Message from a great man..

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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby planosteve » Mon Jun 21, 2021 7:35 pm

Trump's 41 percent favorable rating in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average of polls - a poor rating for a former president - hides the fact that two-thirds of Republicans recently told Quinnipiac University polling that they want to see Trump run for the nomination in 2024.

Why wouldn't Trump run, with that kind of hold on the party?

The problem for Trump is that while his candidacy is the tallest tree in the GOP jungle, it has shallow roots in the soft, shifting soil of a cult of personality.

At his maximum political power, Trump is a towering idol for a fickle crowd that agrees on only one thing - hating Democrats.

Trump had no strong political agenda to attract support when he ran in 2020.

He still has no agenda.

He makes headlines by demonizing Democrats as "socialists" and shouting his latest grievance with liberal "cancel culture" into microphones. He also attacks Republicans who don't bow to him. ... d=msedgntp
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:12 pm

planosteve wrote:Trump's 41 percent favorable rating in the RealClearPolitics (RCP) average of polls - a poor rating for a former president - hides the fact that two-thirds of Republicans recently told Quinnipiac University polling that they want to see Trump run for the nomination in 2024.

Why wouldn't Trump run, with that kind of hold on the party?

The problem for Trump is that while his candidacy is the tallest tree in the GOP jungle, it has shallow roots in the soft, shifting soil of a cult of personality.

At his maximum political power, Trump is a towering idol for a fickle crowd that agrees on only one thing - hating Democrats.

Trump had no strong political agenda to attract support when he ran in 2020.

He still has no agenda.

He makes headlines by demonizing Democrats as "socialists" and shouting his latest grievance with liberal "cancel culture" into microphones. He also attacks Republicans who don't bow to him. ... d=msedgntp

That was really REALLY dumb.
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:26 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Georgia now plans to remove over 100,000 “obsolete and outdated” names off their voter rolls. Doing this, they say, will ensure voting files are up to date, while at the same time ensuring voter integrity in future elections. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE LAST ELECTION? WHY WASN’T THIS DONE PRIOR TO THE NOVEMBER 3RD PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, where they had us losing by a very small number of votes, many times less than the 101,789 figure? This means we (you!) won the Presidential Election in Georgia. But don’t fret, much other information will soon be revealed about Georgia—and other States as well. It is coming out FAST and FURIOUS. The 2020 Presidential Election was rigged!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:30 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

The story that I asked the Department of Justice to go after ratings-challenged (without Trump!) Saturday Night Live, and other late-night Losers, is total Fake News. It was fabricated, there were no sources, and yet the Lamestream Media goes with it. I did say, however, that Alec Baldwin has no talent, certainly when it comes to imitating me. The one who had what it took was Darrell Hammond. With all of that being said, however, I do believe that the 100% one-sided shows should be considered an illegal campaign contribution from the Democrat Party, hard to believe I got 75 million votes (the most of any sitting President) despite all of that, together with a very Fraudulent Election. 2024 or before!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:59 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Big crowds in the Great State of Ohio this weekend for the Trump rally. See you on Saturday night. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, AGAIN!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:02 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

After months of ignoring the crisis at the Southern Border, it is great that we got Kamala Harris to finally go and see the tremendous destruction and death that they've created—a direct result of Biden ending my very tough but fair Border policies.

Harris and Biden were given the strongest Border in American history. And now, it is by far the worst in American history.

If Governor Abbott and I weren’t going there next week, she would have never gone!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:06 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Good news! RINO Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona has restated the fact that he is not running for the United States Senate. It would not matter, however, because he could not get the nomination after failing to perform on the Voter Fraud in Arizona. Also, there is no way he would get my endorsement, which means, his aspirations would be permanently put to rest anyway. Again, thank you to our brave Republicans in the Arizona State Senate for their bravery in putting forward the Forensic Audit. Everybody is anxiously awaiting the result!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Thu Jun 24, 2021 8:08 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

There has never been, in our Country’s history, a Border catastrophe like what is currently taking place at our Southern Border. All Biden had to do is leave it the way it was, by far the strongest Southern Border our Country has ever had. Millions of people will now be streaming into our Country unchecked, unvetted, and unknown. Other countries are emptying their prisons with their worst criminals flowing into our Country. Drugs, gangs, and fugitives are pouring in every day. Hospitals, schools, communities, and police are overwhelmed. This is far more than a crisis—our Country is being destroyed!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby planosteve » Thu Jun 24, 2021 10:18 am

GFB wrote:Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

There has never been, in our Country’s history, a Border catastrophe like what is currently taking place at our Southern Border. All Biden had to do is leave it the way it was, by far the strongest Southern Border our Country has ever had. Millions of people will now be streaming into our Country unchecked, unvetted, and unknown. Other countries are emptying their prisons with their worst criminals flowing into our Country. Drugs, gangs, and fugitives are pouring in every day. Hospitals, schools, communities, and police are overwhelmed. This is far more than a crisis—our Country is being destroyed!

I'm sure there were people saying the same when his grandfather Friedrich Drumpf arrived here from Germany. "A bunch of worthless, no good, Kraut winos." :D
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:19 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Michigan State Senators Mike Shirkey and Ed McBroom are doing everything possible to stop Voter Audits in order to hide the truth about November 3rd. The Senate “investigation” of the election is a cover up, and a method of getting out of a Forensic Audit for the examination of the Presidential contest.

Corrupt (?) politicians falsely claim there was no Voter Fraud in Michigan (has anyone looked at what is considered the most corrupt election city in the U.S., DETROIT?), however, they admit to “problems with the numbers” that rigged 7,048 votes to illegally give a very conservative county to Joe Biden, which raised big signals, only to then find that it was actually President Trump that won the county by 3,788 votes, not Biden.

The report mentions that Detroit engaged in “illegal actions” by blocking our poll workers, and concludes mailing of unsolicited ballot applications “demonstrates a clear vulnerability for fraud”, and then goes on to say that no one should question this election?

Instead of doing a Forensic Audit, they want to investigate the Patriots who have fought for the truth and who are exposing a very possibly Rigged Election. The truth will come out and RINO’s will pay at the polls, especially with primary voters and expected challenges. Our Country was based on Free and Fair Elections, and that’s what we must have!

Call those two Senators now and get them to do the right thing, or vote them the hell out of office!

Contact: Sen. Mike Shirkey: (517) 373-5932

Contact: Sen. Ed McBroom: (517) 373-7840
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:22 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Can you believe that New York wants to strip Rudy Giuliani, a great American Patriot, of his law license because he has been fighting what has already been proven to be a Fraudulent Election? The greatest Mayor in the history of New York City, the Eliot Ness of his generation, one of the greatest crime fighters our Country has ever known, and this is what the Radical Left does to him. All of New York is out of control, crime is at an all-time high—it’s nothing but a Witch Hunt, and they should be ashamed of themselves. TAKE BACK AMERICA!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:41 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

My thoughts and prayers are with all of those impacted by the building collapse in Surfside, Florida. Thank you to the incredible First Responders and Law Enforcement for arriving so quickly on the job, as always. We wish Governor Ron DeSantis, and all of those representing the Great State of Florida concerning this tragic event, Good Luck and God Speed. I am with you all the way!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Fri Jun 25, 2021 3:18 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Biden’s Department of Justice just announced that they are suing the Great State of Georgia over its Election Integrity Act. Actually, it should be the other way around! The PEOPLE of Georgia should SUE the State, and their elected officials, for running a CORRUPT AND RIGGED 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION—and for trying to suppress the VOTE of the AMERICAN PEOPLE in Georgia. If we don’t address these issues from the 2020 Election head on, and we allow the Radical Left Democrats to continue to politicize the DOJ and Law Enforcement, we will lose our Country. SAVE AMERICA!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:21 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Wisconsin Republican leaders Robin Vos, Chris Kapenga, and Devin LeMahieu, are working hard to cover up election corruption, in Wisconsin. They are actively trying to prevent a Forensic Audit of the election results, especially those which took place in Milwaukee, one of the most corrupt election locales in the country. Don’t fall for their lies! These REPUBLICAN “leaders” need to step up and support the people who elected them by providing them a full forensic investigation. If they don’t, I have little doubt that they will be primaried and quickly run out of
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:41 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Thank you to the people in Wellington, OH last night for an unbelievable evening of very serious talk but also, fun. In many ways with what was said, and the reaction to it, it was legendary.
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby planosteve » Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:50 am

GFB wrote:Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Thank you to the people in Wellington, OH last night for an unbelievable evening of very serious talk but also, fun. In many ways with what was said, and the reaction to it, it was legendary.
Yeah, he's a legend in his own mind all right. :D
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:31 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

RINO former Attorney General Bill Barr failed to investigate election fraud, and really let down the American people. Even the scam that took place in Georgia of ballot stuffing on camera, he couldn’t see what was wrong with it. Just like he failed to understand the Horowitz report and let everyone down with respect to getting a timely investigation (where’s Durham?) on all of the corruption of the Obama-Biden Administration.

It’s people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed. He and other RINOs in the Republican Party are being used in order to try to convince people that the election was legitimate when so many incredible facts have now come out to show conclusively that it wasn’t.

He came in with a semi-bang and went out with a whimper. Earlier in his term Bill Barr went ballistic on CNN with Wolf Blitzer warning Democrats were changing election rules to flood the system with mail-in ballots that “as a matter of logic” are “very open to fraud.” They are, and Bill Barr did nothing about it.

If there was no fraud, why are Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and other States spending so much time and effort on exposing the fraud? We already know that:

101,789 “obsolete” voters on the rolls in Georgia, including 18,486 dead people
Ballot batches off by up to 17.5 percent in Maricopa County, Arizona
“Massive” chain of custody problems with drop boxes in Georgia, missing hundreds of thousands of records for months after the election
Thousands of ballots “wheeled in through the back door” in Fulton County days after the election
“Double feeding” ballots in Fulton County, Georgia
Nearly 200,000 illegal “indefinitely confined” votes in Wisconsin that violated Voter ID law
“Cash for votes” scheme in Nevada
Illegal alien votes
Election law changes were not authorized by the State Legislatures, which is mandated by the U.S. Constitution

And much more!

If he felt this way, why did Barr say he was “greatly honored” and “proud to have played a role in the many successes and unprecedented achievements you have delivered for the American people” in the final letter he wrote to me? He said, “Few could have weathered these attacks, much less forge ahead with a positive program for the country."

Now it was revealed that Barr was being pushed to tell lies about the election by Mitch McConnell, another beauty, who was worried about damaging the Republicans chances in the Georgia runoff. What really damaged the Senate Republicans was allowing their races to be rigged and stolen, and worse, the American people to no longer believe their vote matters because spineless RINOs like Bill Barr and Mitch McConnell did nothing.
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby planosteve » Mon Jun 28, 2021 10:17 am

Who choose Bill Barr to be the attorney general? Hmmmmmm? :lol:
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:34 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Had Mitch McConnell fought for the Presidency like he should have, there would right now be Presidential Vetoes on all of the phased Legislation that he has proven to be incapable of stopping. Not to mention, he lost two Senatorial seats in Georgia, making the Republicans the Minority in the Senate. He never fought for the White House and blew it for the Country. Too bad I backed him in Kentucky, he would have been primaried and lost! Based on press reports, he convinced his buddy, Bill Barr, to get the corrupt (based on massive amounts of evidence that the Fake News refuses to mention!) election done, over with, and sealed for Biden, ASAP!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:01 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Radical Left New York City and State Prosecutors, who have let murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and all other forms of crime skyrocket to record levels, and who have just announced that they will be releasing hundreds of people involved in violent crime back onto the streets without retribution of any kind, are rude, nasty, and totally biased in the way they are treating lawyers, representatives, and some of the wonderful long-term employees and people within the Trump Organization. After hundreds of subpoenas, over 3 million pages of documents, 4 years of searching, dozens and dozens of interviews, and millions of dollars of taxpayer funds wasted, they continue to be “in search of a crime” and will do anything to frighten people into making up the stories or lies that they want, but have been totally unable to get. In an unprecedented move, they retained an outside “Never Trumper” lawyer from a Trump-hating law firm to work on the case. It is a continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt of all time.

Now they are issuing ultimatums, working in close conjunction with the Washington, D.C. hacks who have been investigating me from the day I came down the escalator in Trump Tower, but who have failed. In fact, the guilty parties were these prosecutors’ partners in crime, the Radical Left Democrats and friends. They will do anything to stop the MAGA movement (and me), even if it involves prosecutorial misconduct and harassment of a political opponent, which they are using at levels rarely seen before. They leak, they lie, and they campaign based on information that has already been gone through in other of the many investigations I have put up with.

Now they just leaked that we were given one day, today, to make our case about things that are standard practice throughout the U.S. business community, and in no way a crime. They also know that no matter how strong our case, they will work hard to embarrass us and the Republican Party.

Having politically motivated prosecutors, people who actually got elected because they will “get Donald Trump,” is a very dangerous thing for our Country. In the end, people will not stand for it. Remember, if they can do this to me, they can do it to anyone! Why would anyone bring their company to New York, or even stay in New York, knowing these Radical Left Democrats would willingly target their company if viewed as a political opponent? It is devastating for New York!

These Witch Hunters are relentlessly seeking to destroy a reputation of a President who has done a great job for this Country, including tax and regulation cuts, Border control, rebuilding the Military, and developing the vaccine in record time—thereby saving our Country, and far beyond. Washington, D.C. and ultimately, the U.S. Supreme Court, should finally stop these vicious, angry, and highly partisan prosecutors. They are a disgrace to our Nation!
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