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John in Plano
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Re: EpiPen

Postby John in Plano » Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:17 am

ralph wrote:
Cowman52 wrote:I picked up a bottle at the vet today, enough for 20 people twice, 12 bucks. Just what is the deal?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- looks like it is 'democrats' Cowman . --- https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/pow ... ing&wpmm=1 ---

The injector is patented, and others have failed to get approval here or pulled theirs from this market.
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Re: EpiPen

Postby GFB » Fri Aug 26, 2016 3:09 pm

And Capitalism..as always..is working like a charm.

Even with the government screwing things up by disallowing competition..(which would have assured no outrageous pricing could occur in the first place)..the market place is reacting and correcting the irregularity.

A public outcry has severely effected the company's stock value, and ability to continue charging so much..and the company is reacting to it.

When your favorite concert tickets cost too much, you won't go.
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ann jusko
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Re: EpiPen

Postby ann jusko » Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:15 am

Sometimes I'm astounded over people's ignorance, but they, having no knowledge of a subject, just blabber on. Years ago, I had an anaphylectic reaction to an injection of penicillin and streptomycin. Thank God I was in a military hospital and had a military nurse. She gave the injection and stayed talking to me for a minute. And all of a sudden, I was completely paralyzed and couldn't tell her I was having a reaction. But she knew and at that time every hospital room had penicillinase injection taped to the wall. She didn't hesitate and injected me with it. She did save my life. Some allergies are minor and some are not. As in my daughter's case, she'd been drinking orange juice for years and one Sunday morning BOOM! She couldn't breathe.
I do believe in capitalism but there is a huge difference between capitalism and price gouging and that's what I put on the petition to this company. Capitalism is great UNTIL it kills.

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Re: EpiPen

Postby ann jusko » Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:29 am

And by the way, an Epipen is a stop gap measure. It's short term and gives enough to get emergency help. It's NOT a cure all, it give you time that's desparately needed. We had a family friend that was very allergic to celery. He'd been in ICU a couple times because of it. We know exactly how he died, they found him dead in his car, while trying to get to a hospital. He had used the epi pen and was trying to get to the hospital before it wore off. This is NOT just hives!

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Re: EpiPen

Postby ralph » Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:08 am

i told you my experience . Thing is that my parents provided the IMPORTANT things that i and their other kids needed no matter the cost Ann .

ann jusko
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Re: EpiPen

Postby ann jusko » Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:17 pm

But you just had hives....millions of people have hives. It not an accute situation. You can go to the doctor and he'll tell you benadryl . Which you should have enough sense to have it in your medicine closet anyway. But it doesn't help in an anaphylaxis. Go look that up, Ralph. You didn't have an anapylaxis incident but many, many others do.

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Re: EpiPen

Postby Sangersteve » Sun Aug 28, 2016 8:06 am

Cary Turner, a thrifty paramedic trainer and EMT coordinator at the Salt Lake City Fire Department, came up with solution to evade the burdensome cost of the EpiPen. Turner, a veteran of the Iraq war, was determined to find a simple solution to curb the cost of acquiring this lifesaving drug without paying for an EpiPen.

Turner devised a prepackaged “kit inside a zippered pouch, that contains a small vial of epinephrine, and a syringe,” reports Salt Lake City’s KUTV. He then lobbied for it’s approval with the Utah Health Department and got his kit approved for EMT agents to carry and administer. The price of Turner’s device is just $3.50 which is in stark contrast to the over $300 EpiPen.

He trained his EMT agents on how to properly dose and administer the epinephrine. Turner told the press, “I went ahead and grabbed an orange, pretending it was a patient’s skin, and we walked through and taught all our EMTs to draw their own medications.”

Thus far, there have been no accidents or safety issues with Turner’s device.

While the FDA has upheld the monopoly on the market for epinephrine injection devices, Turner’s solution could bare some light for families and those with severe allergies that are trying to curb costs
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Re: EpiPen

Postby BigTex » Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:11 am

Or they could just call ralph's parents.

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Re: EpiPen

Postby grouchy » Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:20 pm

BigTex wrote:Or they could just call ralph's parents.

:D :D :D
You might have to look for the number under mort's folks.

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Re: EpiPen

Postby crocmommy » Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:06 pm

grouchy wrote:
BigTex wrote:Or they could just call ralph's parents.

:D :D :D
You might have to look for the number under mort's folks.

What??? Are they related?? :?

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Re: EpiPen

Postby grouchy » Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:09 pm

crocmommy wrote:
grouchy wrote:
BigTex wrote:Or they could just call ralph's parents.

:D :D :D
You might have to look for the number under mort's folks.

What??? Are they related?? :?


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Re: EpiPen

Postby GFB » Sun Aug 28, 2016 3:48 pm

ann jusko wrote:I have no words strong enough to decry this company. I'd like to smack that smile off the CEO's face though. This is a life-savor for many people. Maybe Ralph hasn't see a severe reaction but I'm pretty sure some of us have. Many people aren't on Obama care (and I don't know if any of their insurers cover it). I don't know if ours covers it. I'm allergic to red wasps. My physician suggested the epipen. However, until yesterday, I hadn't seen one around here. I just gave it a wide berth. My daughter does have one because of having a citrus allergy (my er, uh, gift to her). She had orange juice all her life and one Sunday morning it reared it's ugly head. Fortunately, her husband is a police officer and realized exactly what was happening. Her throat swelled so fast, no time for an ambulance...Central Tx hospital was just a mile or two away.

A caller to the Bob Brinker show that is a nurse just explained how anyone can carry a syringe and the drug needed with them..no need to carry the $600 injector..they just need to learn how to give themself an injection just like a diabetic..and family/friends can easily learn as well.

This can be done very inexpensively.
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Re: EpiPen

Postby ralph » Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:00 pm

ann jusko wrote:But you just had hives....millions of people have hives. It not an accute situation. You can go to the doctor and he'll tell you benadryl . Which you should have enough sense to have it in your medicine closet anyway. But it doesn't help in an anaphylaxis. Go look that up, Ralph. You didn't have an anapylaxis incident but many, many others do.

---------------------------------------------------- back on those days , there was probably very little that could have been done and the WEAK would just die as a result of being WEAK Ann .

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Re: EpiPen

Postby ralph » Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:17 pm

BigTex wrote:Or they could just call ralph's parents.

----------------------------------------------------------------- my parents would have advised the Poor Gent that died to never eat celery and neither one of my parents had medical training B.T..

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Re: EpiPen

Postby ralph » Sun Aug 28, 2016 9:21 pm

crocmommy wrote:
grouchy wrote:
BigTex wrote:Or they could just call ralph's parents.

:D :D :D
You might have to look for the number under mort's folks.

What??? Are they related?? :?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and another mention of MORT I tell ya what , and as I have said before , that MORT guy lives rent free in some peoples heads . :lol:

ann jusko
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Re: EpiPen

Postby ann jusko » Mon Aug 29, 2016 7:52 am

Yes there is an injection that would work and does IF you recognise early enough that you are having a reaction. I could not talk or move, it was that quick. IF someone doesn't want to know the extreme of anaphylaxis, has never observed it, then I'm done with them. Be ignorant and take pride in it, I guess. My concern is that having to draw up the injection would be great IF you aren't paralyzed or your hands aren't shaking.

The ability to stay way from something like celery is not always possible. Our friends family had a catering service. His mother knew of her son's allergy and rinsed off the wooden cutting board. It was a wooden cutting board and when he was helping them, there was enough residue that he ended up in ICU. But he'd moved to Dallas and was sharing an apartment with apparently, ignorant people. He did have his epipen, used it and ran out of time on his way to the hospital. He was 27. I worry about the children that are 10, 11, 12 who go out and ride a bike and get stung by a bee or wasp. Will they be able to mix the solution and inject themselves?

Empathy and compassion for people must be a lost value in this era of the USA.

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Re: EpiPen

Postby GFB » Mon Aug 29, 2016 9:45 am

So how does that same 10, 11, or 12 year old..when paralyzed..reach into their fanny pack, or whatever..pull out the epipen..and inject themself?

It sounds like..either way..the person is relying on someone else.
If you’re “woke”..you’re a loser.

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Re: EpiPen

Postby ralph » Mon Aug 29, 2016 10:07 am

no matter what , this is LIFE and no one is getting out ALIVE !!

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