"I just don't like the guy"- George Bush on Ted Cruz

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Re: "I just don't like the guy"- George Bush on Ted Cruz

Postby Mark » Tue Oct 20, 2015 5:28 pm

Point of reference: George W. Bush is THE reason America got saddled with Barack Hussein Obama.
The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

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Indeed, "All Leftists lack critical thinking skills."

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Re: "I just don't like the guy"- George Bush on Ted Cruz

Postby ralph » Tue Oct 20, 2015 6:15 pm

Classy Ted Cruz responds to 'gwb' who is simply sticking up for his brother 'jebito' . --- http://www.king5.com/story/news/politic ... /74295436/ ---

ann jusko
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Re: "I just don't like the guy"- George Bush on Ted Cruz

Postby ann jusko » Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:20 am

WHAT?!! I've been around and with Cruz and there is NO problem relating to people. We sent him to D.C. to shake up the "REpublican Establishment" and he's done that. He really is dedicated to trying to get this country back on a constitutional tract. The man is so intelligent and he has a mission....get this country turned around. He is warm and funny in social situations BUT make no mistake, he is determined to do as much as he can to restore our country back to constitutional law and order. Anyone object to that?

I can understand GWB's royalty to his brother. I'd probably be the same if it was my brother. But he is wrong. And if you notice, Cruz did not respond in kind. He doesn't attack personally ever! But he does call out the danger that our country is in. Hell, we're on the verge of being dominated by Russian because this president's goal was to bring down the USA. IF you doubt that, get the video of Obama 2016 and as my son said "It's the scariest movie I've ever seen." For me, it connected the dots of why Obama has done what he has. It's no error that his book was "Dreams FROM My Father" rather than dreams OF my father. His father (whom he really didn't know) was from Africa and hated the British rule and colonialism in general. He was reared by Muslim communists. Anyone that thinks he wants to build up the USA is delusional.

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Re: "I just don't like the guy"- George Bush on Ted Cruz

Postby ralph » Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:24 am

good info Ann , thank you !! Ted just knows who the enemies are and he doesn't kiss their azz . Ted is cool !!

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Re: "I just don't like the guy"- George Bush on Ted Cruz

Postby ralph » Wed Oct 21, 2015 9:30 am

and its a lefty tactic to call a Patriot like Teds mental health into question with absolutely no evidence . EXAMPLE . the same smearing was done in the old 'soviet union' and I hear that its being done here in the USA with returning soldiers . Purpose of the smearing of returning USA soldiers mental health is so that their '2nd Amendment Rights ' can be removed .

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Re: "I just don't like the guy"- George Bush on Ted Cruz

Postby ralph » Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:21 am

and , just some background on the -ethics- of 'gwb' , just a little article on why he kept his mouth shut about all the damage being done to the USA by mrobama but hammers Ted Cruz . --- http://www.stridentconservative.com/geo ... -ted-cruz/ --- kinda off topic but interesting , imo !!

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Re: "I just don't like the guy"- George Bush on Ted Cruz

Postby jellowrestling » Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:56 am

Liberals often use psychobabble to discredit their enemies; ironic, because they are the ones with a mental disorder (Liberalism).

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