Call me pin cushion

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Call me pin cushion

Postby bodine » Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:26 am

Had to go get my bi-annual bloodwork done this morning. I hate this. I hate needles. I hate the sight of my own blood.

The plebotomist/vampire/whatever stuck me four times with no results. I heard every excuse in the books; your veins roll, your veins are delicate, I must have hit a valve, it must be your meds...

I was nice, because she has needles. She finally went and got someone else; who had success on the first try. But I have bandaids on both wrists (two on the right one) and both elbows.

I am not a drug addict....


It could have been worse. I got stuck seven times one night in an ER when I had a severe infection and dehydration episode a couple years back. Did I say that I hate needles?

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Re: Call me pin cushion

Postby crocmommy » Wed Jul 02, 2014 9:34 am

Happens to my Mom alot...

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Re: Call me pin cushion

Postby Just Me » Wed Jul 02, 2014 10:24 am

I tell the person drawing blood they get one chance (two at the most) to get it right, or I'm going to be passed out on the floor. If they have any doubts about being able to get it done, they usually get someone else to do it. 5 times total in your case - not gonna happen with me. Sorry you had to go thru this.

ann jusko

Re: Call me pin cushion

Postby ann jusko » Wed Jul 02, 2014 2:06 pm

I'm glad that it doesn't bother me. After an extended illness there were no viable veins in my arms, so the gal took the blood from a vein at the base of my index finger. Didn't bother me but my husband almost passed out. :D

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Re: Call me pin cushion

Postby Jami » Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:58 pm

When my mother was very ill, she went doctors office and he decided to admit her to the hospital for a blood transfusion. Before we left he told me to tell the nurses not to start an IV, he was going to come over and do it. I guess he knew it was going to be difficult.

Then one time my granddaughter was in the hospital and the nurse was having a hard time starting an IV. I, politely as I could, asked her if there was someone else that could do it. She went and found someone else.

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Re: Call me pin cushion

Postby Allen » Wed Jul 02, 2014 5:23 pm

When my youngest was a couple of months old we took him to Mesquite Community. They did a spinal tap and he was diagnosed with spinal meningitis. Several nurses in the ER tried to get an IV in him, then they called up to the maternity ward and brought down a nurse who was also unsuccessful. They had called for an ambulance to transport him to Children's and the Care Flight (ground) paramedic who looked to be somewhere between 12 and 16 :D got it in first time.

I knew he needed the IV but I was livid that they used him as a pin cushion, especially after the little booger had to go through a spinal tap.

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Re: Call me pin cushion

Postby Dancer » Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:20 pm

Heal soon my friend. Mine is a lot sooner than I'd like to think about.

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Re: Call me pin cushion

Postby bodine » Thu Jul 03, 2014 10:38 am

Weird. I have been monitoring my blood pressure since my meds were changed two weeks ago. Has been significantly higher over this period...

This morning; back to a really good number. Don't know if it was an anomoly, or was it due to the fact that they bled me yesterday...

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Re: Call me pin cushion

Postby truep » Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:36 pm

Some meds take a couple weeks to a month to start working. Lisinopril for one.

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Re: Call me pin cushion

Postby bodine » Thu Jul 03, 2014 12:52 pm

truep wrote:Some meds take a couple weeks to a month to start working. Lisinopril for one.

Just got off Lisinopril; it was making my feet swell...

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Re: Call me pin cushion

Postby knotlazy » Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:35 pm

Sorry you had to go through that.

I was really sick as a small they thought I had leukemia (but I didn't...long boring story that ended well eventually)...I had biweekly blood draws when I was 5-7 yrs old. I got used to it. Most of the time they got the best of the best to draw from me as my veins are small...rolled....collapsed...etc...Once...when I was hospitalized...they ended up having to draw from my ankles...and I was old enough to remember hearing them tell my Mom that they would have to go in my temples next.

I am still amazed that I ended up a healthy normal sized was iffy for a while.

Anyway. You remember my daughter, LIttle Longhorn? When she was a child...she HATED needles....literally had to peel her off a door jamb to get her flu shot...Even would nearly faint for vaccines as a teen....silly girl. Fortunately, she never had to have a blood draw as a child....she's a very healthy girl. However! As a nursing have to go through training where all the students practice on each other! So.....she faced a class where she had never had a blood draw before...and would be a project for a newbie student...just like herself!

The night before...I gave her a pep talk...told her this is what nurses do and if she really wanted to be a nurse...this was her test. If she couldn't hack it...she would have to come home and work in her father's office till she figured out what the next step was.

In the class...she was partnered with a huge body builder type guy...and long story short.....he nearly passed out but she was able to get his draw first stick! He told her she inspired him and he got her's first stick too.....ended up the instructor told Little Longhorn that she performed better than many of the other students she had ever taught.

Now....LIttle Longhorn draws blood from teeny tiny babys...first stick. Parents request her for their babies. advice. When they tell you to be fasting for blood work....that does not mean you can't drink water! Drink water....because your veins will cooperate better when hydrated.

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