I care very little how 'nice' a person running for political office is.
I simply assume that anyone running for President is a liar, a con person, a cheater
and (most likely) a sociopath. I finally choose to support the one who seems
most able at discerning the common good and has some level of commitment to
act on that.
We do not need our office holders to be nice; we need for them to be prudent
(Machiavellian?) liars, con persons, cheaters and sociopaths.
You know: someone who can really do the job and what the job calls for.
e.g. I do not want a super Christian as my President. When have you seen a
President who behaved like any kind of Christian (Lincoln does not count --
he is above the fray and would not be able to succeed as POTUS now)?
ralph wrote:kent wrote:Maybe Trump should have set up the Trump Foundation and funneled money through that? Seems that's no big deal? Maybe trump should sacrifice an ambassador and others? After all, it's just a bump in the road that doesn't matter now.
Not a big fan of trump, but it's amazing to see more people concerned about him "not being nice" compared to Hilary being corrupt!
------------------------------ ditto !!