Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

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Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Sangersteve » Tue Sep 29, 2015 5:45 pm

The claims of Planned Parenthood that the undercover videos were heavily edited seem to have taken a hit, even as the president of PPA told congress that the videos were just a hit piece. She also told congress the she didn't use the PPA services, but instead used a private provider.

A forensic analysis of undercover videos about Planned Parenthood’s abortion practices are “authentic and show no evidence of manipulation or editing,” according to a report released Tuesday by Alliance Defending Freedom.

The analysis was completed by Coalfire, a digital security and forensics firm that has worked on civil and criminal investigations. The firm had access to all audio and video investigative footage recorded by the Center for Medical Progress.

“The Coalfire forensic analysis removes any doubt that the full length undercover videos released by Center for Medical Progress are authentic and have not been manipulated,” said Casey Mattox, senior counsel at Alliance Defending Freedom. “Analysts scrutinized every second of video recorded during the investigation and released by CMP to date and found only bathroom breaks and other non-pertinent footage had been removed.”

According to the report, the videos only omit footage irrelevant to the allegations such as bathroom breaks.

“Planned Parenthood can no longer hide behind a smokescreen of false accusations,” Mattox said, “and should now answer for what appear to be the very real crimes revealed by the CMP investigation.”

“American taxpayer money should be redirected to fund local community health centers and not subsidize a scandal-ridden, billion-dollar abortion business,” Kerri Kupec, legal communications director for Alliance Defending Freedom said in a statement.

“Planned Parenthood is an organization that cares about one thing: making a profit at the expense of women’s health,” she added. “The investigative videos, whose authenticity was confirmed by the report, show that Planned Parenthood is an abortion-machine whose top executives and doctors haggle and joke about the harvesting and selling of baby body parts. Women deserve far better.”

Spokespersons for Planned Parenthood have denied illegal conduct. Last month, the organization commissioned their own analysis of the videos which claimed that the “edited” videos “have no evidentiary value in a legal context and cannot be relied upon for any official inquiries.”

The Daily Signal previously reported that the firm hired by Planned Parenthood, Fusion GPS, has ties to the Democratic Party, including an effort to expose a group of eight private citizens who donated to a super PAC supporting former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s 2012 presidential campaign.
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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Red Oak » Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:37 pm

So this can be put with the other Leftist Mythology of "Hands Up Don't Shoot", Ahmed invented a Clock, and the Benghazi Consulate attack was caused by a Youtube Video ?

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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby ralph » Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:39 pm

GOOD , be interesting to see what 'pp' supporters have to say now .

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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Red Oak » Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:55 pm

Who gives a &(^$ what they say, the will say and do anything.

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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby ralph » Tue Sep 29, 2015 6:57 pm

Interesting to hear them claim to be Christian and moral , kind , caring and then hear and read their support of 'pp' .

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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Sangersteve » Tue Sep 29, 2015 7:06 pm

Red Oak wrote:Who gives a &(^$ what they say, the will say and do anything.

Agree and add, if abortion is the law, fine. Just don't use tax payer money to fund it, I don't think they can say "No tax money goes to abortion". The dollars are so intermingled how could you possibly sort it out, just defund and let them be a stand alone Murder Inc.
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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Mark » Wed Sep 30, 2015 6:16 am

Not only are all Leftists stupid and/or evil, all Leftists are also serial liars.
The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

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Indeed, "All Leftists lack critical thinking skills."

Indeed, "All Leftist males are pussies."

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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby John In Austin » Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:48 am

So sorry Ann didn't abort Cecile.
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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby John In Austin » Wed Sep 30, 2015 9:48 am

So sorry Ann didn't abort Cecile.
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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Castle Doctrine » Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:12 pm

Red Oak wrote:So this can be put with the other Leftist Mythology of "Hands Up Don't Shoot", Ahmed invented a Clock, and the Benghazi Consulate attack was caused by a Youtube Video ?

You are wrong...as usual. This whole PPA "scandal" needs to be put with the Rightist Mythology of Brown deserved to die, Ferguson was about "free stuff", Ahmed was a terrorist wannabe, BLM is a hate organization and there is some great secret behind Benghazi. Try to stay focused, child.

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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Castle Doctrine » Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:50 pm

I'm curious, why are you people so excited? I read Coalfire's report. They certified that the source material was unaltered and subject only to edits that did not effect there meaning or conflict with date/time stamps and other sources. But, I don't actually recall anyone saying they were materially altered. Part of the thing about them was that everything on them actually happened...it just didn't mean or portray what CMP represented it as meaning or representing. This seems to have been done my careful selection of valid video and assembly in the most damning way possible.

But, really, both reports say the same thing and the organizations that commissioned them say they mean something very different. Also, it appears to me that Coalfire looked only at source material and not so much the released edits....while Fusion looked at the released edits. Sort of different I think.

The truth is that nothing on the CMP videos is illegal or shows wrong-doing by PPA. Several states have looked at PPA since this broke and no one has found any wrong-doing. I suspect the Right knew this all along. The objective was simply to stir outrage at PPA. The key issue was how matter of fact they were in discussing this distasteful subject. How dare they be callous about fetal tissue...callous about the work they do daily...callous about their perfectly normal detachment from the objectionable aspects of their work. This was then intended to be channeled into a defunding movement. Oddly, PPA's standing with the public has improved while the GOP's has fallen.

If PPA had done anything illegal the right would have found it and destroyed them. PPA's bones would be bleaching in the Sun. Hasn't happened. Isn't going to happen. All you have is this poor, pathetic little long con.

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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Mark » Wed Sep 30, 2015 4:47 pm

The idiots that toe the Leftist party line are indeed pathetic.
The United States Constitution is under attack by the Democrat/Communist party.

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Indeed, "All Leftists lack critical thinking skills."

Indeed, "All Leftist males are pussies."

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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Castle Doctrine » Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:17 pm

Mark wrote:The idiots that toe the Leftist party line are indeed pathetic.

Indeed, as are the idiots that toe the Rightist party line.


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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Castle Doctrine » Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:20 pm

It occurs to me that someone should ask Coalfire if the footage Fiorina claims to have seen is in the original source material. They should know. They looked at every frame, I hear. Even if they weren't vetting the content, just the authenticity, I can't imagine they wouldn't have noticed the nightmare scene Carly describes.

Sounds like a fine solution to her credibility issue on this topic.

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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Sangersteve » Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:58 pm

Castle Doctrine wrote:It occurs to me that someone should ask Coalfire if the footage Fiorina claims to have seen is in the original source material. They should know. They looked at every frame, I hear. Even if they weren't vetting the content, just the authenticity, I can't imagine they wouldn't have noticed the nightmare scene Carly describes.

Sounds like a fine solution to her credibility issue on this topic.

I guess you missed this, since the alphabet channels won't report on it.

A baby kicks and squirms moments after it slides from the birth canal in an extremely graphic video released by a pro-life group Tuesday that reportedly shows the abortion of an intact fetus. It’s titled “Carly Fiorina was right.”

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform posted the 13-minute video to YouTube, a full version of a clip which Fiorina spoke about during the second Republican presidential debate. The former Hewlett-Packard CEO has been pressed in subsequent interviews about her description of the anti-abortion video, with some members of the media questioning the veracity of the clip and others questioning whether the clip even existed.

“The video speaks for itself and that’s what’s so powerful about it,” CBR executive director Gregg Cunningham told FoxNews.com. “I don’t have to defend it. No one has to take our characterization for granted. Even a lay person can take a look at it and tell what’s going on.”

As the video begins, the top of the fetus’ head is exposed. The abortionist then uses two liquids to dilate the cervix, at which point the fetus begins sliding out of the birth canal, nearly falling out until it’s caught by a gloved hand. The abortionist then cuts the umbilical cord as the baby’s head, unable to support its own weight, flops around in the abortionist’s palm. The camera then pans to show the fetus in a metal bowl as forceps are used to poke, prod and position the baby for the camera. CBR said the fetus was 17 ½ weeks at the time of the abortion.

“We have incontestably laid to rest the question of whether this is an authentic abortion because we show the abortion,” Cunningham said.

“Watch a fully-formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’ This is about the character of our nation"

- Carly Fiorina

Cunningham would not confirm whether the abortion occurred at a Planned Parenthood facility or who filmed the procedure. However, he did say “the overwhelming majority of the content that we have, our photographers videotaped on site.”
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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby Castle Doctrine » Thu Oct 01, 2015 2:30 pm

Yes, I am familiar with the newly released video of questionable origins. Frankly, it appears too long after Carly's remarks to have any credibility. I am inclined to think it was fabricated specifically to validate Carly's story. If they hadn't have had to fabricate it the video would have appeared immediately. And, I question if this video is what she was describing. Authenticate this latest video and then we can talk. You need to determine where it was shot and under what circumstances. Then it would need to be vetted by someone like Coalfire frame by frame. It would also be important to determine the validity of the audio tracks...could be some dubbing going on.

As for the content of the second video, it does appear to be video of an abortion. So what? I'm sure you have seen them before. Not for the sensitive but no big deal. It was just an aborted fetus. I think everyone is in agreement on that. It certainly doesn't mean Carly told the truth. Or, that there was ever any truth to the story told with the first videos. And it definitely seemed to me that she was referring to the scam tapes rather than some other tape she might have been given a special screening of when she told her tale.

You have to remember, the people producing this tape are in the business of conning people and creating propaganda. Everything they present should be carefully vetted then taken with a handful of salt. Just because they tell you what you want to hear (what you already believe) doesn't make IT true or THEM credible.

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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby mayhem » Sat Oct 10, 2015 6:15 pm

As I was sayin' earlier: let's debate planned parent on the merits ... not the deceptions.

As if truth-telling worked out so well for his colleague Kevin McCarthy, Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz has just admitted that the GOP’s investigation into Planned Parenthood’s misuse of federal funds turned out to be a dud.

“Did I look at the finances and have a hearing specifically as to the revenue portion and how they spend? Yes. Was there any wrongdoing? I didn’t find any,” Huffington Post’s Jennifery Bendery reports the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee chairman admitted during yet another hearing on Thursday.
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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby mayhem » Sat Oct 10, 2015 6:23 pm

This not trolling. It's a simple statement of truth.

Left out the attribution:

http://www.salon.com/2015/10/09/gops_ca ... rongdoing/
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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby John in Plano » Sun Oct 11, 2015 9:08 am

mayhem wrote:This not trolling. It's a simple statement of truth.

Left out the attribution:

http://www.salon.com/2015/10/09/gops_ca ... rongdoing/

cervical cancer screening;

https://www.google.com/search?q=cervica ... 8&oe=utf-8

from the salon link;

For five hours, Republican lawmakers grilled Richards about her salary, the organization’s travel budget and of course abortions, all the while ignoring that Planned Parenthood provides crucial cervical cancer screenings.
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Re: Heavily edited video, ummm not so much.

Postby jellowrestling » Mon Oct 12, 2015 11:29 am

John in Plano wrote:
mayhem wrote:This not trolling. It's a simple statement of truth.

Left out the attribution:

http://www.salon.com/2015/10/09/gops_ca ... rongdoing/

cervical cancer screening;

https://www.google.com/search?q=cervica ... 8&oe=utf-8

from the salon link;

For five hours, Republican lawmakers grilled Richards about her salary, the organization’s travel budget and of course abortions, all the while ignoring that Planned Parenthood provides crucial cervical cancer screenings.

Does PP "provide" them, or "provide funds for them", or, like mammograms, does it just "lie about providing them"?

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