Cruz Watch

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Cruz Watch

Postby planosteve » Sat May 02, 2015 1:31 pm

Ted Cruz’s claim after skipping Lynch vote has aides pedaling fast

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ted Cruz, stung by criticism for skipping Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s confirmation vote to rub elbows with donors, claimed Thursday that “absence is the equivalent of a no vote.”

That’s an unconventional interpretation of Senate rules.

On Friday afternoon, aides sought to contain the damage.

“Senator Cruz was referring specifically to the Lynch vote. He made clear his opposition to her nomination and voted against cloture, which was the vote that mattered most. Once cloture was invoked, her confirmation was guaranteed,” campaign spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said.

A day earlier, Cruz had insisted that skipping the Lynch vote was tantamount to opposing her, as he had vowed to do for months.

In congressional records, a senator who misses a vote is marked as not voting. Counting those as “no” votes would suggest a number of contradictions and even more hard-to-explain stances.

By the logic Cruz applied to the Lynch vote, his absences reflect opposition even to measures and nominees he publicly supported.

For instance, Cruz missed confirmation votes in the past month for Judges Alfred Bennett and George Hanks to federal benches in the Southern District of Texas. Yet he had jointly recommended them with Sen. John Cornyn, and in September he called them “judges of the highest caliber.”

Bennett was confirmed 95-0; Hanks, 91-0.

As with the Lynch vote, Cruz was the only senator to miss a vote establishing a deficit-neutral fund to support Israel. It passed the Senate 99-0 two days after he launched his campaign for president. He’s also been the only senator to miss votes on measures to provide human-trafficking victims with financial and medical support (99-0) and to fund water pollution control (99-0).

Senators often miss votes to give speeches, handle personal business, raise funds or stump for office. Absenteeism is especially common for those running for president.

Cruz has missed 26 percent of Senate votes in 2015 and almost 70 percent in April — far more than other GOP contenders. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida has missed 19 percent of votes this year, and Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has missed just two votes.

Cruz had railed against the Lynch nomination for months.

The day of her confirmation, he made a speech on the Senate floor blasting Republicans who would side with Democrats to cut off the debate — a group that included both Cornyn and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. He blamed them for letting Lynch become the nation’s chief law enforcement officer.

Twenty Republicans sided with Democrats on the procedural vote, and 10 of them ended up voting for confirmation two hours later.

By then, Cruz was heading to Dallas for a fundraiser.

As his spokeswoman noted, his vote wouldn’t have tipped the outcome once the procedural fight was lost. Lynch was confirmed 56-43.

But a number of Republican senators bristled at Cruz’s finger-pointing, including Cornyn, the deputy GOP leader.

“Cloture ends debate only. It does not confirm a nominee. Otherwise a subsequent vote on whether to confirm a nominee is meaningless,” Cornyn tweeted.
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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby ralph » Sat May 02, 2015 1:39 pm

the way I understand is that TED CRUZ had to fly back to Texas , the vote was going in favor of the woman so he took off to fly back to TEXAS . That , HIS explanation is good enough for me . I blame 'rinos' like 'heb bush' for urging , pushing for the vote on the woman !! Vote shoulda never happened , leave her in limbo for the rest of mrobamas term would be good enough for me !!

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby planosteve » Sat May 02, 2015 1:47 pm

By then, Cruz was heading to Dallas for a fundraiser.

Never ever ever get between Cruz and a fund raiser. Or you'll be sorry.
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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby ralph » Sat May 02, 2015 2:02 pm

I don't blame him , he11 , mrobama was off to Vegas minutes or hours after the Gent in Benghazi was killed wasn't he . heb bush for example has millions to start with plus his name , family and organization of political cronies and 'chamber of commerce' bigwigs . I think that TED CRUZ needs and wants my small money contribution and he is willing to work for it !!

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby BigTex » Sat May 02, 2015 2:15 pm

How do these guys get such bad advice?

There are going to people who will hate you no matter what, but you don't need to give them ammunition and offer the load for them.

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby planosteve » Sat May 02, 2015 4:56 pm

If your a Texas business man and need help from your senator on an issue with the Federal Govt. don't ask Rafael for any help.

Many Texas businesses, institutions and consultants say they feel they cannot go to Cruz for help with government agencies, either because they think he won’t be interested or they think his anti-government fervor will prove counterproductive with bureaucrats.

“I’ve never heard any of my colleagues say, ‘I’ve got a problem and I’m going to Sen. Cruz,’ ” said Hector De Leon, an Austin-based lawyer who’s a Republican. “My experience and others’ I know is if you want some constituent service done, you go to Cornyn’s office,” a reference to Texas’ other senator, Majority Whip John Cornyn.

“The general feeling among Texas companies,” said a Washington lobbyist for a large Texas company, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, “is that no one can get anything out of that office unless it means an ideological agenda.”

William Schubert, president of International Trade & Transportation Inc., a Houston-based company that manages large overseas projects, was one of those supporters.

Schubert is still reeling from a private meeting in late February with Cruz chief of staff Paul Teller, another Senate aide and a large group from the Texas business community. About 100 people from 68 Texas companies were in Washington as part of a national push from businesses worried over the looming July 1 deadline to reauthorize the Ex-Im bank.

“Ten minutes into the meeting we almost had a riot,” said Schubert. “It was condescending, with the talking points we hear all the time about ‘crony capitalism.’ ”

When one businessman with 500 employees said he’d have to lay off one-third of his workforce, he asked Teller what he should tell them. Schubert said Teller replied, “Tell them it’s for the greater good.”
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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby Red Oak » Sat May 02, 2015 5:46 pm

About Damn time someone got the fat hogs off the government trough.

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby planosteve » Sat May 02, 2015 6:07 pm

Red Oak wrote:About Damn time someone got the fat hogs off the government trough.

And who cares about people loosing their jobs as long as it's for "the greater good".
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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby GFB » Sat May 02, 2015 6:21 pm

"Cruz Watch"

..competes with the Iwatch?
If you’re “woke”’re a loser.

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby Red Oak » Sat May 02, 2015 7:09 pm

planosteve wrote:
Red Oak wrote:About Damn time someone got the fat hogs off the government trough.

And who cares about people loosing their jobs as long as it's for "the greater good".

If a Job only exists because the Guberment funds it, it isn't something we need. Defense, Courts, and other legitimate goverment functions excepted.

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby grouchy » Sat May 02, 2015 8:25 pm

Cruz is a pissant.

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby Red Oak » Sat May 02, 2015 9:34 pm


Tell that to Dewhurst.

I am a never Hillaryite!

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby ann jusko » Sun May 03, 2015 7:24 am

I support Ted Cruz. If anyone was unclear on his position about the DOJ nominee, they're not paying attention at all. If anyone thought his vote would have mattered, they're not paying attention.

Cornyn is really a hypocrite. He has not met with constituents, had a town hall meeting and then claimed he did a "phone townhall". We couldn't find one person who participated in a phone town hall. He just really doesn't give a damn about what Texans want UNLESS they're multimillionairs. If someone doesn't remember who motioned to close arguments on Obama care, they aren't paying attention either.

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby planosteve » Sun May 03, 2015 7:26 am

“Just because you’re paranoid … doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you.” - Ted Cruz :lol:
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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby grouchy » Sun May 03, 2015 2:08 pm

Red Oak wrote::roll:

Tell that to Dewhurst.

I appreciate what you are trying to say, but my feelings toward the good
Senator have nothing to do with Dewburst. It is strictly about what I think
a about my opinion of the obnoxious peasant.

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby grouchy » Sun May 03, 2015 2:08 pm

grouchy wrote:
Red Oak wrote::roll:

Tell that to Dewhurst.

I appreciate what you are trying to say, but my feelings toward the good
Senator have nothing to do with Dewburst. It is strictly about what I think
a about my opinion of the obnoxious peasant.


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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby Red Oak » Sun May 03, 2015 2:14 pm

Check you Meds..... I'll give you a pass on slurring me, just once.

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby planosteve » Sun May 03, 2015 2:36 pm

"Nice little Jewish community you got here"-Arab world to Nut Job 8-)

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby Red Oak » Sun May 03, 2015 5:54 pm

IIRRC Ron Paul was in favor of shutting down the IX also.

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Re: Cruz Watch

Postby grouchy » Sun May 03, 2015 6:01 pm

Red Oak wrote:Check you Meds..... I'll give you a pass on slurring me, just once.


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