BigTex wrote: We are all so afraid of being called a racist that we are letting the racial guilt crowd run roughshod across America.
I got to thinking the other day about the times I've been called a racist in my life. I've never been called a racist by a black person. Every time I've been called a racist in my life, it's been a brain-dead Lefty, such as the time Bubba the dickhead from Burleson called me a racist on one of these forums....
Screw them. I don't give a damn any more. I know what is in my own heart. Any time an idiot like Bubba the dickhead from Burleson calls me a racist, it makes it really easy to dismiss that person as an idiot not worthy of my consideration.
We're doing all kinds of stupid things in this nation right now in the name of showing how woke to racism we are, such as pulling down the Lee statue in Dallas. Where will the madness end? Everybody must know that the social justice mob will never get enough of it.
"Racism" is a word that really no longer has a meaning in this nation. It is now mostly just a tool used by white Lefties against all other whites.