an acceptable headline?

or does it need to be

Fetus aborted , material sold

Well, the aborted fetus part is correct. Nothing was sold. The fetus was donated...not sold. It isn't an insignificant difference.

Killed a baby...nope...parts, harvested, sold are all inaccurate and inflammatory. Fetal tissue was donated by the woman and the clinic facilitated that donation. The clinic was reimbursed for its actual expenses for that facilitation. That won't get the auto-outrage going but is far closer to the reality of the situation.

The truth is bad enough. Why can't the Right just limit such crap to the truth. It might actually influence someone not to have an abortion. But, that isn't really the point is it?

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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby Castle Doctrine » Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:24 pm

crackertoes wrote:
Castle Doctrine wrote:Again a totally false headline! Random chemo-electrical reaction will continue in the body after death. No one killed a live baby for parts.

If they do not use digoxin prior to the procedure to kill the baby, then it is likely still alive when removed from the mother. We don't know the age of the baby when it was removed so it's very much possible the heartbeat was real and not a reaction.

And yes, this is what PP does... they kill babies for parts, for convenience, for whatever reason.

Except she specifically states that the heart beat did not start until the tech tapped on the chest. The point in the article was that they couldn't sedate the mother because the SEDATIVE would contaminate the fetal tissue. The article is silent as to the details of the procedure. However, it is not considered ethical for the procedure to be altered for donations. in fact, the surgical team is not told about donations to prevent just that from happening. It seems very clear to me that the fetus was not alive.

And, yes, this is ONE of the things PPA does...facilitate the woman's desire for the tissue to be donated. Killing BABIES requires that a birth occur. The whole idea that fetuses are people is very recent on the Right's outrage list. It came into fashion after Roe v. Wade.

Inflammatory language and sensational articles to NOT enhance the anti-abortion position. Rather, it undermines the credibility of those opposing abortion...particularly when they lie and slant the story in this way. Education will prevent more abortions than this approach...but then, so would meaningful sex education and free availability of contraception. And that is a PROVEN fact.

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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby Sangersteve » Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:38 pm

Well, the aborted fetus part is correct. Nothing was sold. The fetus was donated...not sold. It isn't an insignificant difference.

Killed a baby...nope...parts, harvested, sold are all inaccurate and inflammatory. Fetal tissue was donated by the woman and the clinic facilitated that donation. The clinic was reimbursed for its actual expenses for that facilitation. That won't get the auto-outrage going but is far closer to the reality of the situation.

The truth is bad enough. Why can't the Right just limit such crap to the truth. It might actually influence someone not to have an abortion. But, that isn't really the point is it?

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, the brainwashing of the democrat brain is now complete. They completely ignore that prices were negotiated, that the donation part is a donation to PPA not the end user and that PPA does in fact profit. They can happily announce fetal tissue, even though PPA aborts babies. They will shout how they protect the little person, yet fail to see how they are denying protection to the most vunerable.

No matter how you parse the words, fetal tissue is still baby parts. The only thing missing is a printed menu.

Next up for dems to defend is Jared, they will claim his lack of nutrition from his low calorie diet from Subway led to his need to molest children.

The odd thing is, they are too brainwashed to see what a sick practice PPA has turned into a profit stream.
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Castle Doctrine
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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby Castle Doctrine » Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:30 pm

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, the brainwashing of the democrat brain is now complete. They completely ignore that prices were negotiated, that the donation part is a donation to PPA not the end user and that PPA does in fact profit. They can happily announce fetal tissue, even though PPA aborts babies. They will shout how they protect the little person, yet fail to see how they are denying protection to the most vunerable

My real problem with this paragraph is that nothing in it is true. Well, the mind part but you can do what you want with yours. I'll pass on the slanders against Democrats...they are irrelevant. You can't possibly be so poorly educated that you don't know that words are central to any meaningful discussion and they mean specific things. Your language choice is inaccurate and so is your reasoning. There were no "prices" negotiated (despite the hypothetical discussion of costs in one tape) but they did discuss cos...that is all they are allowed to recoup. PPA is a non-profit. The don't have any "profit streams". They have revenue streams and cash flow streams...no profits. If they were so unwise as to make a profit anywhere the jackals like you would be picking their bones today.

No matter how you parse the words, fetal tissue is still baby parts. The only thing missing is a printed menu.

I say again, how one parses the discussion is vital. And words mean specific things. You call it a baby but that is incorrect...just as calling it a bar stool would be. It is just fetal tissue that might one day have been a baby but it isn't part of a baby now. Calling it "baby parts" makes you sound ridiculous to everyone but OTHER true believers. There really shouldn't be much trouble with a schedule of costs. One of the tapes had a PPA rep discussing the details of that cost...it didn't suit your heroes. Actually, I would like to see the actual cost at each facility posted...so we can be SURE they are only getting their actual cost back.

The odd thing is, they are too brainwashed to see what a sick practice PPA has turned into a profit stream.

I'm not brain washed and insulting me is meaningless. I, unlike you, see exactly what is happening on both sides. I am unmoved by your attempt to manipulate my emotions. You would be better served to focus on how distasteful abortion is generally as part of an education program to reduce the number of abortions. You will never end the practice but you could prevent many perhaps. Why do you folks love prohibition so much...it never works and usually has undesirable unintended consequences?

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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby Sangersteve » Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:20 pm

You may be able to hear – and see – your baby's heart beat for the first time when you're about 8 weeks pregnant if you have an early ultrasound exam. (The baby's heart starts to beat at around 6 weeks.)

Otherwise, you'll probably hear first hear it with a fetal Doppler at a regular prenatal care visit. Your caregiver may be able to find it with the Doppler as early as 10 weeks.

Sorry I meant to say "Hear and see your fetal tissue" not baby.

Just a gental reminder, I own this site, I pay for this site, you are only here at my discretion. I have not banned anyone,yet.

You were not targeted in anyway except by inclusion as a democrat. You may think you are the sharpest knife in the drawer, but it is entirely on the democrat party that the PPA gets to label a baby that they have just murdered "fetal tissue". You can't skate by changing the tag, a murder has occurred, if not for the intervention by PPA we might have the next Castle Doctrine as a poster, but no you, and I do mean you this time, are willing to allow future democrats to be killed in the womb and then allow PPA to harvest parts to fill an order.

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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby Red Oak » Wed Aug 19, 2015 9:26 pm

The icing on the cake of dead baby parts is....tax payers are forced to subsidize this butchery.

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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby millergrovesue » Thu Aug 20, 2015 7:44 am

Sangersteve wrote:Just a gental reminder, I own this site, I pay for this site, you are only here at my discretion. I have not banned anyone,yet.

You were not targeted in anyway except by inclusion as a democrat.

The problem, as I see it, is when there is disagreement entirely too often name calling and belittling starts. Anything beyond name calling shuts down further discussion because the name caller has just effectively closed the mind of the receiver. That goes for all name callers. It's insulting and not effective as part of a disagreement.

That said I think threatening banning isn't the right approach. The most offensive person on this board has never, to my knowledge, been threatened with banning. Seems inappropriate to me to threaten CD with it. Is it just because his opinion differs? If it is, this board needs to be labeled as welcoming only those who agree with everything posted. If it's not, you guys need to work it out between you like adults.

Far as targeting goes - CD, mayhem, and I were all targeted from the beginning. The offensive behavior began, for them, with their first innocuous posts. For me it began as soon as I disagreed with Red Oak and only ended when he apparently put me on "ignore". So yes, there is and has been targeting.

I'm sure the pro life group that started all this is celebrating and delighted to see that they have lots more $$$$ in their coffers. No question the whole story has been filtered. Whether you agree or disagree is your personal opinion and your choice. Regardless of opinions no one deserves abuse for holding their opinion. Again, if women weren't getting abortions none of this would be an issue and there would be something else to disagree about.
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Re: headline reads , live baby killed for parts

Postby John in Plano » Thu Aug 20, 2015 8:58 am


thanks for the response. Money changed hands is my issue with PP, the law allows it to sell material and the same insane laws ( ie IRS ) allow private companies to buy that material and use that expense to reduce its tax bill.

good luck here
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