V.P. Mike Pence today..

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Re: V.P. Mike Pence today..

Postby rusty » Tue Oct 10, 2017 8:03 am

jellowrestling wrote:
rusty wrote:
GFB wrote:Best tax dollars we ever spent..having a good man and great leader like Mike Pence being clear and concise about just how scummy the anti American players are being.

Good job, Mike!

Where you goin’ NEXT Sunday?

Best tax dollars we ever spent?

Sure. Let's have the Vice-president, which is a position of utmost importance (bwahahaha) spend $250k to make sure the narcissistic President can have some face time. Oh yeah....money well spent.

You guys need to convene the Hypocrites.of America Club.

At least better than the $400,000+ spent on removing that beautiful statue of Marse Robert from Lee Park.

Apple and oranges, I don't pay taxes in Dallas. But I do agree that the whole statue bit is not in the best interests of all.
As opposed to some people, I don't fall lock step in the ideological agenda of any party.

For example, as you may remember, I NEVER thought Obamacare was the best way to address health care coverage. I NEVER thought Obama's DOL fiduciary rule was a good idea. I NEVER agreed on a lot of Michelle's comments.

Anybody that agrees 100% with any administration.....or individual......is either not thinking, or fibbing. Period, paragraph, end of story.

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