Stumping For Hillary... in a public school?

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Stumping For Hillary... in a public school?

Postby Ric » Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:25 pm ... tcmp=hpbt2
A public high school in Maine was caught red-handed trying to recruit students to work on Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign as a “community service opportunity” – without the knowledge or consent of parents.

Could you imagine the national media firestorm had the school been recruiting for Donald Trump’s campaign?

Students at Marshwood High School in South Berwick received an email from the Clinton campaign – urging them to sign up for positions as unpaid “fellows”.

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“Hillary for New Hampshire is looking for smart, energetic winter fellows who are committed to winning the New Hampshire primary for Hillary Clinton,” read the email from a campaign staffer. “Everyone working on the campaign now started off as a fellow at some point so it is a great way of getting a different skill set whilst helping an important cause.”

Tim and Elita Galvin were furious that their teenage son had received the solicitation – calling it “disingenuous and sneaky.”
"My son didn’t appreciate being targeted by anybody via his school email for a political campaign,” Mrs. Galvin told me. “I’ll be honest – he’s not a fan of Hillary Clinton to begin with. He’s done his homework and he doesn’t like her.”

The Galvins reached out to Paul Mehlhorn, the principal of the high school. They provided me with a copy of his emailed response.

“We often receive information from outside sources regarding opportunities for students to get involved in their communities,” he wrote. “We pass on this information to provide students with ways they may meet the requirement to perform 50 hours of community service to graduate.”

Mehlhorn went on to explain that students are not obligated to volunteer for Clinton’s campaign, “nor does it suggest the school supports a particular political candidate, religious doctrine or branch of military.”

“If other ‘campaigns’ were to seek volunteers, we would pass that on also,” he noted.

The principal went to say that the email solicitation sounded like a great way to have a conversation with their children about understanding their choices in getting involved or not.
If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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Re: Stumping For Hillary... in a public school?

Postby Red Oak » Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:16 pm

Education is in general an arm of the Left, as is Entertainment and the Mainstream media.

I am a never Hillaryite!

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Re: Stumping For Hillary... in a public school?

Postby Mark » Thu Jan 07, 2016 5:22 pm

The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

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Re: Stumping For Hillary... in a public school?

Postby jellowrestling » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:35 pm

When I was in high school, we had to do eight hours of volunteer work for a political campaign as part of our grade in government class. Since it was a presidential election year, there were a lot of options, but we weren't told which candidates to work for. There was a list of candidates for all levels and both parties, and we signed up for the one we wanted. I thought that was a great experience.

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