For Sale: Baby parts

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby mayhem » Fri Jul 17, 2015 8:54 am

ann jusko wrote:I watched the videos a couple times. I still want to reach into the video and shove that damn fork down her throat. I watched the rebuttal. I don't believe for one minute that B**** was lying about the body parts and the money received.

I have a nurse practitioner friend. She accepted a job at PP thinking she'd be doing well woman checkups, ordering mammograms, blood work, etc. She called one day and said "Let's go to lunch." She told me she quit. She is discrete and when she said "It isn't what I thought it would be and I needed to get out of there." I didn't press and won't. But shortly afterwards, she went to work at one of Parkland's clinics. She's a lot more satisfied with her life now, some frustrations with non-compliant patients, but she's knows she's doing the right thing.

Castle - believe what you want, but I'm not believing any of it. I know you think your position and critical thinking is better than most. But most people do think their position is the correct one. If you can stomach the "being careful not to "use the grabber" on the parts that are for the client, then you will need to live with that.

Did you watch or otherwise make yourself acquainted with the actual videos? I can guide your way here if you haven't.
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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby mayhem » Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:14 am

For significant example, the PPA says in a published statement:

"A well funded group established for the purpose of damaging Planned Parenthood’s mission and services has promoted a heavily edited, secretly recorded videotape that falsely portrays Planned Parenthood’s participation in tissue donation programs that support lifesaving scientific research. Similar false accusations have been put forth by opponents of abortion services for decades. These groups have been widely discredited and their claims fall apart on closer examination, just as they do in this case.
Read more at ... oTCYQZo.99"

I'd like to think that anyone who objects to this reality, read the Snopes material and tell us why you think Snopes just carries water for "Left." While that may case, let's reflect principles rather than personalities this time.
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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby ann jusko » Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:35 am

Another genius checks in to tell us what we saw and heard is NOT what we saw and heard. I don't give a damn if it was pieced together. The female doctor said what she said. I take her at her evil word.

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby Red Oak » Fri Jul 17, 2015 10:09 am

Ann, waterhead trolls for sport.

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby mayhem » Fri Jul 17, 2015 10:23 am

ann jusko wrote:Another genius checks in to tell us what we saw and heard is NOT what we saw and heard. I don't give a damn if it was pieced together. The female doctor said what she said. I take her at her evil word.

It does not bother you that the 'video' was years in the making? If they had Jacks or better why keep them back for so long?

It took them a while to reach their boiling point? Okaaaay. Nobody is wondering what is really going on here?

It feels 'fair' to you that someone(s) is trying to withhold truth?

Listen closely if you pretend to be fair: I never characterized 'what she said.' I never said I was a genius. I never said I was less than horrified by 'what I actually saw.' I know, tho, that it takes two to tango and you haven't heard what the other dancer is trying to say.

All I said was: "let's discuss what actually is there.' Let's not get bogged down by the cobbled together rather than what the purely partisan group wanted us to see. The 'cobbled together' might be perfectly representative ... might be perfectly what it seems to be, however:

Read Snopes (at least skim it) ... Snopes does NOT take a side. Snopes quotes the parties involved. AND that is what needs discussing. Snopes is right on target in this instance. In my opinion.

I acknowledge that this note is redundant and could be called 'rambling'. It isn't.

However, I'd like someone to point out for me how and where it's incoherent.

Why in heavens name would you want to discuss second best (or third) when you have actual available to you?

A useful idiot is really a lazy person who allows others to do their thinking for them. In my opinion. And please show me where I'm wrong, where I obfuscate, where I am not coherent, and where I ramble.
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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby ralph » Fri Jul 17, 2015 10:45 am

yeah Ann , the lefties will keep telling you that you shouldn't believe your own eyes , ears and thinking ability . Its really pretty funny because their advice works on certain people all the time . EXAMPLE , mrobama elected twice and now a 'hilary' getting ready to run .

Castle Doctrine
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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby Castle Doctrine » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:05 am

ann jusko wrote:Another genius checks in to tell us what we saw and heard is NOT what we saw and heard. I don't give a damn if it was pieced together. The female doctor said what she said. I take her at her evil word.

Not really. He is trying to explain to you what it really MEANT rather than what the group manipulating your emotions WANTS you to THINK it means. It is that simply. The story accompanying edited video starts with a lie...PPA is SELLING fetal tissue. It repeats this lie several time to be sure you get it. You accept this because you WANT to believe have been primed and prepared by years of lies about PPA. I doubt you even paused a moment to wonder if that was right. You believe it (or want to) and here is someone telling you what you want to hear. It is a very NORMAL human response. We like for people to agree with us, confirm what we already believe. The problem is we tend to accept those things with out any critical think or meaningful evaluation. This is actually the basis for almost all serious cons...get the mark to stop thinking and start feeling. And you folks have been conned. The sad thing is how happy and proud you are at being conned. You actually are participating in your own deception.

Now we get to your second sentence. You don't care that this was specifically created to appeal to your existing biases, that it starts with a lie (why isn't that Cons will always accuse Libs of lying when they indulge in stuff like this) and doesn't get close to the truth of the situation. It reinforcing your existing misconceptions so you just embrace it. Now, about what the PPA rep is perfectly in keeping with my experience with medical professionals. You are totally invested in this issue emotionally. You haven't actually examined the case but you embrace each and every lie. And, you don't appear to work in this field every day. There is a thing about these sorts of professions. They works with emotionally devastating situations regularly...of course, I mean emotionally devastating to their patient. If they do not finds the ability to emotionally detach (that inability is what makes you feel the her words were evil...rather than just a professional discussion over drinks) they usually leave the field and seek other areas to practice. I know a number of medical professional who have done just that.

I sort of drifted there, my point is that these discussions are typical professional discussion...everyone that works in this sort of field gets detached and unemotional or goes elsewhere. This actually cuts across professional lines. But, I will admit this general topic is among the most emotional and divisive. You just cannot realistically claim that people that work with sickness, death, suffering learn to treat these things with detachment...often to the point of bad taste for those outside the field. Listen to Marines talk about combat sometime...if you don't know the language it is hard to tell they are talking about killing other human being. And that is GOOD...otherwise they wouldn't be able to do what they do as well as they do it. It is the same here. You simply don't like what these people are doing (assisting women with reproductive health) so you won't extend to them the same understanding you do to Marines, Cops, EMTs (listen to them sit around and talk after hours over drinks) and others with highly taxing emotional professions...professions most of us simply couldn't perform in. In fact, as I think about it, you are as lacking in compassion and empathy (without nearly as good an excuse) as the woman you are characterizing as "evil". Why is it that folks on your side of this general issue are so judgmental? Why so desperate to find "proof" of the evil you claim. Only this sort will be forthcoming and it isn't actually proof of anything but the perfidy of the group doing this. I won't even extend that to the others opposed to abortion, just this group. And now the lying creeps are your great heroes to you because they are telling you the lies you like to hear...want to believe and won't question for a minute.

It is, in fact, the same phenomenon driving Trumps popularity...don't bother with the truth, tell them what they want to hear. But, you know what they say...there are none so blind as those who will not see. And none so easily manipulated as those who do not think. And I haven't seen a great deal of actual thought in this maybe that explains the blind acceptance of such vicious propaganda.

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby millergrovesue » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:05 am

mayhem wrote:A useful idiot is really a lazy person who allows others to do their thinking for them. In my opinion. And please show me where I'm wrong, where I obfuscate, where I am not coherent, and where I ramble.

Our apparently Lenin loving friend (I had no idea that was a term from Lenin till you pointed it out, mayhem), Red Oak, called me a useful idiot after calling me an idiot. I'm not lazy nor do I allow others to think for me. So, I guess I'm not a useful idiot after all. Glad that's settled.

Otherwise I couldn't agree more with what you have said. This type of group want to inflame and incite more than they want to share/spread truth --- anyone remember Flip Benhem (sp?)???? Before swallowing their bait it is only responsible to be sure it's all true. Snopes is one of my favorite go to sites for fact checking. You are right on about that.

No sane person would support dismemberment and selling of human parts but what is the true story? That's what we should all be interested in knowing.
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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby Red Oak » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:07 am

There you go making up stuff, again. It is also unclear if Lenin ever used the term.

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby Red Oak » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:07 am

Sad really.

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby ralph » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:14 am

trying to explain to you what is Really meant :D !!

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby millergrovesue » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:16 am

Mayhem, you are so right about the detachment issue. I'll never forget the horrendously abused patient I helped care for my first year of nursing school. The woman was in her 80s, deaf, blind, and had been kept in a closet and serially raped by her son-in-law for who knew how long. She freaked out when anyone touched her and fought those of us trying to help her. She spent most of her time plaintively calling out for "Rosa" who apparently was her daughter, and who also was nowhere in the picture. We first year students used to stand out in the dorm hallway calling out "Rosa" just like the woman did. We weren't mean and we weren't cold hearted. We were women who were horrified and disgusted but had to deal with it. That was part of how we dealt with it.
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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby Red Oak » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:21 am

"We first year students used to stand out in the dorm hallway calling out "Rosa" just like the woman did. We weren't mean and we weren't cold hearted. We were women who were horrified and disgusted but had to deal with it. That was part of how we dealt with it."

Don't you ever dare to accuse me of being mean spirited if you took part in mocking some poor old women, like you just mentioned. You were f'ing sick and twisted in the head, way beyond mean and cold-hearted. Perhaps God will forgive you, because I damn sure would not.

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby Castle Doctrine » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:33 am

ralph wrote:yeah Ann , the lefties will keep telling you that you shouldn't believe your own eyes , ears and thinking ability . Its really pretty funny because their advice works on certain people all the time . EXAMPLE , mrobama elected twice and now a 'hilary' getting ready to run .

Now, Ralph, that is not at all what we are saying. In fact, the comments on the video have not been challenged that I have seen. But, what we are saying is that what was said has been stripped of its original meaning by removing the context through careful editing. We are trying to at least get folks like you (well, not you personally, Ralph...that would be silly) to consider the possibility that what you are hearing and seeing don't mean what you are being told (and accepting as truth) they mean.

You know, Ralph, part of this is just the damn topic. As a society we have lost the ability to discuss and consider the issue rationally. And, in all honesty, that is on the Right...specifically , the evangelical Christian Right....and pandering pols, of course.

Frankly, I blame the two Obama administrations (and the upcoming Hillary administration) on the Right. If you don't run serious, electable candidates at the National level you aren't going to win...and I don't see change in that on the horizon. The problem is the Pub base...or at least the evangelical Christian element of it. No one those people support has a chance...and the support of those folks is essential to getting the Pub the National level.

Hell, even I find it a bit disturbing. No more Republican Presidents. I liked it at first...just a personal thing. But, on reflection not so much.

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby millergrovesue » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:42 am

Red Oak wrote:"We first year students used to stand out in the dorm hallway calling out "Rosa" just like the woman did. We weren't mean and we weren't cold hearted. We were women who were horrified and disgusted but had to deal with it. That was part of how we dealt with it."

Don't you ever dare to accuse me of being mean spirited if you took part in mocking some poor old women, like you just mentioned. You were f'ing sick and twisted in the head, way beyond mean and cold-hearted. Perhaps God will forgive you, because I damn sure would not.

Yeah, apparently you didn't read what I wrote. Love ya anyway Red. :D
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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby Red Oak » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:51 am

Don't ever address me again.

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby Castle Doctrine » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:56 am

Red Oak wrote:Don't ever address me again.

How, pray tell, do you intend to enforce that, you crotchety old reprobate? Besides, acting like that people won't be able to see what a gentleman you are.

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby crackertoes » Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:58 am

I don't care if Planned non-Parenthood got money or wooden nickels or candy bars. The mere fact that they conducted abortions in such a way as to be able to harvest organs is mind-boggling and disgusting. There is no explanation for that kind of activity that would be acceptable.
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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby Castle Doctrine » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:03 pm

Red Oak wrote:There you go making up stuff, again. It is also unclear if Lenin ever used the term.

But, regardless of the attribution, what IS clear is that YOU, RO, are using the term incorrectly. Glass houses, man.

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Re: For Sale: Baby parts

Postby millergrovesue » Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:06 pm

Red Oak wrote:Don't ever address me again.

You have the option of putting me on ""ignore" or whatever it is called. Have a lovely and blessed day. :D
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