My sincere hope/wish for you..

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John in Plano
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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby John in Plano » Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:09 pm

rusty wrote:GFB, you really not to get over yourself and stop thinking you're the smartest person in the room. Must be a Southern California thing.

His attitude ain't a southern California thing.

It's pure east coast arrogance imo.
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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby GFB » Sat Jan 13, 2018 2:19 pm

John in Plano wrote:
rusty wrote:GFB, you really not to get over yourself and stop thinking you're the smartest person in the room. Must be a Southern California thing.

His attitude ain't a southern California thing.

It's pure east coast arrogance imo.

Thankfully, being a complete dipshit doesn't appear to be a Texas thing.
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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby jellowrestling » Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:38 pm

GFB wrote:
rusty wrote:
GFB wrote:
His posts are about how well he has done for 25 years in one stock.

That’s what you’re responding to, unless you wish to cherry pick his sentences as well..and ignore what he has been talking about.

No, he didn't. He said "His IRA" increased last year more than his pension. Do you suspect that his IRA is invested in only one stock? I don't. In fact, I don't know if there's any Wal-Mart stock in his IRA or if that's a separate investment.
I was responding specifically to what he said about his IT'S.

The answer stock or a thousand. It obviously didn't matter how he did in any cherry picked years you can point out..because he was smart enough to not freak out during any bad years.

In fact, I distinctly remember Jello saying he jumped in in 2009 near the market lows..this is all just another stupid exercise on your part.

If it helps to clarify:

I first starting putting a small amount of money into a 403b in 1989, but it was fixed rate. In '92, I bought some Wal-Mart stock (which I have held now for over 25 years), and shortly after that moved my 403b contributions to mutual funds Every couple of years, I made small increases to my contribution. After the market dipped in 2000, I increased my contributions significantly to my 403b. In 2008, made another significant increase, maxing out my contributions to the allowable limit. In June of 2016, I changed the 403b to an IRA. I invested the funds incrementally on the dips prior to the election, but still had about 1/3rd of my money out of the market on election day. My only regret is that I didn't go "all in" immediately, or I would have had even greater gains for last year. I also have other stock and international bond investments which are separate from my IRA.

The point is that, rather than panicking every time there was a dip, I used that opportunity to invest more money, and I was able to retire at 56 with some confidence that I'll be OK for the long run. I've had winners and losers, including a couple that make me wince when I think about them, but overall, I'm way, way, way ahead. YMMV.

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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby rusty » Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:59 pm

GFB wrote:
rusty wrote:
GFB wrote:
His posts are about how well he has done for 25 years in one stock.

That’s what you’re responding to, unless you wish to cherry pick his sentences as well..and ignore what he has been talking about.

No, he didn't. He said "His IRA" increased last year more than his pension. Do you suspect that his IRA is invested in only one stock? I don't. In fact, I don't know if there's any Wal-Mart stock in his IRA or if that's a separate investment.
I was responding specifically to what he said about his IT'S.

The answer stock or a thousand. It obviously didn't matter how he did in any cherry picked years you can point out..because he was smart enough to not freak out during any bad years.

In fact, I distinctly remember Jello saying he jumped in in 2009 near the market lows..this is all just another stupid exercise on your part.

There's no point in responding to someone when they've jumped so far off the page. Its easy to make a point when you completely ignore what someone actually said and make up your own "alternate facts". But I guess you're learning from the king of alternate facts.

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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby jellowrestling » Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:48 pm

rusty wrote:
GFB wrote:
rusty wrote:
No, he didn't. He said "His IRA" increased last year more than his pension. Do you suspect that his IRA is invested in only one stock? I don't. In fact, I don't know if there's any Wal-Mart stock in his IRA or if that's a separate investment.
I was responding specifically to what he said about his IT'S.

The answer stock or a thousand. It obviously didn't matter how he did in any cherry picked years you can point out..because he was smart enough to not freak out during any bad years.

In fact, I distinctly remember Jello saying he jumped in in 2009 near the market lows..this is all just another stupid exercise on your part.

There's no point in responding to someone when they've jumped so far off the page. Its easy to make a point when you completely ignore what someone actually said and make up your own "alternate facts". But I guess you're learning from the king of alternate facts.

Rusty, I guess I should probably answer your question more directly. The money I put in during the 2000-2001 downturn and beyond increased somewhat between 2000-2009. It had increased quite a bit, but most of the gains were lost during the 2007-2009 downturn. But I used that downturn to make even more money by continuing to contribute, and in fact, contributing more. That's how you make money long-term in the stock market. My brother, on the other hand, took all of his money out in 2007, just before the downturn, and never put his money back into the market. Although he had significantly more money than me (about 300% more), I now have about 50% more in the market than he has sitting on the sidelines.

I had mentioned the single stock, Wal-Mart, because it was the first stock I bought, and I have gotten significant dividends from it, even though it only produces about a 2% dividend (due to the growth of the stock). That was in response to GFB's post about making money off of dividends. I have made money several different ways off of stock (and, to a lesser extent, bond) investments.

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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby rusty » Sat Jan 13, 2018 7:10 pm

jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:
GFB wrote:
The answer stock or a thousand. It obviously didn't matter how he did in any cherry picked years you can point out..because he was smart enough to not freak out during any bad years.

In fact, I distinctly remember Jello saying he jumped in in 2009 near the market lows..this is all just another stupid exercise on your part.

There's no point in responding to someone when they've jumped so far off the page. Its easy to make a point when you completely ignore what someone actually said and make up your own "alternate facts". But I guess you're learning from the king of alternate facts.

Rusty, I guess I should probably answer your question more directly. The money I put in during the 2000-2001 downturn and beyond increased somewhat between 2000-2009. It had increased quite a bit, but most of the gains were lost during the 2007-2009 downturn. But I used that downturn to make even more money by continuing to contribute, and in fact, contributing more. That's how you make money long-term in the stock market. My brother, on the other hand, took all of his money out in 2007, just before the downturn, and never put his money back into the market. Although he had significantly more money than me (about 300% more), I now have about 50% more in the market than he has sitting on the sidelines.

I had mentioned the single stock, Wal-Mart, because it was the first stock I bought, and I have gotten significant dividends from it, even though it only produces about a 2% dividend (due to the growth of the stock). That was in response to GFB's post about making money off of dividends. I have made money several different ways off of stock (and, to a lesser extent, bond) investments.

I'm not arguing that money can't be made in the stock market. And money can be lost. It's neither bad nor good. My point being you have to have time to stay in. You can't point to one year and make the claim that the market is doing right by you. And, as correctly pointed out, you can't time the market, but you have to know when to get out and that has to do with your personal time frame. Imagine people who were in their late 60's-early 70s who were just on the cusp of retirement in either 2003 or 2008. It was a disaster for a lot of people. They weren't trying to time the market, they were trying to time their life. Generally what goes up must come down.

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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby jellowrestling » Sun Jan 14, 2018 1:37 pm

rusty wrote:
jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:
There's no point in responding to someone when they've jumped so far off the page. Its easy to make a point when you completely ignore what someone actually said and make up your own "alternate facts". But I guess you're learning from the king of alternate facts.

Rusty, I guess I should probably answer your question more directly. The money I put in during the 2000-2001 downturn and beyond increased somewhat between 2000-2009. It had increased quite a bit, but most of the gains were lost during the 2007-2009 downturn. But I used that downturn to make even more money by continuing to contribute, and in fact, contributing more. That's how you make money long-term in the stock market. My brother, on the other hand, took all of his money out in 2007, just before the downturn, and never put his money back into the market. Although he had significantly more money than me (about 300% more), I now have about 50% more in the market than he has sitting on the sidelines.

I had mentioned the single stock, Wal-Mart, because it was the first stock I bought, and I have gotten significant dividends from it, even though it only produces about a 2% dividend (due to the growth of the stock). That was in response to GFB's post about making money off of dividends. I have made money several different ways off of stock (and, to a lesser extent, bond) investments.

I'm not arguing that money can't be made in the stock market. And money can be lost. It's neither bad nor good. My point being you have to have time to stay in. You can't point to one year and make the claim that the market is doing right by you. And, as correctly pointed out, you can't time the market, but you have to know when to get out and that has to do with your personal time frame. Imagine people who were in their late 60's-early 70s who were just on the cusp of retirement in either 2003 or 2008. It was a disaster for a lot of people. They weren't trying to time the market, they were trying to time their life. Generally what goes up must come down.

The people who lose their *sses in stocks are the ones who jump in and out, trying to time the market. Invariably, they miss big upswings in the market. My mom was 70 when the last downturn hit. My brother and I told her, "Just stay in the market; it will turn around." From the bottom, her stock funds have rebounded more than 300%, and more than double the high before the crash.

She started the fund when I was in high school. She said that the company she worked for would match her contributions, dollar-for-dollar, up to $10, biweekly. She was thinking about putting in $5. I said, "That's free money! Put in 10!" I finally convinced her. Skip forward to '87, and the huge market crash. She asked me what I thought she should do (as it was still going down). I said, "Well, I guess you should pull the money out and put it in a fixed investment." She said that the investment advisor had said that the market would recover, and the only people who would lose money are the ones who took their money out (and she left her money in). That was correct, of course, and I've never forgotten that lesson. Bottom line: by continuously making small investments over a long period of time, my mom has made a small fortune. That's how to "win" in the stock market: over time.

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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby rusty » Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:52 pm

jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:
jellowrestling wrote:Rusty, I guess I should probably answer your question more directly. The money I put in during the 2000-2001 downturn and beyond increased somewhat between 2000-2009. It had increased quite a bit, but most of the gains were lost during the 2007-2009 downturn. But I used that downturn to make even more money by continuing to contribute, and in fact, contributing more. That's how you make money long-term in the stock market. My brother, on the other hand, took all of his money out in 2007, just before the downturn, and never put his money back into the market. Although he had significantly more money than me (about 300% more), I now have about 50% more in the market than he has sitting on the sidelines.

I had mentioned the single stock, Wal-Mart, because it was the first stock I bought, and I have gotten significant dividends from it, even though it only produces about a 2% dividend (due to the growth of the stock). That was in response to GFB's post about making money off of dividends. I have made money several different ways off of stock (and, to a lesser extent, bond) investments.

I'm not arguing that money can't be made in the stock market. And money can be lost. It's neither bad nor good. My point being you have to have time to stay in. You can't point to one year and make the claim that the market is doing right by you. And, as correctly pointed out, you can't time the market, but you have to know when to get out and that has to do with your personal time frame. Imagine people who were in their late 60's-early 70s who were just on the cusp of retirement in either 2003 or 2008. It was a disaster for a lot of people. They weren't trying to time the market, they were trying to time their life. Generally what goes up must come down.

The people who lose their *sses in stocks are the ones who jump in and out, trying to time the market. Invariably, they miss big upswings in the market. My mom was 70 when the last downturn hit. My brother and I told her, "Just stay in the market; it will turn around." From the bottom, her stock funds have rebounded more than 300%, and more than double the high before the crash.

She started the fund when I was in high school. She said that the company she worked for would match her contributions, dollar-for-dollar, up to $10, biweekly. She was thinking about putting in $5. I said, "That's free money! Put in 10!" I finally convinced her. Skip forward to '87, and the huge market crash. She asked me what I thought she should do (as it was still going down). I said, "Well, I guess you should pull the money out and put it in a fixed investment." She said that the investment advisor had said that the market would recover, and the only people who would lose money are the ones who took their money out (and she left her money in). That was correct, of course, and I've never forgotten that lesson. Bottom line: by continuously making small investments over a long period of time, my mom has made a small fortune. That's how to "win" in the stock market: over time.

I think you're missing my point. Sure if you can stay in and live long enough, 2 things will happen. You'll gain or you lose.
You're mom apparently wasn't relying on much of her investments for income in retirement. The majority of middle income savers are. Those are the ones who were hurt, many severely. it's called a burn rate.

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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby GFB » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:18 pm

People that rely on their investments for income and are properly invested for their age and comfort/sleep just fine in downturns.
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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby GFB » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:22 pm

We’ve all been through a historically significant downturn.

Retired people..just like non retired people, that didn’t make the fatal mistake of panicking ..not only did fine..they now look like financial geniuses.
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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby jellowrestling » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:31 pm

rusty wrote:
jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:

I'm not arguing that money can't be made in the stock market. And money can be lost. It's neither bad nor good. My point being you have to have time to stay in. You can't point to one year and make the claim that the market is doing right by you. And, as correctly pointed out, you can't time the market, but you have to know when to get out and that has to do with your personal time frame. Imagine people who were in their late 60's-early 70s who were just on the cusp of retirement in either 2003 or 2008. It was a disaster for a lot of people. They weren't trying to time the market, they were trying to time their life. Generally what goes up must come down.

The people who lose their *sses in stocks are the ones who jump in and out, trying to time the market. Invariably, they miss big upswings in the market. My mom was 70 when the last downturn hit. My brother and I told her, "Just stay in the market; it will turn around." From the bottom, her stock funds have rebounded more than 300%, and more than double the high before the crash.

She started the fund when I was in high school. She said that the company she worked for would match her contributions, dollar-for-dollar, up to $10, biweekly. She was thinking about putting in $5. I said, "That's free money! Put in 10!" I finally convinced her. Skip forward to '87, and the huge market crash. She asked me what I thought she should do (as it was still going down). I said, "Well, I guess you should pull the money out and put it in a fixed investment." She said that the investment advisor had said that the market would recover, and the only people who would lose money are the ones who took their money out (and she left her money in). That was correct, of course, and I've never forgotten that lesson. Bottom line: by continuously making small investments over a long period of time, my mom has made a small fortune. That's how to "win" in the stock market: over time.

I think you're missing my point. Sure if you can stay in and live long enough, 2 things will happen. You'll gain or you lose.
You're mom apparently wasn't relying on much of her investments for income in retirement. The majority of middle income savers are. Those are the ones who were hurt, many severely. it's called a burn rate.

I think you're missing MY point. She had a small fortune BEFORE the crash. Now, it's a double small fortune. My parents separated twice, for a total of about 15 years. My mother has lived modestly, but comfortably. There have been a few times where she borrowed money from the account, but always paid the money back. It's a matter of discipline and priorities. Many people lack discipline, and they blame bad luck and/or other people for their poor outcomes.

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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby jellowrestling » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:32 pm

GFB wrote:We’ve all been through a historically significant downturn.

Retired people..just like non retired people, that didn’t make the fatal mistake of panicking ..not only did fine..they now look like financial geniuses.


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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby rusty » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:33 pm

GFB wrote:People that rely on their investments for income and are properly invested for their age and comfort/sleep just fine in downturns.

You're throwing a lot of variables in there. I'm just saying people need to be aware. Not everyone has the acumen needed to know when they're making a mistake or when their broker is doing dumb things.
They worked 40 years and the only thing they know about their 401k is what the HR person told them when they signed the papers. I'm not sure what your problem is with what I'm saying. Just being pissy I guess.

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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby GFB » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:47 pm

rusty wrote:
GFB wrote:People that rely on their investments for income and are properly invested for their age and comfort/sleep just fine in downturns.

You're throwing a lot of variables in there. I'm just saying people need to be aware. Not everyone has the acumen needed to know when they're making a mistake or when their broker is doing dumb things.
They worked 40 years and the only thing they know about their 401k is what the HR person told them when they signed the papers. I'm not sure what your problem is with what I'm saying. Just being pissy I guess.

First, people should be handling their own investments..many times I have posted the books to read to do just that.

I have never had any other financial advisor other than myself..and never will.

As for what I was responding to of your’ was this.

“You're mom apparently wasn't relying on much of her investments for income in retirement.”

Properly invested people with a basic knowledge of investing..relying on investments for income..can and do, do just fine.
Last edited by GFB on Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby GFB » Sun Jan 14, 2018 3:51 pm

Bob Brinker this moment..explaining why everyone must become their own financial manager..”Let the sharks swim on by and take a bite out of someone ELSE’S wallet.”
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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby rusty » Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:46 pm

GFB wrote:
rusty wrote:
GFB wrote:People that rely on their investments for income and are properly invested for their age and comfort/sleep just fine in downturns.

You're throwing a lot of variables in there. I'm just saying people need to be aware. Not everyone has the acumen needed to know when they're making a mistake or when their broker is doing dumb things.
They worked 40 years and the only thing they know about their 401k is what the HR person told them when they signed the papers. I'm not sure what your problem is with what I'm saying. Just being pissy I guess.

First, people should be handling their own investments..many times I have posted the books to read to do just that.

I have never had any other financial advisor other than myself..and never will.

As for what I was responding to of your’ was this.

“You're mom apparently wasn't relying on much of her investments for income in retirement.”

Properly invested people with a basic knowledge of investing..relying on investments for income..can and do, do just fine.

Thats great that you can do that. Not everyone can. No matter how many books they read. They're just not wired that way.

I stand by my opinion and my statement.

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Re: My sincere hope/wish for you..

Postby GFB » Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:50 pm

Assuming they're not a shark, a good financial advisor can also make sure that someone living off their investments safely moves through a downturn.
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