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ann jusko
Posts: 1814
Joined: Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:25 am


Postby ann jusko » Sat May 16, 2015 9:30 am

Heh! I was posting a reply and my electricity went off.

The dewberries all along our fencelines were HUGE, but very juicy. I like them much better than blackberries because their seeds aren't nearly as obnoxious as blackberry seeds. When we sold our 250 acres, the man who bought it assured our kids that they'd be welcome anytime. "It's your home and I know you'll miss it." He lives in Dallas and is a stockbroker. He had no intentions of living there though. He said he'd build a cabin and be there on weekends. No cattle or animals, just enjoy the land. I do know the "preserve" status expired by now. I think it was for 10 years after they stocked it with deer. I may take a drive out and check out the dewberries. I'm still friends with neighbors in Miller Grove. They are good people and good neighbors. Facebook has reunited us all.

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