The kids crossing the border

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Re: The kids crossing the border

Postby BillB » Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:07 pm

I have an idea.
All the people who believe these kids should be taken care of should go to the Mexican side of the border and spend their own money building a haven for them.
They can provide food, clothing, video games, circus acts or anything else they want. The kids will flock back across the river and stay there.
We'll be rid of them and the do-gooders will get to do good. Problem sloved.

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Re: The kids crossing the border

Postby LibraryLady » Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:12 pm

BillB wrote:I have an idea.
All the people who believe these kids should be taken care of should go to the Mexican side of the border and spend their own money building a haven for them.
They can provide food, clothing, video games, circus acts or anything else they want. The kids will flock back across the river and stay there.
We'll be rid of them and the do-gooders will get to do good. Problem sloved.

So, Bill, will you look a hungry kid in the face and turn your back?
Will you see a kid with no shoes and turn your back?
I don't think they belong here, but they are here, and I will give them food and shelter.

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Re: The kids crossing the border

Postby Sangersteve » Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:25 pm

LibraryLady wrote:
BillB wrote:I have an idea.
All the people who believe these kids should be taken care of should go to the Mexican side of the border and spend their own money building a haven for them.
They can provide food, clothing, video games, circus acts or anything else they want. The kids will flock back across the river and stay there.
We'll be rid of them and the do-gooders will get to do good. Problem sloved.

So, Bill, will you look a hungry kid in the face and turn your back?
Will you see a kid with no shoes and turn your back?
I don't think they belong here, but they are here, and I will give them food and shelter.

LL, almost everyone that I know would be glad to feed, clothe, and shelter a child. Unfortunately this crisis has much further reaching issues.

If these people are not turned back to their homes the flood will never stop.

If it is one child lost and afraid, the collective we will care for them. This is not one child, it is hundreds of thousands. They are bringing disease's with them that will put at risk our kids and grandkids.
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Re: The kids crossing the border

Postby Red Oak » Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:13 pm

Cut off aid to Central America and Mexico, redirect the monies to feeding and housing the Illegals until they can be repatriated . Require proof of legal residence of anyone transferring money out of the country and slap a 5% tax on the transfers.

The Mexicans and Central American Government will then rethink their invasions of the US.

Take biometric information from the illegals so that they may be identified and prevented from legal entry into the US permanently.
Last edited by Red Oak on Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The kids crossing the border

Postby Jami » Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:17 pm

LibraryLady wrote:
BillB wrote:I have an idea.
All the people who believe these kids should be taken care of should go to the Mexican side of the border and spend their own money building a haven for them.
They can provide food, clothing, video games, circus acts or anything else they want. The kids will flock back across the river and stay there.
We'll be rid of them and the do-gooders will get to do good. Problem sloved.

So, Bill, will you look a hungry kid in the face and turn your back?
Will you see a kid with no shoes and turn your back?
I don't think they belong here, but they are here, and I will give them food and shelter.

LL, they are here. Have you done anything yet? I'm not trying to be mean about this but it's a major issue. It's not like the parents are dressing their kids up in their Sunday best, kissing them on the head and sending them off to Grandma. There's no telling the atrocities this children are enduring on the way over here. It has to be stopped.

What's really sad is that there would be more outrage on FB and in the media if other countries were dumping their dogs at the border than there is over children being dumped at the border. I'm not saying that I'm not compassionate about animals because I am but animals should never take priority over humans.

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Re: The kids crossing the border

Postby Bob Of Burleson » Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:35 am


The horrors driving thousands
of Central American kids to take
the dangerous journey to the U.S.

By Terrence McCoy
The Washington Post

Before the 15-year old girl said goodbye to her uncle on that early April night, before she crossed El Salvador’s border, before she negotiated the serpentine and danger-studded road north, she thought of plastic bags. And whether she, like the others, would end up inside one.

A local gang member had said he “liked” her, she told the United Nations refugee agency. And in a country like El Salvador, where gangs recruit in schools, target girls for “sexualized killings” and have pushed the state to the brink of collapse, getting “liked” by a gang member is the last thing anyone would want. “The guy who liked me was going to do me harm,” she said. “In El Salvador, they take young girls, rape them and throw them in plastic bags.” Her uncle took her aside and told her she must flee — so she did.

“I left on April 7,” explained the girl, who was not identified by her real name by the agency. “They said if I was still there on April 8, they would grab me, and I didn’t know what would happen.” The path to the United States involved myriad dangers — muggings, theft, extortion, kidnapping, rape — but that didn’t dissuade her. That stuff, and worse, was at home.

“In El Salvador, there is a wrong — it is being young,” a young boy told the Women’s Refugee Commission. “It is better to be old.”


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Re: The kids crossing the border

Postby GFB » Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:27 am

Any money allocated should be to fill the gas tanks of the hundreds of rented buses taking them back to Mexico where they came from.

Yes..Mexico is where they came from TO ENTER OUR COUNTRY.

The Mexicans can and should decide what to do next.
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John in Plano
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Re: The kids crossing the border

Postby John in Plano » Wed Jul 09, 2014 8:29 am

Red Oak wrote:Cut off aid to Central America and Mexico, redirect the monies to feeding and housing the Illegals until they can be repatriated . Require proof of legal residence of anyone transferring money out of the country and slap a 5% tax on the transfers.

The Mexicans and Central American Government will then rethink their invasions of the US.

Take biometric information from the illegals so that they may be identified and prevented from legal entry into the US permanently.

The simplest solution I've seen to this problem.

thats why the idiots in DC will never do it
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