Trump's latest tweets!

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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:51 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Today, on this “USMCA Day of Action,” thousands of grassroots supporters are urging Congress to pass the great bipartisan USMCA. USMCA = more JOBS for American workers, more economic growth, and more OPPORTUNITY for our farmers, ranchers, and businesses. #USMCAnow

Vice President Mike Pence @VP

It is absolutely essential that we get the USMCA passed by Congress so we can finally give American workers and farmers the level-playing field they need to compete and win in this hemisphere! #USMCAnow
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:54 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Congratulations to @DrGregMurphy1 of North Carolina (#NC03) on his great primary victory for the United States Congress. Greg is tough on Crime, Borders, and loves our Second Amendment, our Military and our Vets. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:56 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

I was just informed by Marillyn Hewson, CEO of Lockheed Martin, of her decision to keep the Sikorsky Helicopter Plant in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, open and humming! We are very proud of Pennsylvania and the people who work there....
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:58 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

....Thank you to Lockheed Martin, one of the USA’s truly great companies!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:59 pm

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

THANK YOU BILL! ... 7930187776
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Wed Jul 10, 2019 10:01 pm

Pinned Tweet

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Thank you so much @JonVoight! ... 2990063616
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:22 am

Donald J. Trump Retweeted

Katie Hopkins @KTHopkins

God-willing / jihadi-failing I am going to be alive to see

Trump in the White House
Boris in Number 10
Netanyahu building Israel
Bolsanaro, Salvini, Orban, Kaczyński, & the Right Minded bringing strength in depth

What a time to be alive

The fightback by proud nations is on
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:25 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The White House will be hosting a very big and very important Social Media Summit today. Would I have become President without Social Media? Yes (probably)! At its conclusion, we will all go to the beautiful Rose Garden for a News Conference on the Census and Citizenship.
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:26 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

A big subject today at the White House Social Media Summit will be the tremendous dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression practiced by certain companies. We will not let them get away with it much longer. The Fake News Media will also be there, but for a limited period..
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:27 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

....The Fake News is not as important, or as powerful, as Social Media. They have lost tremendous credibility since that day in November, 2016, that I came down the escalator with the person who was to become your future First Lady. When I ultimately leave office in six......
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:28 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

....years, or maybe 10 or 14 (just kidding), they will quickly go out of business for lack of credibility, or approval, from the public. That’s why they will all be Endorsing me at some point, one way or the other. Could you imagine having Sleepy Joe Biden, or
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:04 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

...or a very nervous and skinny version of Pocahontas (1000/24th), as your President, rather than what you have now, so great looking and smart, a true Stable Genius! Sorry to say that even Social Media would be driven out of business along with, and finally, the Fake News Media!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:07 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

“Nearly one million more blacks and two million more Hispanics are employed than when Barrack Obama left office, and minorities account for more than half of all new jobs created during the Trump Presidency. Unemployment among black women has hovered near 5% for the last six.....
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:09 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Robert Johnson, B.E.T. “I give the President a lot of credit for moving the Economy in a positive direction that’s benefiting a large number of Americans. I think the Tax Cuts clearly helped stimulate the Economy, and you look at...
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:13 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

....the number of people who are no longer looking for jobs but who are now seeing the opportunity for job growth, you’ve got to give the President an A Plus for that.” Thank you Robert, one of our great business leaders!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:17 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

The Fake News Media loves the narrative that I didn’t use many banks because the banks didn’t like me. No, I didn’t use many banks because I didn’t (don’t) need their money (old fashioned, isn’t it?). If I did, it would have been very easy for me to get.
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:18 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

....And remember, a bank that I did use years ago, the now badly written about and maligned Deutsche Bank, was then one of the largest and most prestigious banks in the world! They wanted my business, and so did many others!
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:20 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Democrats had to quickly take down a tweet called “Kids In Cages, Inhumane Treatment at the Border,” because the horrible picture used was from the Obama years. Very embarrassing! @foxandfriends
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:02 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Now the Democrats have asked to see 12 more people who have already spent hours with Robert Mueller, and spent a fortune on lawyers in so doing. How many bites at the apple do they get before working on Border Loopholes and Asylum. They also want to interview the highly......
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Re: Trump's latest tweets!

Postby GFB » Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:03 am

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

....conflicted and compromised Mueller again. He said he was “done” after his last 9 minute speech, and that he had nothing more to say outside of the No Collusion, No Obstruction, Report. Enough already, go back to work! I won, unanimously, the big Emoluments case yesterday!
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