pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must c

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby ralph » Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:49 pm

Ric wrote:
ralph wrote:maybe to call attention to the words ,

to what end? Why not put quotes around Methodist? Baptist. Or even your example, Texan. Which is never done.

-------------------------------- I might do that but this thread is about 'Catholics and the Pope ' , init Ric !! [Which is never done , --- unless I want and decide to do it !! I mean , there are no rules as far as I know for message board communication !!

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby ralph » Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:58 pm

Ric wrote:Pope John the XXIII had his controversial moments.. had he been alive today, he probably wouldn't achieve sainthood. His Unity pleas were similar to the current Pope, but the world was different, too.His vision of restoring unity throu ecumenism was starlingly frank for the mid 60's, yet, he wasn't labeled a radical communist. He speaks of 'seperated flock' in his controversial decree.http://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_coun ... io_en.html But wasn't labeled by those who werent familiar a communist.. nor a radical. and this was the 60's, where that term was skewered about liberally.
Pope Paul the VI wrote the Huamane Vitae. This encyclical was particularly politically controversial, but he was still never labeled as anything more than the Spiritual leader of the Church, which I suppose carried much more weight. Many of the Popes detractors today might have supported this controversial Papal decree.. and today, he would be embraced by those that call this Pope a Radical Communist, mainly because his decree about married love still is Cannon Law within the Church.
Benedict the XVI was controversial for any number of things, yet....

the point is.. if you study the Papacy, you can find much to be critical of, and much to revere. But ALL of them preached Unity. All of them. And that's all this Pope is doing when talking about mercy for refugees, regardless of from whence they came. Because that is what every one of them believed Jesus himself would do.
Calling the Pope a Radical is one thing. Calling the Pope a radical Communist without considering his motivations for anything.. or assuming that his motivations are cynical is to tread over many peoples sacred beliefs. And if you don't care about one's sacred beliefs, you lose a lot of credibility. With me, anyway.

-------------------------------------------------- I'm an American , churches of all types can provide charity same as private individual but when a big shot or little shot of any church tries and does help alter Americas or Europes ethnic or especially RELIGIOUS makeup with his words I take offense . Popes kingdom is not of this world from what I have heard but this pope is working for something I disapprove of , in this world , especially Europe and America .

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Red Oak » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:13 pm

Ric, what is your take on Liberation Theology ?

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Ric » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:19 pm

ralph wrote:
Ric wrote:
ralph wrote:uh oh , religious war I guess , whats wrong with quote around 'catholic' . Then again maybe I just don't like this 'pope' , his immigration policy or the immigration policy of the 'catholic' church in the USA Ric !!

Tell me what you think the Catholic Church's policy on immigration might be. And, by the way, there would be no difference in the 'policy' of the Church in the USA than, say the Church in Luxembourg.

---------------------------------------------- to see Catholic policy on immigration check out 'los angeles' , and probably many cities of Texas . I do know that the Church likes to fill 'pews' and collect donations to keep everything running . I have heard that native born Americans are less likely to be church goes so any south of the border import will do to fill the pews .

Just so you know, the US Church means very little (monetarily, or pouplation-wise) to the world of Catholics... Very little. The Church really couldn't care less whether the USA Churches fill their pews or not.. with South of the Border folk or not.. that really makes very little sense...
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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Ric » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:24 pm

Red Oak wrote:Ric, what is your take on Liberation Theology ?

It's a Latin American Movement that embraces the poor and makes a call for social change. I certainly see no problem embracing the poor. Its what we are called to do. When one calls for social change, it calls to mind that there are people who question the values of Christian Americans. The Pope is reviving this challenging exercise.. but doesn't embrace all of Fr Guiterrez points..
If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Ric » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:26 pm

ralph wrote:
Ric wrote:
ralph wrote:maybe to call attention to the words ,

to what end? Why not put quotes around Methodist? Baptist. Or even your example, Texan. Which is never done.

-------------------------------- I might do that but this thread is about 'Catholics and the Pope ' , init Ric !! [Which is never done , --- unless I want and decide to do it !! I mean , there are no rules as far as I know for message board communication !!

don't understand what you are saying. I'm not asking you to follow any rules. I simplky asked why you put quotations around Catholic. I figured it was to draw attention to it. My question was to what end?
If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Ric » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:28 pm

ralph wrote:
Ric wrote:.

-------------------------------------------------- I'm an American , churches of all types can provide charity same as private individual but when a big shot or little shot of any church tries and does help alter Americas or Europes ethnic or especially RELIGIOUS makeup with his words I take offense . Popes kingdom is not of this world from what I have heard but this pope is working for something I disapprove of , in this world , especially Europe and America .

Give me an example... I call BS
If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Red Oak » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:39 pm

Ric wrote:
Red Oak wrote:Ric, what is your take on Liberation Theology ?

It's a Latin American Movement that embraces the poor and makes a call for social change. I certainly see no problem embracing the poor. Its what we are called to do. When one calls for social change, it calls to mind that there are people who question the values of Christian Americans. The Pope is reviving this challenging exercise.. but doesn't embrace all of Fr Guiterrez points..

I saw it as infiltration of the Catholic Church by International Communism, and It was not limited to the Catholic Church.

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby ralph » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:40 pm

see what happening with the flood of muslim refugee invaders to Europe , all parts of Europe . -------- And mrobama want the same invader muslim into the USA and the pope would approve Ric !!

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby ralph » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:42 pm

see what happening with the flood of muslim refugee invaders to Europe , all parts of Europe . -------- And mrobama want the same invader muslim into the USA and the pope would approve Ric !!

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Ric » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:44 pm

Red Oak wrote:
Ric wrote:
Red Oak wrote:Ric, what is your take on Liberation Theology ?

It's a Latin American Movement that embraces the poor and makes a call for social change. I certainly see no problem embracing the poor. Its what we are called to do. When one calls for social change, it calls to mind that there are people who question the values of Christian Americans. The Pope is reviving this challenging exercise.. but doesn't embrace all of Fr Guiterrez points..

I saw it as infiltration of the Catholic Church by International Communism, and It was not limited to the Catholic Church.

If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Ric » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:45 pm

didnt mean to use all caps.. i do that in what i do for work and forget to turn it off
If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby ralph » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:45 pm

makes very little sense to you perhaps but lots of the churches in 'los angeles' are full of poor illegal aliens from south of the border , probably the same thing is Texas , Arizona , yada , yada Ric !!

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Ric » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:50 pm

ralph wrote:makes very little sense to you perhaps but lots of the churches in 'los angeles' are full of poor illegal aliens from south of the border , probably the same thing is Texas , Arizona , yada , yada Ric !!

Yada yada? The Latins have ALWAYS been predominatly Catholic. Why would it be a surprise that they were in Church, going to Mass? Or do you think there is something more sinster going on in the KC Hall while Mass is going on??
If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there is a man on base. — George Bernard Shaw .

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby ralph » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:59 pm

I disagree with you Ric , I may find some links but until then I disagree. I know los angeles and a big part of Catholics is 'illegal aliens' that the Catholic church is happy to see !! In fact I think that some Los Angeles churchs do Spanish as a way of attracting those from south of the border that are in the USA illegally .

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Red Oak » Wed Jan 20, 2016 3:59 pm

I saw it as infiltration of the Catholic Church by International Communism, and It was not limited to the Catholic Church.[/quote]

You need to educate yourself. Start with Mihai Pacepa, former head of Romania's Security Service and General, his book is titled "Disinformation", he maintains that Liberation Theology was run by the KGB.

I don't believe it was invented by the Communists but they certainly seem to have taken it over. The same for the PCUSA, and even James Cone's "Black Liberation" movement, and other churches. Pacepa is just one of many sources.

John Paul II was an Anti-Communist Pope and an opponent of Liberation Theology, and I see it as a perversion of Traditional Catholicism and not an indictment of the Catholic Church as a whole.

And no Ric, I am not just making stuff up out of thin air, you may disagree with the sources and information however.

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby ralph » Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:07 pm

in the old days it was Italians and others that were legally in the USA and they spoke English although some of the church talk was in Latin , I guess .
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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby ralph » Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:13 pm

Catholic thinking on immigration . --- http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/ ... reform.cfm --- The January 2003 letter entitled 'Strangers No Longer' in their policy is objectionable to me and it is Catholic policy !! I mean , let the Vatican take them in and that includes both refugee invader muslims to Europe and illegal aliens from south of the border and muslims from anywhere to the USA Ric .

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby jellowrestling » Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:48 pm

Ric wrote:
ralph wrote:
Ric wrote:to what end? Why not put quotes around Methodist? Baptist. Or even your example, Texan. Which is never done.

-------------------------------- I might do that but this thread is about 'Catholics and the Pope ' , init Ric !! [Which is never done , --- unless I want and decide to do it !! I mean , there are no rules as far as I know for message board communication !!

don't understand what you are saying. I'm not asking you to follow any rules. I simplky asked why you put quotations around Catholic. I figured it was to draw attention to it. My question was to what end?

Ric, if you look at Ralph's posts elsewhere, he constantly puts quotes around proper nouns. He almost always does this; it kind of drove me crazy for a while, but I had finally started to overlook it... until you mentioned it. ;)

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Re: pope says that countries recieving migrant invaders must

Postby Mark » Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:51 pm

Ric wrote:
Mark wrote:This pope is a radical communist.


I didn't attack Catholics. I attacked the current pope. I see no evidence for me to believe differently of him.

Don't take it personally. He is only a man.
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