I got "the Jab" yesterday

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I got "the Jab" yesterday

Postby planosteve » Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:58 am

I've been considering it for a few weeks. Finally decided that there was no downside. And it's free. So, why not. Small pain in the shoulder, but not bad. I go back for the second one in 4 weeks.
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Re: I got "the Jab" yesterday

Postby LibraryLady2 » Sun Jan 24, 2021 8:00 am

We had nothing the first day, but at bedtime the second night, my shoulder was sore.
They say to move your arm around, especially above your head to decrease the soreness.
I like to sleep on my side and it kept waking me up. Tylenol the next night and I had no problems.
I had the shot on Monday morning and by Wednesday morning, everything was back to normal.
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