Joe Republican speaks

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Joe Republican speaks

Postby rusty » Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:24 pm

Hi, my name is Joe Republican. I'm a hard worker. I have an average job and make an average income. I have for years. Every once in a while someone I love is unemployed,  sick, or otherwise incapable of making a living for their family. That's even happened to me a couple times over the years.

My fellow Republicans tell me that all I have to do is pull myself up by my bootstraps and I will be successful and prosperous. They tell me that I don't need to rely on the Federal Government to help me get through the tough times. They tell me its not the Federal Government's business. They tell me that this is America and as long as Exxon, Bank of America, and Monsanto are thriving we should be satisfied. No....not satisfied...HAPPY.

As long as Republicans can convince me that I should pay the same tax rate as someone who makes 10 times as much as I do.....I'm with them.

As long as the Republicans believe anyone who can fog a mirror can legally own as many firearms as they want.....I'm with them.

As long as Republicans are against any type of birth control, including abortion, contraceptives, or any meaningful sex education in schools.....I'm with them.

As long as Republicans are opposed to single-parent and  same-sex couples adoption...I'm with them. Hell, they're pro-LIFE! They told me so, why wouldn't I believe them?

As long as Republicans are against expanding Medicaid for people who are poor, or sick, or struggling to find meaningful employment.....I'm with them.

As long as Republicans are against public education and all of those rich government paid teachers....I'm with them.
I don't care if I vote against my own interests...I'm gonna vote for the Republicans. They're looking out for me. They going to make America great again.

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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby Sangersteve » Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:43 pm

The democrat response:

The republicans are not only country bumpkins they're evil.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby rusty » Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:55 pm

Sangersteve wrote:The democrat response:

The republicans are not only country bumpkins they're evil.

Not even sure what that means.

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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby Sangersteve » Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:44 pm

rusty wrote:
Sangersteve wrote:The democrat response:

The republicans are not only country bumpkins they're evil.

Not even sure what that means.

Your list,even as untrue as it is, just goes to show most liberals feel about republicans and conservatives.

We're constantly painted as stupid and not just stupid but evil as well.

I'm getting a lot sick of it, there is never policy discussion, just a diatribe of what idiots,racists,islamophobe's, and whatever name you can paint us with. Why do that? Well it's simple, once you've described someone as a racist,then you don't have to listen anymore.

Yes I will use the term brain-dead liberal, especially when I spend the time to explain something in concrete terms, and then am denounced as some derogatory group.

The liberal agenda was flipped on it's head in the election and you just can't accept it, so instead of discussing pro's and con's liberals name call and end the debate.

A tiny bit of looking into recent events would convince a rational mind that it is the liberal approach that has lead to vicious verbal attacks and physical attacks directed at conservatives, not to mention property crimes.

Then look at the war against the police, these were not conservatives doing the killing.

The really sad part of the liberal meltdown is that it is based in lies and innuendo. Even when presented with incontrovertible truth, the liberal still persists in perpetuating the lie. If they do finally accept the truth, it's months or years down the road, after some type of harm has been done and even then, the acceptance if fraught with reasons why a falsehood was not their fault.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby rusty » Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:53 pm

Sangersteve wrote:
rusty wrote:
Sangersteve wrote:The democrat response:

The republicans are not only country bumpkins they're evil.

Not even sure what that means.

Your list,even as untrue as it is, just goes to show most liberals feel about republicans and conservatives.

We're constantly painted as stupid and not just stupid but evil as well.

I'm getting a lot sick of it, there is never policy discussion, just a diatribe of what idiots,racists,islamophobe's, and whatever name you can paint us with. Why do that? Well it's simple, once you've described someone as a racist,then you don't have to listen anymore.

Yes I will use the term brain-dead liberal, especially when I spend the time to explain something in concrete terms, and then am denounced as some derogatory group.

The liberal agenda was flipped on it's head in the election and you just can't accept it, so instead of discussing pro's and con's liberals name call and end the debate.

A tiny bit of looking into recent events would convince a rational mind that it is the liberal approach that has lead to vicious verbal attacks and physical attacks directed at conservatives, not to mention property crimes.

Then look at the war against the police, these were not conservatives doing the killing.

The really sad part of the liberal meltdown is that it is based in lies and innuendo. Even when presented with incontrovertible truth, the liberal still persists in perpetuating the lie. If they do finally accept the truth, it's months or years down the road, after some type of harm has been done and even then, the acceptance if fraught with reasons why a falsehood was not their fault.

Exactly what in that post is inaccurate? Not to mention there wasn't one mention of race or racism in the post, so I'm not sure why you bring that up at all. Red herring I suppose.
Maybe the reason you're feeling sick of it is because what I say is hitting close to home and you're starting to realize I'm right. I know the feeling. I started my transformation about 10 years ago. I can't believe I spent over 20 years of my life buying in to the Republican bullshit. live and learn.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby GFB » Tue Jul 11, 2017 12:09 am

Man, this guy "Joe" is a real loser..has to be a Democrat.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby kent » Tue Jul 11, 2017 1:27 pm

rusty wrote:Hi, my name is Joe Republican. I'm a hard worker. I have an average job and make an average income. I have for years. Every once in a while someone I love is unemployed,  sick, or otherwise incapable of making a living for their family. That's even happened to me a couple times over the years.

My fellow Republicans tell me that all I have to do is pull myself up by my bootstraps and I will be successful and prosperous. They tell me that I don't need to rely on the Federal Government to help me get through the tough times. They tell me its not the Federal Government's business. They tell me that this is America and as long as Exxon, Bank of America, and Monsanto are thriving we should be satisfied. No....not satisfied...HAPPY. Well, Joe, your friends are incorrect. No where is success guaranteed, but the pursuit of success can not be denied. Not all make it. If you give it your best shot, that's all you can do. If you are unemployed, there are benefits, but they aren't infinite. They lied to you about business, the benefit of successful business is that THEY create jobs!

As long as Republicans can convince me that I should pay the same tax rate as someone who makes 10 times as much as I do.....I'm with them. Except that's not what republicans say, now is it. If you're talking flat tax, why not? we're all American's, no?

As long as the Republicans believe anyone who can fog a mirror can legally own as many firearms as they want.....I'm with them. another lie

As long as Republicans are against any type of birth control, including abortion, contraceptives, or any meaningful sex education in schools.....I'm with them. you're making up some good shit

As long as Republicans are opposed to single-parent and  same-sex couples adoption...I'm with them. Hell, they're pro-LIFE! They told me so, why wouldn't I believe them? not sure which republicans you talk to. Adoption is ALWAYS a better option than murder

As long as Republicans are against expanding Medicaid for people who are poor, or sick, or struggling to find meaningful employment.....I'm with them. maybe you should listen more clearly. Maybe letting someone sit on their ass and collect forever isn't what we should promote.

As long as Republicans are against public education and all of those rich government paid teachers....I'm with them.clean your ears out, Joe. Republicans aren't against public education, republicans are against forcing a student into a corrupt district with no viable option. Maybe someone shouldn't be guaranteed a job for life if they just go through the motions and don't want to teach? Maybe corrupt administrators should be held accountable as well? Why do you assume public education won't be the option? Have you thought about that?
I don't care if I vote against my own interests...I'm gonna vote for the Republicans. They're looking out for me. They going to make America great again.

Maybe Pat Democrat shouldn't want to just be able to attend college, for free, for the rest of their lives and accumulate degrees that they have no intention of using? What's it matter, the "rich" will pay for it.

Why does Pat Democrat feel it's a crime for a business to make money. Hell, they should pay their workers $75k/year regardless of what they do. Yeah, it may cost them $15 to make that widget, but they MAKE $10!! they're MAKING money. (sorry, Pat chose common core math, nothing is incorrect).

Why should Pat be responsible for his/her own actions? If Pat wants to rob a rich person, so what? the cops are the problem.

Pat should get free healthcare, free education, $75K a year, and be able to do whatever, whenever. Work? Why? the government is giving me money, that rich person is paying it anyway.

Pat shouldn't have to worry about consequences. If Pat gets pregnant, kill it, it would just be a drain on society anyway. Besides, if a kid is poor, they are better off dead - does us all a favor.

If Pat wants to make $75k flipping burgers, so be it, as long as that franchise owner isn't making a profit we're all good. No one should be allowed to make more than anyone else.

I don't believe in god, why should anyone else? Allowing someone to believe is an infringement on my rights and besides, the first amendment says that government cant promote Christianity and by allowing it, it promotes it. besides, Islam is in vogue now.

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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby John in Plano » Tue Jul 11, 2017 1:42 pm

Joe and Pat don't sound like republicans or democrats I know.

They do sound like sound bites from the media.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby mayhem » Tue Jul 11, 2017 4:00 pm

Sangersteve wrote:
rusty wrote:
Sangersteve wrote:The democrat response:

<<<snip>>> (one can get Sangersteve's panegyric untouched above ... this is called, for those who don't know, truncation. More should indulge in it much more often. Again, this ain't messing with steve's heart stopping nonsense) >>>snip>>>

The really sad part of the liberal meltdown is that it is based in lies and innuendo. Even when presented with incontrovertible truth, the liberal still persists in perpetuating the lie. If they do finally accept the truth, it's months or years down the road, after some type of harm has been done and even then, the acceptance if fraught with reasons why a falsehood was not their fault.


Sangesteve has almost a perfect mirror image of rusty's contribution. Only he's looking at it from the wrong side.

Maybe I'll get back to you on that.

In the meantime, I find it as hilarious as it is ridiculous that he is crying out as if he has been harmed! God, help us! When, since the 70's, the wealthy and the wealthiest among have incomes that have grown in the double digits while middle class incomes have remained flat; Sangersteve wants us to pity the rich. Now, [b]that's
rich!!! Yet steve
is trying to, presto chango, to tell us how fucking bad the democrats are and how put upon the republicans are. (Really nice self deluded Sangersteve. Shall we take up the collection now or wait til the end of the service?)[/b]
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby Sangersteve » Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:11 pm

Exactly what in that post is inaccurate? Not to mention there wasn't one mention of race or racism in the post, so I'm not sure why you bring that up at all. Red herring I suppose.

Thanks for making my point.

I made the statement that democrats label people with something derogatory, such as racist,islamophobe,etc.,then they can dismiss you because you're a hater.

Then viola you twist it in to me bringing it up.

That's why I'm sick of the tone from liberals,I can't even use a descriptor to explain a point.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby Sangersteve » Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:14 pm

Mayhem you truly are astonishingly deluded.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby rusty » Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:49 pm

Sangersteve wrote:Mayhem you truly are astonishingly deluded.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

I've got to agree with Mayhem. You never did answer what my post had to do with racism. You're not obligated to by any means, but it is peculiar.

Steve, do you realize what you and other liberal haters have been doing the past 8 years? You think what I post is bad? Go back and look at some of the crap that was, and still is, thrown at liberals. So don't be a crybaby.
That's why I say YOU guys are the snowflakes. You can damn sure dish it out, but when YOUR guy is in office all of a sudden everybody is supposed to play nice. Well, I call bullshit. Liberals have had 8 years of being called brain dead, idiots, uneducated, losers, freeloaders, and pussies. (Actually only one guy on this board has called me a pussy, but he would never have the balls to say it to my face). So taking the past 8 years of vitriol into consideration, here's the deal........hang on baby, it's going to be a bumpy ride, and it ain't going to get any easier.

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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby Sangersteve » Tue Jul 11, 2017 7:43 pm

rusty wrote:
Sangersteve wrote:Mayhem you truly are astonishingly deluded.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

I've got to agree with Mayhem. You never did answer what my post had to do with racism. You're not obligated to by any means, but it is peculiar.

Steve, do you realize what you and other liberal haters have been doing the past 8 years? You think what I post is bad? Go back and look at some of the crap that was, and still is, thrown at liberals. So don't be a crybaby.
That's why I say YOU guys are the snowflakes. You can damn sure dish it out, but when YOUR guy is in office all of a sudden everybody is supposed to play nice. Well, I call bullshit. Liberals have had 8 years of being called brain dead, idiots, uneducated, losers, freeloaders, and pussies. (Actually only one guy on this board has called me a pussy, but he would never have the balls to say it to my face). So taking the past 8 years of vitriol into consideration, here's the deal........hang on baby, it's going to be a bumpy ride, and it ain't going to get any easier.

Yes I did answer you, you skipped right over it,and that's another issue, reading comprehension.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby mayhem » Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:33 pm

The thing that stuns me is that you really, really (I have no alternative but to believe) think it's that simple and that you are right. Wow.

Stunned, I am. Stunned.

Republicans are Racists, by the way. And very many of you are Islamophobes.

And wingers specialize in name-calling. The sentence above is not name calling ... it's descriptive.

Sangersteve wrote:
Exactly what in that post is inaccurate? Not to mention there wasn't one mention of race or racism in the post, so I'm not sure why you bring that up at all. Red herring I suppose.

Thanks for making my point.

I made the statement that democrats label people with something derogatory, such as racist,islamophobe,etc.,then they can dismiss you because you're a hater.

Then viola you twist it in to me bringing it up.

That's why I'm sick of the tone from liberals,I can't even use a descriptor to explain a point.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby Sangersteve » Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:40 pm

Republicans are Racists, by the way. And very many of you are Islamophobes.

How about a little tour down memory lane?

The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby rusty » Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:06 pm

Sangersteve wrote:
Republicans are Racists, by the way. And very many of you are Islamophobes.

How about a little tour down memory lane?

The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.

Things sure have changed in 150 years haven't they?

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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby Sangersteve » Tue Jul 11, 2017 9:34 pm

Things sure have changed in 150 years haven't they?


Who wants segregated graduations?

Who wants police killed?

The historically racist democrats.

Who made this issue much worse?

Barrack Obama, a democrat.

Who shot republican lawmakers?

A democrat.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby GFB » Tue Jul 11, 2017 10:16 pm

Sangersteve wrote:
Things sure have changed in 150 years haven't they?


Who wants segregated graduations?

Who wants police killed?

The historically racist democrats.

Who made this issue much worse?

Barrack Obama, a democrat.

Who shot republican lawmakers?

A democrat.

Correct..things have not changed.

The history of racism in America, is the history of the Democrat Party.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby mayhem » Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:23 am

Sangersteve wrote:
Republicans are Racists, by the way. And very many of you are Islamophobes.

How about a little tour down memory lane?

The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.

Memory Lane? How about the solid south flipping almost overnight from Democrat to Republican? I know the winger factotums have this acrobatic little quibble about how to duck that, but you can't. Shit, Steve ... you think that 'Republicans' who abolished slavery were not racist ... or your words here surely suggest that. Racism has little or nothing to do with what one does or does not do.

Racism happens between your ears and that is always the case in this country at the very least. I'm tempted to say that the most dangerous racists are the very ones who say that they are not.

PS Don't know whether you know this (you really should), the Republicans of the 19thC are little or nothing like the Republicans today.

Oh, and if you despise liberals as deeply as you claim, why don't all the red states pull away from the Union ... for the blue states it would be a matter of convenience ... for the red states it would be an increasing march towards poverty, depression, poor health care, and the increasing growth of poorly educated and poverty stricken citizens. Geez, we'd probably never have to change plans in red airports again. Places like Atlanta, Austin, Asheville and Missoula would hemorrage the well heeled soonest. And y'all could abide their lonely and in the dark.
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Re: Joe Republican speaks

Postby mayhem » Wed Jul 12, 2017 4:16 pm

I suck at editing and proofreading ... this is what was supposed slick from my brain to my fingers in my previous remarks:

Oh, and if you despise liberals as deeply as you claim, why don't all the red states secede/ ... for the blue states it would be a matter of inconvenience ... wouldn't have to fret about the drag on the economy ... what is the transfer of wealth from the blue to the red ... I'll have to look that up. Ooops, have you seen that?

for the red states it would be an increasing march towards poverty, depression, poor health care, and the increasing growth of poorly educated and poverty stricken citizens.

Geez, we'd probably never have to change planes in red airports again. Places like Atlanta, Austin, Asheville and Missoula would haemorrhage the well-heeled and liberal the soonest. And y'all could abide there lonely and in the dark. We already have the airports, hospitals, military forces, big cities and on and on and on. We have the banks and the more advanced industries and businesses ... I know this is overstated but what is not overstated is that

Blue could survive and prosper (but we really wouldn't want to ... we love y'all!!!) but it wouldn't much work the other way around.

So, you reds, quit bitching about everything and let us take care of you ... that's what we've been trying to do for years.
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