Makes you go.....Hmmmmmmmm

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Makes you go.....Hmmmmmmmm

Postby Sangersteve » Fri Aug 14, 2015 6:36 pm

StemExpress, one of the tissue companies that works with Planned Parenthood, is cutting its ties with the women’s health organization after a series of sting videos that have prompted congressional inquiries, sources tell POLITICO.

The small biomedical tissue procurement company is distancing itself from Planned Parenthood after finding itself tangentially linked to what abortion opponents allege is Planned Parenthood’s illegal trafficking of fetal tissue and organs.

Both StemExpress and Planned Parenthood have denied doing anything illegal or improper. They say that they only facilitated the donation of tissue for medical research with a patient’s consent.

StemExpress, a five-year-old company based in Placerville, Calif., notified Planned Parenthood and Congress Friday of its decision to end the relationship, the source said. The House Energy and Commerce and the Senate Judiciary committees had asked StemExpress to explain its relationship with Planned Parenthood.
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Castle Doctrine
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Re: Makes you go.....Hmmmmmmmm

Postby Castle Doctrine » Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:39 pm

This isn't so surprising. Witch hunts tend to have this sort of effect. Particularly the sort driven by this sort of vicious lying and manipulation of emotions. This has nothing to do with fetal tissue donations (which are old hat and were approved by a bi-partisan vote of Congress). This is just another attack on PPA because they have been made the abortion boogey man of the ConPCs. If PPA announced tomorrow that they were discontinuing all facilitation of fetal tissue regardless of the woman's desires it wouldn't slow this railroad job one bit. This is just an excuse to attack PPA...and the attackers are so vicious and unethical they can be expected to atack anyone they can connect to PPA if they think it will work. So, StemExpress is protecting itself from becoming a target. Again, nothing to do with the reality of fetal tissue donations...just fear of the classic ConPC maneuver of guilt by association (without regard for reality).

Anybody here know the procedure for a donation (as developed to comply with the Federal law governing these). Just for the Hell of it; It can't be addressed until the woman has committed to the procedure. The surgical team is never made aware of the donation. PPA is only allowed to recover actual costs...which are analyzed to set the cost...not negotiated at lunch.

I've watch several hours of the raw tape. There are many interesting aspects of what was edited out. One thing any objective observer will notice is that it is always the scammers who bring up and push the issue of money. They constantly try to get the PPA personnel to name higher sums...and seem annoyed if they don't succeed. In one case a PPA rep tries to break down the cost in terms of actual cost elements...lab costs, tech time and cost and such. Your scummy heroes DID NOT like that one bit. And you know that red wine that seem to upset this Jusko person so much...right, the scammers talked her into ordering wine, red wine. I guess they realized the effect of props on people who would accept their spin without question anyway...more auto-outrage cues.

So, those are the facts...I don't expect that to effect anyone here that has been aghast at this story but you really should face reality. No amount of editing will change the fact that PPA did nothing wrong...except speak frankly about a somewhat distasteful topic. And that is very much NOT a crime. I'm not sure, but I think fraud and slander may well be crimes, however.

What surprises me is that PPA didn't do due diligence on the SOBs and discover they were scammers and frauds targeting them. I guess a clean conscience keeps one from being sufficiently paranoid. We just don't expect others to do things we wouldn't do...which would explain why so many here think Liberals are liars...because ConPC dictates that it is alright to lie if it serves their purpose. Sort of like Moslems and Jews.

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Re: Makes you go.....Hmmmmmmmm

Postby Sangersteve » Fri Aug 14, 2015 9:06 pm

What a good little leftie you are, with the exception of the wording that is the same line of BS that all the leftie sites are pushing.

PPA was baited into to price wars, I want a Lambo, if they can do better than break even. Well sir they took the bait hook line and sinker and now those involved in this scummy, your word, practice are fleeing like rats from a sinking ship.

When you can witness the callous nature of PPA and defend it, there are no words to describe how far the left has sunk.

As an aside, I see no one from the left,that supports this, espousing that they wish they had been aborted, ripped into peices, and used for the betterment of mankind.

When you divorce yourself from the fact that human beings were murdered for parts, you divorce yourself from any moral value system.

The left screams from the rooftops that they are the party of the little man, yet they can justify murder of the most defenseless American. How about the childs right to life, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness? Oops, forgot the "fetal tissues" rights.

But hey I guess you, the left, and Margret Sanger are still trying to wipe out the black community. Way to go lefties. Kill a baby, grab your check and rinse lather repeat.
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Re: Makes you go.....Hmmmmmmmm

Postby glenn/dallas » Sat Aug 15, 2015 8:07 pm

glenn/dallas <----staying out of this conversation. :!:

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