Special Forces recognize mrobama bad work on USA military

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Special Forces recognize mrobama bad work on USA military

Postby ralph » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:16 am

--- http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/army-special ... a-attacks/ --- the official link headline seems to be poorly worded to me but its good information in the link . Its my opinion that the USA military is being destroyed , purposely these last 7 years .

Castle Doctrine
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Re: Special Forces recognize mrobama bad work on USA militar

Postby Castle Doctrine » Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:37 am

You really should stick to Islamophobia and Racism Ralph. You don't seem to recognize military sour grapes when you see it.

And WND, really! Why not from The Onion or Grimm's Fairy Tales...they are more credible.

Have a great day, Ralph.

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Re: Special Forces recognize mrobama bad work on USA militar

Postby ralph » Mon Sep 14, 2015 12:14 pm

not a reply to anyone in particular , just some info about how 'islam' works since I see 'islam' mentioned in this thread . Article might be interesting to some readers as it was interesting and clarifying to me . --- http://www.meforum.org/2095/islams-doct ... -deception --- article explains some of 'islams' doctrines of deception and some people may not be aware of 'muslim' tricks and deception . Check out 'hirage' if its listed as 'hiraje' is whats happening in 'europe' with the current invasion . Might not have spelled ' hiraje ' correctly , if so I'll correct spelling !!

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Re: Special Forces recognize mrobama bad work on USA militar

Postby ralph » Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:12 pm

I misspelled the word , correct spelling is ' HIJRAH ' and here is some info on HIJRAH immigration practiced by 'muslims' . --- http://chersonandmolschky.com/2013/10/0 ... migration/ --- and I think that 'HIJRAH' is whats happening to 'europe' today . Same is probably scheduled for the USA .

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