Message from a great man..

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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Sat Feb 05, 2022 9:25 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

On Monday the incredible people of Iowa exercise their sacred right to peaceably assemble and participate in the great Iowa Caucus! One of the most time-honored and American of traditions. Neighbors will join together to cast their votes and determine their future.

However, the corrupt and elitist Democrat Establishment wants to steal Iowa’s First-in-the-Nation status. They want to limit your freedoms, silence your voices, strangle your livelihoods, and restrict your God-given right to nominate your political leaders.

Coastal Democrats allow illegal aliens to vote in California and New York, but are attempting to stifle the free speech of great American Patriots.

With me, Iowa will ALWAYS keep its first-in-the-Nation status. The great people of Middle America will have a powerful vote and voice. Iowans, make sure you go out on Monday and participate in your precinct caucus!

Thank you to Governor Reynolds, Senator Grassley, and Chairman Kaufmann for fighting hard against the Radical Democrats!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Wed Feb 09, 2022 7:58 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

My Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, has written a memoir in which he explains how our foreign policy of “peace through strength” brought about unprecedented support for Israel and once-in-a-lifetime peace agreements between Israel and five Muslim nations (with more to come)—the Abraham Accords. His book is aptly named, Sledgehammer: How Breaking with the Past Brought Peace to the Middle East. Go to to order your copy and learn more about how American foreign policy is supposed to work—making us stronger, safer, and more prosperous at home and abroad. Congrats to David on a great new book!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Wed Feb 09, 2022 7:59 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

There would have been no January 6, as we know it, if Nancy Pelosi heeded my recommendation to bring 10,000 Soldiers, or the National Guard, into the Capitol. End the Unselect Committee January 6th Witch Hunt right now. Pelosi and the Dems are responsible!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:01 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

If AT&T/DirecTV cancels OAN, I hope that everyone will boycott and cancel DirecTV. It is a very popular channel, far more popular than most would understand, and they are being treated horribly by the Radical Left lunatics running the networks. Instead of being allowed to grow, their voice is being shuttered. Don't let it happen, cancel DirecTV. If you feel infringed by what this Communist movement is doing, cancel DirecTV!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:04 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

The Biden Administration now says “conspiracy theories” about elections are the greatest threat to the homeland. Does the Department of Homeland Security include in its list of conspiracy theories the on tape irrefutable evidence of massive “Ballot Harvesting” in the Swing States? Do they include more votes than voters, and the fact that in Georgia thousands of duplicate votes were scanned and voter fraud was committed with 100-0 falsified vote counts for Joe Biden? Do they include in Wisconsin more than twice the election margin voted without ever showing Voter ID, which is illegal, or the widespread fraud uncovered in nursing homes? Or how 23,344 mail-in ballots were counted, despite the person no longer living at that address in Arizona, and that there was over 100% turnout for mail-in ballots in precincts in Pima County. What about the many violations of the Constitution, and the millions poured into Swing States by the Facebook CEO to hijack our elections?

The Biden Administration will do anything to keep the eye away from the massive irregularities and voter fraud that took place in the 2020 Presidential Election, even so ridiculously as going after its own citizens as “terrorists” using DHS, which should instead be focusing on the Border, where millions of people, from places unknown, are pouring into our Country. They are so desperate to hide the truth, they’ll make it criminal to speak it!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:06 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Kristi Noem has done a great job as Governor of South Dakota. She is strong on Borders, the Second Amendment, preserving land and Energy Dominance, Medical Freedom, and kept South Dakota open during COVID. She fully supports our great Law Enforcement, Military, our wonderful Vets—and is a fighter for the incredible people of South Dakota. Kristi has my Complete and Total Endorsement!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:07 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Congressman Jim Jordan’s book is doing very well. Go get a copy of Do What You Said You Would Do: Fighting for Freedom in the Swamp. It is fantastic!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby planosteve » Wed Feb 09, 2022 2:01 pm

GFB wrote:Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Congressman Jim Jordan’s book is doing very well. Go get a copy of Do What You Said You Would Do: Fighting for Freedom in the Swamp. It is fantastic!

As long as we're recommending good reads, heres a few:
The Big Cheat: How Donald Trump Fleeced America and Enriched Himself and His Family
by David Cay Johnston

Peril:by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa

I'll Take Your Questions Now: What I Saw at the Trump White House
by Stephanie Grisham

I Alone Can Fix It: Donald J. Trump's Catastrophic Final Year
by Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker

Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency
by Michael Wolff, Holter Graham, et al.

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President - Updated and Expanded with New Essays
by Bandy X. Lee MD - editor, William Dufris, et al.

Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and His Followers
by John W. Dean, Bob Altemeyer, et al.

Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy
by Jamie Raskin

Enjoy! :D
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby Mark » Wed Feb 09, 2022 5:36 pm

planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Congressman Jim Jordan’s book is doing very well. Go get a copy of Do What You Said You Would Do: Fighting for Freedom in the Swamp. It is fantastic!

As long as we're recommending good reads, heres a few:
Bob Woodward and Robert Costa

by Stephanie Grisham

by Michael Wolff

John W. Dean

by Jamie Raskin

Enjoy! :D

Good gosh, give it a rest. Nobody gives a shit what all those hack liars have to say.
The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

Back by popular request:

Indeed, "All Leftists lack critical thinking skills."

Indeed, "All Leftist males are pussies."

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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby planosteve » Wed Feb 09, 2022 6:47 pm

I missed John Bolton, his national security advisor.

General James Mattis' book is notable in that he never mentions him. And he was the Sec. of Defense for 1 year in the Trump nut house. :D
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:56 pm

planosteve wrote:I missed John Bolton, his national security advisor.

General James Mattis' book is notable in that he never mentions him. And he was the Sec. of Defense for 1 year in the Trump nut house. :D

Worthless losers that just took up space were fine under the Bushes and other Deep Staters and RINOS.

Trump demanded holders and phony baloneys didn’t last.
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Wed Feb 09, 2022 8:59 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Mitch McConnell does not speak for the Republican Party, and does not represent the views of the vast majority of its voters. He did nothing to fight for his constituents and stop the most fraudulent election in American history. And he does nothing to stop the lawless Biden Administration, the invasion of our Borders, rising Inflation, Unconstitutional mandates, the persecution of political opponents, fact finding on the incompentent Afghanistan withdrawal, the giving away our energy independence, etc., which is all because of the fraudulent election. Instead, he bails out the Radical Left and the RINOs.

If Mitch would have fought for the election, like the Democrats would have if in the same position, we would not be discussing any of the above today, and our Country would be STRONG and PROUD instead of weak and embarrassed.
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Wed Feb 09, 2022 9:00 pm

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

For the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to say that the RNC should not censure walking Democrat sound bites, Liz Cheney and Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, is so against what Republicans are about. It’s not as bad as the two-month extension he gave the Democrats when they were ready to fold, but the censure of Cheney and Kinzinger is a good and very appropriate thing to do as it pertains to our great Republican Party!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby planosteve » Thu Feb 10, 2022 2:51 am

I'm sure the majority of Republicans in DC do NOT want to see Trump back there. At least I can't think of one that has ever said that. Maybe he can fill a high school football stadium but that's not going to impress anybody. He's even being dissed by his own vice president for trying to steal the election! :o
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:20 am

planosteve wrote:I'm sure the majority of Republicans in DC do NOT want to see Trump back there. At least I can't think of one that has ever said that. Maybe he can fill a high school football stadium but that's not going to impress anybody. He's even being dissed by his own vice president for trying to steal the election! :o

So now all that matters to you is what the Deep State and political hacks how things change.
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Thu Feb 10, 2022 9:02 am

Donald J Trump @realdonaldtrump

Following collaborative and respectful discussions, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) openly and willingly arranged with President Trump for the transport of boxes that contained letters, records, newspapers, magazines, and various articles. Some of this information will someday be displayed in the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library for the public to view my Administration’s incredible accomplishments for the American People.

The media’s characterization of my relationship with NARA is Fake News. It was exactly the opposite! It was a great honor to work with NARA to help formally preserve the Trump Legacy.

The papers were given easily and without conflict and on a very friendly basis, which is different from the accounts being drawn up by the Fake News Media. In fact, it was viewed as routine and "no big deal." In actuality, I have been told I was under no obligation to give this material based on various legal rulings that have been made over the years. Crooked Hillary Clinton, as an example, deleted and acid washed 32,000 emails and never gave that to the government. Then, they took large amounts of furniture out of the White House. And Bill Clinton kept numerous audio recordings that the archives wanted, but were unsuccessful at getting after going to court. We won't even mention what is going on with the White House in the current, or various past administrations.

Also, another fake story, that I flushed papers and documents down a White House toilet, is categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book. The Democrats are just using this and the Unselect Committee of political hacks as a camoflauge for how horribly our Country is doing under the Biden Administration.

In the United States there has unfortunately become two legal standards, one for Republicans and one for Democrats. It should not be that way!
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby planosteve » Thu Feb 10, 2022 11:06 am

GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:I'm sure the majority of Republicans in DC do NOT want to see Trump back there. At least I can't think of one that has ever said that. Maybe he can fill a high school football stadium but that's not going to impress anybody. He's even being dissed by his own vice president for trying to steal the election! :o

So now all that matters to you is what the Deep State and political hacks how things change.
All that matters to me is that he never ever holds public office of any kind again. There is no Republican in Congress that I know of that wants to see Trump back in the White House. :lol:
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby GFB » Thu Feb 10, 2022 1:24 pm

planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:I'm sure the majority of Republicans in DC do NOT want to see Trump back there. At least I can't think of one that has ever said that. Maybe he can fill a high school football stadium but that's not going to impress anybody. He's even being dissed by his own vice president for trying to steal the election! :o

So now all that matters to you is what the Deep State and political hacks how things change.
All that matters to me is that he never ever holds public office of any kind again. There is no Republican in Congress that I know of that wants to see Trump back in the White House. :lol:

Yeah that’s why the RNC just voted to censure Cheney and Kinzinger.
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby planosteve » Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:07 pm

GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:
So now all that matters to you is what the Deep State and political hacks how things change.
All that matters to me is that he never ever holds public office of any kind again. There is no Republican in Congress that I know of that wants to see Trump back in the White House. :lol:

Yeah that’s why the RNC just voted to censure Cheney and Kinzinger.

They threw the Trump heads a bone. Doesn't mean squat. If 45 should by some miracle gets the nomination, he will loose big time, no matter who the Democrats run.
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Re: Message from a great man..

Postby rusty » Thu Feb 10, 2022 6:19 pm

GFB wrote:
planosteve wrote:
GFB wrote:
So now all that matters to you is what the Deep State and political hacks how things change.
All that matters to me is that he never ever holds public office of any kind again. There is no Republican in Congress that I know of that wants to see Trump back in the White House. :lol:

Yeah that’s why the RNC just voted to censure Cheney and Kinzinger.

And a lot of high profile Republicans have lambasted that move.

Trump’s toast, unless you’re one of the dwindling minions.

He’ll probably be in jail before the next election.

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