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Postby grouchy » Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:26 am

How are things going with your granddaughter?

ann jusko
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Re: Ann

Postby ann jusko » Tue Jan 05, 2016 7:52 am

Very badly. There were no beds available and they transferred her to a private hospital in Garland. It's more punitive and she sees a therapist in a group. She has selective mutism and won't talk to anyone she doesn't know. All she does is cry. We can only visit twice a week. We want her out of there so a judge friend of mine got one of the best family law lawyers in Texas. We met with him yesterday and the paperwork they gave us made us believe that they had a court order HOWEVER, the lawyer researched it and they'd never filed it with a court. She does have a CPS case in Arizona and it states there is no abuse or neglect but since they live so far from medical services, they will have a psychologist travel to her 3 times a week. The Flagstaff hospital said she needed in hospital treatment but couldn't find a bed for her in AZ, NM, or NV. So they called Childrens in Dallas. The lawyer said "Go get your baby." We made the mistake of going before court closed and they quickly faxed the order to Dallas County. She didn't get her seizure medication for 3 days. It's not a medical hospital. It's for adolecents and adults with dependency problems. She's now (after so many repeated seizures) at about mentally 8 yrs. old instead of her actual age of 15. The seizures didn't start here though, that's been the problem all along. It is a nightmare. She's so traumatized since she's never spent a night without her mom and dad or her grandparents. They even took her leg brace because "she could use it as a weapon." Well, she can't even get it off because she only has use of one arm. Her parents have no say at all now. The doctor who signed the orderes is a tele-doctor from Houston! He's physically IN Houston. IF we had waited till the court house was closed, we'd have her home. Her CPS worker in AZ said "Get our baby back here!" Her daddy is going crazy in AZ, but they have a daughter who is a senior in high school and he has a job. He needs to be there. Her Texas neurologist has offered to come and testify. Her pedi doctor is beside herself, anger and frustration. She knows this isn't what McKenna needs. The neurogist in Phoenix is mostly unavailable. He never once came to see her in her two hospitalizations even though his office is in the hospital building. Staff neurogists took care of her in the hospital. But the neurologist in Austin took care of her for 13 years before they moved to AZ. I'm so upset that I'm really not coherent, I know.

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Re: Ann

Postby LibraryLady » Tue Jan 05, 2016 8:58 am

Ann, I am upset with you. How very awful......poor child.

I'll offer prayers for her and the family. I wish I could do SOMETHING to help besides that.

Native Texan

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“I’ve learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.

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Re: Ann

Postby Red Oak » Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:02 am

What a terrible situation all around, prayers sent.

I am a never Hillaryite!

ann jusko
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Re: Ann

Postby ann jusko » Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:33 am

The really underhanded thing is that they DIDN'T submit that to the court yesterday at all! My daughter called the court laison this morning and it wasn't submitted till this morning. Our lawyer was right and we could have taken her home last night! This to me is malpractice. I think my daughter is's all about the money and they have very good insurance. There are only 3 kids there (including McKenna). Our lawyer is in court this morning but his para legal is getting the info from the court and will have it ready for him. I can't believe Children's would send a child there, expecially one with medical problems. Carrin is going to look at a facility in Duncanville or DeSoto since we now have to stay in Dallas county because of CPS now! They will assume we're "hiding" her, when they've desperately been trying to get her help. She knows she used to know her multiplication tables but it's all gibberish to her now. Yes, she is depressed but a punitive setting just isn't right for her. She can't even have her barrette to keep her hair out of her eyes. My friend's immediately reaction was "CPS is like the gestopo!" Sangersteve knows him and he does know what he's talking about. I think Mark Shott was on one of his juries.

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Re: Ann

Postby grouchy » Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:42 am

I am so sorry. Prayers for her, the family and all those who love her. This is so wrong!

ann jusko
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Re: Ann

Postby ann jusko » Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:48 am

I was keeping a "stiff upper lip" for my daughter, but now I'm a mess. Daughter is now in the "anger stage" and I hope I get there soon, too. The pedi just sent a wonderful e-mail testifying that John and Carrin have always put their daughter's health above all priorities.

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Re: Ann

Postby Jami » Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:10 pm

What a nightmare! I just can't imagine what y'all must be going through.

BTW, my #2 granddaughter has SM.

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Re: Ann

Postby Orphie » Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:58 am

Very very sad and prayers for you all.
Zephyr thinks he's smart. He said onions are the only food that makes him cry. So I threw a coconut at his face.

ann jusko
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Re: Ann

Postby ann jusko » Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:30 am

SHE'S HOME! I had asked the "nurse" "What are you going to do if she starts having seizures?" The snot said "I'm an ICU nurse, I can handle seizures." Well, about 5 pm, Carrin got a call from the facility. They said she's having seizures, come and get her. Four of us went, Hubs, Carrin, me and my son left work to meet us there. It took them forever to bring her downstairs. While we were waiting, the police brought a man, maybe 19 or 20, in handcuffs in. He wasn't happy at all. This was not the kind of "hospital" she needed! That scared me all the more. But when the elevator doors opened and she saw us, her face just lit up. She can't run but she got to her mommy pretty quick. It was agonizing waiting for the paperwork....then doing inventory on her suit case. We called ahead to Pizza Hut and got her favorite pepperoni pizza. Then Carrin helped her get a shower since she still smelled like vomit.

Now with 2 ft. of snow on the ground in AZ, and another foot predicted today, they'll have to wait to fly home. At least she won't miss much school since the schools are having snow days. They can't take those school buses up and down the mountain. John would not be able to travel through 3 feet of snow to drive the 3 hours to Phoenix to pick them up. I know it's killing him.

Thank you all for the prayers....they've been answered.

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