Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

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Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Postby millergrovesue » Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:13 am

Mark wrote:And finally, the Leftists in this nation are horrible givers. This can be found when the Leftist politicians make their declarations. They are very free spending with other people's money, but the biggest tightwads in the world with their own. In other words, they are HYPOCRITES.

But we all know that every Leftist position begins with hypocrisy.

Mark, you are blowing smoke with this statement. You think because you know of some cheap "politicians" that means all "leftists" don't donate to charities???? You are the king of throwing everyone into a Mark shaped box and condemning the lot, aren't you? Honestly, you don't have a clue, dear.

I guess, in your mean spirited little book, I'm one of the head hypocrites because I have spent many many years in the trenches of and giving to various charitable organizations (most of them in Hopkins County). I know what I'm talking about when I say there are kind, loving, giving, folks of all (and no) political stripes. Thank goodness the good seem to far out weigh the tight fisted and bitter folks.
Working to love my fellow person regardless : >

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Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Postby ralph » Wed Oct 07, 2015 8:34 am

I just re read Marks last post , I think that his words and thoughts are correct !!

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Re: Boehner & The Limits of Crazy

Postby Red Oak » Wed Oct 07, 2015 9:14 am

In general the Left controls the "Government Redistribution Industry", they make a Damn good living handing out other peoples money, and it is in their self interest to grow the business. ;)

Who do you believe benefits the most from this redistribution, the person on assistance getting 5 to 12 thousand dollars a year in handouts or the GS13 that runs the Local Department ? The same applies often to private charitable organizations that are in bed with the Guberment. A good example is Ma Richard's offspring that runs Planned Parenthood; who earns somewhere in the neighborhood of 300K .

Then the retailers that are neck deep in the WIC/EBT/SNAP trough, Wal-Mart for example.

It is much larger than the "Military Industrial Complex".

I am a never Hillaryite!

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